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Shanghai Jade Tech Releases Z228 Multimedia Application Processor
April 06, 2006

   SHANGHAI, April 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -¨C Shanghai Jade
Technologies Co., Ltd. (Jade), a leading fabless
semiconductor company that designs and develops advanced
multimedia rich SoC chips and solutions, today released its
Z228 multimedia application processor, to target the rapidly
growing multimedia-concentric markets including Smart Phone,
PMP (MP4), video surveillance and video phone etc. 

    Z228 is a highly integrated, power effective and
multimedia rich SoC chip.  It features mobile de-facto CPU
core ARM926EJ running up to 266MHz, state-of-the-art
MPEG-4/H.263 VGA full duplex codec and advanced VIP
(Video/Image Processor) engine.  The full-duplex
MPEG-4/H.263 video at VGA@30fps offers incomparable
advantages for bi-directional video communication
application, e.g., video phones for wired or wireless
environment.  With Jade's novel ACE (Audio Coding Engine)
technology, Z228 delivers high-quality MP3, AAC/AACplus,
WMA and CAT (Jade's proprietory audio codec: Compact Audio
Technology) audio.  Z228 also supports other popular
features, such as up to 16M pixels still image camera, dual
independent LCD displays, convenient USB-OTG connectivity,
flexible SD/CF/PCMCIA memory card extension etc.  Its rich
peripheral interfaces enable seamlessly connected with
other prevalent devices, greatly saving BOM cost and reduce
time-to-market. (See http://www.jadechip.com/z228.htm ) 

    Z228 is manufactured in TSMC Taiwan with 130nm CMOS

    "As multimedia penetrates into every corner of
people's life, the demand for multimedia SoC chips is
increasingly high.  Z228 is our first commitment to the
market and industry," said Dr. Jack He Ouyang,
President & CEO of Jade.  "With Jade's continuous
innovations in audio/video coding algorithm and sub-micron
VLSI SoC technology, along with our strong expertise in
system design and embedded software development, we believe
we could help our customers roll out new products and
service with differentiable features, first-class quality
and competitive cost."

    Availability and Pricing                               

    The Z228 is available today in volume.  For pricing
information, please send email to sales@jadechip.com for
detailed information.                        
    About Shanghai Jade Technologies Co., Ltd.   
    Shanghai Jade Technologies Co., Ltd. is a fabless
semiconductor company in the business of design, marketing
and sales of multimedia rich SoC chips and solutions to 3C
convergent market for OEM/ODMs and design houses worldwide.

    Shanghai Jade Technology Co. Ltd. is headquartered in
Shanghai, China and has a subsidiary in Shenzhen, China. 
For more information, visit http://www.jadechip.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Lin Luo
     Business Development Manager
     Tel:   +86-21-5131-4766 x3228
     Fax:   +86-21-5131-4792
     Email: lluo@jadechip.com

SOURCE  Shanghai Jade Technologies Co., Ltd.

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