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MIPIM ASIA 2006: Investors and Major International Corporations Sign up
June 21, 2006

    PARIS, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- From September 27
to 29 2006, a very large number of investors and
multinationals will converge on Hong Kong for MIPIM ASIA,
the leading international event for the real estate sector
in the Asia-Pacific region. 

    Among the first to enrol have been investors such as
Eurohypo AG, Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investment, Credit
Suisse, SEB Immobilien Investment GmbH, The Royal Bank of
Scotland, The Carlyle Group, Starwood, and Commerz
Grundbesitz Investment GmbH as well as international firms
such as Microsoft, Shell Real Estate, Hewlett Packard,
Warwick Hotels Resorts, and General Electric.

    The real estate market in the Asia-Pacific region is
particularly vibrant, notably in Hong Kong, Shanghai,
Bangkok and Sydney.  Property rental prices have proved to
be especially healthy in Shanghai, Manila, Bangkok and
Jakarta.  The service sector is also experiencing a boom as
witnessed in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Delhi, Mumbai,
Tokyo and Sydney.

    According to a recent study commissioned by Reed MIDEM
from consultants AMR International, compound annual growth
rate in property investment in the Asia Pacific region is
expected to grow by 12.8% between 2004 and 2007, with the
prime investment destinations being Korea, Japan and China.

    In this context, international investors and end-users
have become increasingly interested in the Asia-Pacific
market.  The introduction of the Real Estate Investment
Trust (REIT) in Asia, in 2000, has provided investors in
the region with a new, tax-efficient and attractive vehicle
for investing abroad.  For example, Macquarie Bank Ltd. has
taken advantage of the REIT system to invest in the Korean
real estate market.  In Tokyo, the number of REITs grew
sixfold between 2001 and 2004 and continues to develop
according to AMR International.

    In addition to the exhibition area, the MIPIM ASIA
conference programme will analyse the major trends in the
Asia-Pacific market through talks from high level
executives and experts.  The sessions will be held
throughout the MIPIM ASIA event, right inside the
exhibition centre.

    The conference topics will include:

     -- Returns in Asia: who knows?
     -- What's next for Asia Pacific REITs?
     -- India -- the next eden for real estate investment?
     -- Showcase of the hottest real estate sectors.

    To access the press kit, information on exhibitors and
the agenda for MIPIM ASIA, go to http://www.mipimasia.com

    For further information, please contact:

     Belinda CHAN
     Creative Consulting Group
     Tel:   +852-2372-0090  
     Email: belinda@creativegp.com

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