The Nine Most Rapidly Expanding Industrial Sectors Will be Represented at the First Europe-China Industrial Affairs Conference

June 26, 2006

LE HAVRE, France, June 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- CHINA EUROPA 2006 -- China Europa 2006, which will be held from December 6-8 in Le Havre, France, is the first conference to be held on Chinese-European industrial sector relationships. The event is primarily for European and Chinese CEO's that wish to forge long term industrial partnerships and sign commercial agreements in the aeronautics, automobile, industrial equipment, metallurgy, energy, plastics, electronics, eco-industry and logistics segments. For three days, China Europa will be the scene of networking and long-term business opportunity between French officials, European businessmen, and Chinese CEOs that wish to grow their activities on the Chinese and French markets. Given the dynamic growth of Europe-Chinese trade relations (they currently exceed EUR100 billion bilaterally, with Chinese exports and imports increasing 20 percent annually) China Europa will promote productive dialogue between enterprises while at the same time providing them with the information they need to deploy their development strategies in China and Europe. Le Havre, which is France's leading foreign trade port and the country's number one platform for trade with Asia (Chinese import/export activities account for 20 percent of the port's total traffic, a figure that increased 25 percent from 2004-2005), shares with China the distinction of being the premier port for trade between Asia and Europe. Organized by Le Havre Developpement, China Europa is also the beneficiary of official support from the French Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Trade of the People's Republic of China. China Europa will be held from December 6-8 at Docks Cafe at Palais des Expositions in Le Havre. Participation is China Europa 2006 is reserved for members of the trade, who can preregister for the event at http://www.china-europa.org For more information, please contact: Muriel Nicolas - David Leprince - Anne Vampouille OPHA - 71 rue Fondary 75015 Paris - France Tel: +33-1-56-77-14-14 Fax: +33-1-56-77-14-15 Email: contact@opha.fr SOURCE China Europa 2006
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