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IPICO Sports Sets New Standard for Data Capture
May 31, 2007

    BOULDER, Colo., May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- IPICO
Sports established a new threshold for data capture in the
2007 BolderBOULDER 10km road race on May 28. The IPICO
Sports system captured data at the start, finish and for
each mile split -- more information than has ever been
captured in a race of this magnitude.

    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070308/CGTH021LOGO )

    Each participant in the BolderBOULDER, one of the five
largest running events in the world, recorded an average
read rate of 53 times per location. The total accumulated
data was more than 20 million records.

    "The system delivered as advertised," says
independent timer Mike Ducy of The End Result Co. "It
detected 100 percent of the runners who wore tags. I see
IPICO Sports solutions as being very valuable for those in
the timing service business."

    While processing the data took longer than expected,
race director Cliff Bosley understands the magnitude of
what IPICO Sports captured. The results of the first 2,000
finishers were validated against a backup timing system and
there was no lost data. The race has re-committed to
partnering with IPICO Sports in 2008.

    "BolderBOULDER has always been known for being on
the cutting edge and this year was no different," says
Bosley. "As demonstrated, more data can be provided to
participants regarding their performance. A major goal for
2008 will be to deliver faster results."

    IPICO Sports CEO Mark Herbst is confident that will
happen. "We pushed the edge and tried something new --
and succeeded," says Herbst. "Now we're validating
some technologies that will get the communication time down
to hours, and eventually just minutes."

    Race directors and timing service companies from around
the world including those from some of the world's major
events were in Boulder to witness the event. 

    About IPICO Sports

    Peoria, Ill.-based IPICO Sports combines years of
sports management experience with innovative technologies
to help sport and event providers improve the level of
services they offer to athletes, spectators, the media,
commentators and other participants. We use the latest
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in
conjunction with information management and communication
tools to design custom solutions that capture, manage and
distribute results in the active sports, wellness and
recreation markets. Visit us at http://www.ipicosports.com

    For more information, please contact:

     Philip Lockwood
     IPICO Sports,
     Tel:   +1-309-672-6442
     Email: plockwood@ipicosports.com
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