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Majority of Executives Believe They Can Outperform Their Boss, Global Korn/Ferry Survey Finds
June 04, 2007

- Nearly Two Out of Every Three Executives Aspire to Obtain
Their Boss' Job -

    LOS ANGELES, June 4 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Nearly
three-quarters (73 percent) of executives believe they can
perform their boss' job better than their current manager,
according to the latest Executive Quiz from Korn/Ferry
International (NYSE: KFY), a premier global provider of
talent management solutions. Moreover, nearly two-thirds
(65 percent) of executives surveyed indicated that they
aspire to attain their boss' job. 

    Nevertheless, when asked to rate their boss'
performance, the largest percentage of executives (42
percent) marked it as either "excellent" or
"above average," while another 23 percent cited
it as "average."  Fourteen percent of executives
ranked their boss' performance as "below average"
and 11 percent deemed it "poor."

    Additionally, when asked if they trust their boss,
almost two-thirds of executives (65 percent) indicated that
they did, while the other 35 percent said they did not.

    "These results suggest that many of today's
executives are feeling 'underemployed' -- or in other
words, that their employers are not making full use of
their backgrounds and abilities," said Bob Damon,
president, North America for Korn/Ferry.  "The secret
for companies is to identify their high potentials and give
them strategic developmental opportunities in order to keep
them challenged and satisfied, and best leverage their
drive and ambition."


    The Korn/Ferry International Executive Quiz is based on
a global survey of executives registered within the firm's
online Executive Center, ekornferry.com. Respondents from
more than 70 countries, representing a wide spectrum of
industries and functional areas, participated in the most
recent Executive Quiz in March 2007.

    About Korn/Ferry International

    Korn/Ferry International, with more than 70 offices in
40 countries, is a premier global provider of talent
management solutions. Based in Los Angeles, the firm
delivers an array of solutions that help clients to
identify, deploy, develop, retain and reward their talent. 
For more information on the Korn/Ferry International family
of companies, visit http://www.kornferry.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Asia Pacific:

     Shireen Nisha
     Korn/Ferry International
     Tel:   +65-6231-6123
     Email: shireen.nisha@kornferry.com

     Maggie Habib
     Korn/Ferry International
     Tel:   +1-310-556-8532
     Email: maggie.habib@kornferry.com

    North America

     Amy Jaick
     Tel:   +1-212-576-2700
     Email: ajaick@goodmanmedia.com

    South America

     Marcel Dellabarba
     Tel:   +55-11-3017-5300
     Email: marcel.dellabarba@edelman.com
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