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Sorin Group Presents New Heart Valve Prostheses Designed to Restore the Patients' Natural Physiological Conditions
May 02, 2006

-- Sorin Group has Organized at the AATS Congress in Philadelphia a Satellite Symposium to Present the Freedom SOLO Aortic Valve and the New MEMO 3D Annuloplasty Ring (CE and FDA Approval Pending)
    PHILADELPHIA, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sorin Group,
Europe's largest medical technology company specialized in
the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and leader in
Cardiac Surgery, presented today, at the 86th AATS
Congress, the latest clinical results on Freedom SOLO valve
(available in Europe) and MEMO 3D Annuloplasty Ring (CE and
FDA pending) during the Satellite Symposium "Aortic
and Mitral Valves Treatment: back to physiological
conditions" chaired by Dr. Hargrove (Presbyterian
Medical Center, Philadelphia) and Dr. Beholz (Charite
University Hospital, Berlin, Germany). 

    Dr. Hargrove presented his experience in mitral valve
repair using AnnuloFlex Ring (Sorin Group flexible
annuloplasty ring) with a minimally invasive surgical

    Dr. Repossini (Istituto Humanitas-Gavazzeni, Bergamo,
Italy) presented his clinical results and long-term
experience with Freedom SOLO aortic valve. 

    Freedom Solo is a unique pericardial valve, easy to
implant in supra-annular positioning, designed to mimic the
native aortic valve and ensuring excellent haemo-dynamic

    Prof. Fischlein (Friederich-Alexander University
Hospital, Erlangen, Germany) introduced the innovative Memo
3D ring design and presented the first clinical implant. 

    MEMO 3D represents an innovative and unique achievement
in the growing segment of heart valve repair, confirming
Sorin Group's strong commitment to product innovation and
new therapies. "Memo 3D is the result of the
combination of two major Sorin Group in house technologies
which lead to a device able to restore the natural mitral
annulus three-dimensional motility during cardiac cycle
thanks to an innovative stent-like core structure. We can
say this ring represents a real break-through in cardiac
surgery practice," said Franco Vallana, President of
the Cardiac Surgery Business Unit. Memo 3D, currently
undergoing FDA Pre-Market Review, will soon be launched
both in the European and US markets. 

    At the AATS meeting, where Sorin Group celebrates 20
years of clinical experience with its Carbomedics
mechanical heart valves, Sorin Group is also present with a
number of further events: Dr. Bavaria (Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) presenting
technical considerations on Sorin Group Carbo-Seal Valsalva
AAP, the first aortovalvular prosthesis with Valsalva
sinuses; Dr. McCarty (Pinnacle Health at Harrisburg
Hospital, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) presenting the Novadaq
system (distributed in the US by CarboMedics); Dr.
Repossini and Dr. Beholz performing wet-labs on pig hearts
in order to demonstrate the easy suturing technique of
Freedom SOLO. 

    About MEMO 3D Annuloplasty Ring

    - Innovative cell-structure design, capable of
mimicking the physiological 
      three-dimensional motility of the native mitral
annulus and 
      accommodating the anatomical saddle shape; 

    - Shape memory and super-elastic alloy core, aimed at
restoring the native 
      shape and function; 

    - Sorin Group's exclusive Carbofilm(TM) coating for
enhanced haemo- and 

    - Ease of implant, according to a pre-defined line and
thanks to a 
      particular configuration of the silicon filler. 

    Sorin Group:

    Sorin Group (Reuters code: SORN.MI), a world leader in
the development of medical technologies for cardiac
surgery, offers innovative therapies for cardiac rhythm
dysfunctions, interventional cardiology and the treatment
of chronic kidney diseases. Sorin Group includes: Dideco,
CarboMedics, COBE Cardiovascular, Stockert, Mitroflow, ELA
Medical, Sorin Biomedica, Bellco and Soludia. Sorin Group
has more than 4,700 employees working at facilities in more
than 80 countries throughout the world to serve over 5,000
public and private treatment centers. 

    For additional information http://www.sorin.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Marilena Giavara, 
     Director, Investor Relations 
     Tel:   +44-20-7003-8730
     Email: marilena.giavara@sorin.com

     Francesca Caprari, 
     Director, Communications & Industry Affairs
     Tel:   +39-02-6332322
     Email: francesca.caprari@sorin.com

     Laura Villa, 
     Investor Relations Manager
     Tel:   +39-02-6332316 
     Email: laura.villa@sorin.com 

SOURCE  Sorin Group

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