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New Motorola Survey Demonstrates the Real-World Impact of 3G
April 10, 2006

Third-Generation (3G) Mobile Phones Are Inspiring Their Own Rules, Behaviours and Communities, Says a New Report by Motorola
    BASINGSTOKE, England, April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Are you the leading wo/man who enjoys the spotlight and
embraces the new videophone age? Or the no-show who shuns
it for fear of being caught out in places that are hard to
explain? How is etiquette muscling in on the
next-generation of mobile phones and why are grandparents
buying not one but two devices to be part of the action? 

    From the discovery of new trends and whole phone
communities to the evolution of e-novels and the instant
postcard, Motorola's global survey of 3G users explores the
human side of next-generation mobiles. The Generation HERE
report published today reveals that the take-up of the
latest super-handsets and services is not only growing, but
is also fundamentally changing the way in which users live
and communicate.  

    Dozens of writers and journalists travelled the world
to interview and observe 3G users in different cultures for
Generation HERE. This methodology, Motorola says, led to a
report that had a qualitative rather than quantitative
approach to give a fuller picture of the 3G world.

    "This was a report about nuances," explains
its editor Peter Lyle. "Behaviour and adaptation,
creative and unexpected usage. Ultimately it isn't
difficult to get statistics about penetration, but those
statistics, although they still have relevance, do not tell
the whole story of how a new technology impacts upon
people's lives."

    Generation HERE uncovered a surprising 3G age range
among users. While it is typical to see teenagers using
their mobiles to access community services like Japan's
Mixi and Sweden's LunarStorm, the report's research team
also spoke to Japanese grandparents who keep two 3G phones
-- one for themselves, and the other for recording and
sharing pictures and videos of their grandchildren.

    "Generation HERE is an exercise in gathering
stories and recognising patterns," says Douglas
Hunter, consumer insights manager, Motorola Mobile Devices
Europe. "We conceived it as a snapshot of how people
are responding to 3G here and now, and of how they see its
future. And there's surprisingly little material out there
that approaches the technology -- any technology, in fact
-- in that way. So in a way we've learnt as much from it as
anyone else."

    An exclusive podcast featuring in depth discussion of
Motorola's Generation HERE with researcher Stephen
Armstrong is available for download at The Podcast Network
(TPN) at

    TPN is the world's leading provider of managed
podcasts. Launched in February 2005, it has grown to a
service that has delivered over one million shows to
listeners in over 150 countries.  

    Motorola's complete Generation HERE report is available
at http://www.whatisrazrspeed.com .

    Notes to Editors:

    Generation HERE

    What is it?

     -- A report commissioned by Motorola Mobile Devices
which explores the 
        impact of 3G (Third Generation) mobile phones
technology on society  
        around the globe.

    Why is it interesting?

     -- Generation HERE is thought to be the first known
publication of its 
        kind to define global perspectives and conduct
motivated by 3G - a 
        whole new world, which is changing the way people
     -- It uncovers a global community of individuals
connected in a unique 
        way by technologies and highlights the diverse
cultural attitudes 
        within this community.

    Who conducted the research?

     -- Qualitative research was undertaken by independent
research companies 
        through a series of in-depth focus groups.
     -- A team of experienced journalists visited 14
markets identifying 
        insights as to the way 3G is being used in today's
world. The team of 
        journalists included:
        -- Rob Levine: former senior editor at Wired and
freelances for Spin, 
           Radar and GQ
        -- Richard Benson: former editor of The Face,
currently writing for 
           The Observer, The New York Times and GQ
        -- Stephen Armstrong: freelance journalist who
currently contributes 
           to The Sunday Times, Time Out and Wallpaper

    Where did the researchers go?

     -- 14 markets; Italy, Russia, US, Brazil, Mexico, UK,
China, India, 
        Australia, Dubai, Israel, South Korea, Sweden and

    What did they do?

     -- Conducted focus groups with 16-25 year old,
interviewed local 
        academics, urban opinion formers and specialist
media and observed 
        attitudes and behaviour.

    About Motorola 

    Motorola (NYSE: MOT) is known around the world for
innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband
communications.  Inspired by our vision of Seamless
Mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping
you get and stay connected simply and seamlessly to the
people, information, and entertainment that you want and
need.  We do this by designing and delivering "must
have" products, "must do" experiences and
powerful networks -- along with a full complement of
support services.  A Fortune 100 company with global
presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $36.8 billion
in 2005.  For more information about our company, our people
and our innovations, please visit http://www.motorola.com .

    MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the
US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or
service names are the property of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Una Kent
     Motorola, Inc.
     Tel:   +44-7802-365956
     Email: una.kent@motorola.com

     David Sims 
     Howorth Communication Digital Lifestyle Group
     Tel:   +61-2-8281-3852 or +61-412-990-912
     Email: davids@howorth.com.au 

SOURCE  Motorola, Inc.
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