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Motorola Flagship RF Switch Enables Location Services, Enhanced Management and Security
May 22, 2007

    LAS VEGAS, May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
    Interop 2007 (Booth #1937) -- Motorola, Inc. (NYSE:
MOT) today announced several new enhancements to its
flagship, enterprise-class RFS7000 RF Switch to support
location services, management and security services. The
RFS7000 can support Motorola and third-party vendor
services, providing operational value to large businesses
requiring a wireless LAN for their enterprise mobility

    "As Wi-Fi networks become critical to business
operations, we continue to rapidly enable more innovative
ways to utilize the networks with easy to deploy add-on
enterprise mobility services," said Sujai Hajela, vice
president and general manager of enterprise WLAN, Motorola
Enterprise Mobility business. "With the RFS7000 RF
Switch, large businesses in carpeted offices, healthcare,
warehousing and distribution, manufacturing, education,
retail and government can deploy location services to track
high-value asset and resources to increase utilization and

    The RFS7000 provides locationing capability, enabling
real-time tracking of Wi-Fi devices and active tags to help
simplify asset tracking. With this service, businesses have
the ability to locate employees for safety or track
high-value and mission-critical assets to increase their
utilization. In a healthcare setting, locationing services
could be used to track life-saving crash carts, transfusion
pumps, defibrillators, portable X-ray and dialysis machines.
Locationing can also be used to find and track inventory for
customers, providing better and faster service. 

    "We needed a solution for pin-pointing the
location of cars in a parking lot in real-time," said
Joseph Owusu, partner, Mieloo & Alexander. "We
selected Motorola's Wi-Fi network infrastructure for its
ability to integrate third-party ultra wideband (UWB)
sensors that will work both indoors and outdoors." 

    Motorola's comprehensive integrated management suite --
comprised of a LAN planner and mobility services platform --
is a set of tools to help enterprises more easily and
centrally plan, deploy, manage and secure their RF
infrastructure and environment. The RF management module
simplifies a business' RF environment. In addition, the
ability to locate lost mobile devices and rogue access
points greatly enhances the value of the management suite
to enterprises.

    Motorola's integrated wireless intrusion protection
system (Wireless IPS) solution detects and locates rogue
devices, protecting the network against denial-of-service
attacks, as well as providing compliance reporting and
advanced forensics. In addition, Motorola's comprehensive
sensor-based Wireless IPS monitors, detects, protects and
prevents intrusions to a wireless network. The RFS7000
further enhances the security features to deliver mobile
client-based intrusion detection that can disable difficult
to detect rogue mobile clients and devices to help ensure
maximum up-time and peak performance of the network.

    The RFS7000 is the industry's first radio frequency
(RF) wireless switch that bridges the gap between Wi-Fi and
RFID, future RF technologies and indoor and outdoor wireless
networks. The enterprise-class RF Switch is 802.11n-ready,
capable of supporting 256 802.11a/b/g access points, and
enables a new switch clustering concept, providing
redundancy and high-performance scalability for up to 3,000
access points. 

    Motorola's RFS7000 is part of the end-to-end enterprise
WLAN product suite, enabling seamless enterprise mobility
indoors. Enterprise WLAN is part of Motorola's MOTOwi4(TM)
portfolio of innovative wireless broadband solutions and
services that complement and complete IP networks.
Delivering IP coverage to virtually all spaces both indoors
and outdoors, the MOTOwi4 portfolio includes fixed
broadband, mesh, broadband over powerline, WiMAX and
enterprise WLAN solutions for private and public networks.

    Visit Motorola at Interop 2007 in Las Vegas, from May
22 to 24 at booth #1937.

    About Motorola

    Motorola is known around the world for innovation and
leadership in wireless and broadband communications.
Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of
Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and
seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment
that you want and need. We do this by designing and
delivering "must have" products, "must
do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a
full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company
with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US
$42.9 billion in 2006. For more information about our
company, our people and our innovations, please visit
http://www.motorola.com .

    MOTOROLA and the stylized M Logo are registered in the
US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or
service names are the property of their respective owners. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Ed Tan, 
     Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions
     Tel:   +1-408-421-5132
     Email: ed.tan@motorola.com
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