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Ogilvy Asia Pacific Named '2006 Network of the Year' by Media Magazine
December 21, 2006

Ogilvy Beijing Wins Top Honours: Ogilvy Beijing Named
Office of the Year and 
Shenan Chuang Named Agency Head of the Year

    BEIJING, Dec. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Ogilvy &
Mather Asia Pacific 
dominated the agency honours in Media's 2006 Agency of the
Year Awards.  It 
won Network of the Year, the top prize in the award show,
supported by its 
concurrent wins as Creative Agency of the Year (Ogilvy
& Mather) and One-to-
One Agency of the Year (OgilvyOne).

    Ogilvy & Mather Beijing also won Office of the Year
while Ms. Shenan 
Chuang, Chairman/CEO Ogilvy & Mather Beijing and
Vice-Chairman Ogilvy China, 
was named National Agency Head of the Year.

    "This is really a win for China," said Shenan
Chuang, Chairman, Ogilvy 
Beijing.  "This year we focused our efforts on raising
the standard of 
creativity, effectiveness and integration within Ogilvy
Beijing and that is 
reflected in this win.  Additionally, we focused
considerable energy on 
setting the industry standard through the establishment of
the China 4A 
association, and it's really exciting for the industry in
China as a whole, 
to see a China agency to be recognized by these

    Ms Chuang's National Agency Head award marks the first
time a woman or a 
candidate from China has won the award.

    "It's such an honour to receive this award, not
only for China but for 
all the amazing women in the industry," said Chuang. 
"There are so many 
truly inspiring female leaders in Asia, and it's incredible
to be counted 
among them."

    All in all, of the six Agency/Agency head awards,
Ogilvy took top honours 
in four of the categories.  It is our belief that in 12
years, no other 
agency has dominated these awards as we did last night.

    This year, the agency has been active in many fronts. 
Setting up 
Neo@Ogilvy, a digital media planning and buying business,
and being 
recognized in international creative awards as a global,
not just a regional, 
force are just two highlights.

    As demonstrated by its work on the Motorola business,
Ogilvy partners 
with clients in a way that brings big ideas, implemented in
all media.  
Motorola also won Client Brand of the Year and Client
Marketer of the Year.

    About Ogilvy & Mather China

    Ogilvy China ( http://www.ogilvy.com.cn ) is the
largest marketing 
communications network in China. It offers the full range
of marketing 
communication disciplines including advertising, direct
interactive media, database management, public relations,
graphic design, and 
related marketing disciplines.  As Brand Stewards, the
agency works to 
leverage the brands of its clients by combining local
know-how with a 
worldwide network, creating powerful campaigns that address
local market 
needs while still reinforcing the same universal brand
identity.  Ogilvy & 
Mather integrates these communications disciplines using
its proprietary 360 
Degree Brand Stewardship process, which holds that every
point of contact 
builds the brand. 

    Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide ( http://www.ogilvy.com )
is one of the largest 
marketing communications network in the world, operating
497 offices in 125 
countries.  Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide is a member of
WPP plc (Nasdaq: WPPGY), 
one of the world's leading advertising and communications
services groups.

    For more information, please contact:

     Dalton Dorne
     Corporate Communications
     Ogilvy & Mather China, Beijing
     Tel:   +86-10-8520-6535
     Fax:   +86-10-8520-6600
     Email: dalton.dorne@ogilvy.com 

SOURCE  Ogilvy China
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