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Arkadin Announces 'Green to be Great' Eco-Friendly Event Series
May 21, 2007

New ArkadinAnywhere web conference system provides platform
for global eco-talks

    PARIS, May 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Arkadin SA (
http://www.arkadin.com ), a global provider of audio and
web conferencing services, today announced the
ArkadinAnywhere Green to be Great web conference series.
The ArkadinAnywhere Green to be Great events will feature
leading speakers on the topic of environmentally sound
business strategies that positively impact the bottom line.
The program includes green authorities from around the
world, representing both the public and private sector. The
first ArkadinAnywhere Green to be Great web conference
event, to be held on May 30, 2007, will tackle how
businesses can design a sustainable strategy, as well as
sharing best practice on promoting cultural change and
shifting to a Green workplace.        

    "I am looking forward to the opportunity to
participate in the ArkadinAnywhere Green to be Great web
conference series. Businesses around the world have a clear
mandate towards environmental responsibility, and need to do
so in a way that doesn't negatively impact the bottom
line," said Dr. Elaine Dorward-King, Global Practice
Leader - Health, Safety and Environment at Rio Tinto.
"This program is particularly interesting because it
is about responsibility and growing revenue, which takes
the issue beyond the corporate social responsibility
officers and places it directly in front of the line of
business executives."

    "Arkadin has a long-time commitment to
environmental issues and business, and our involvement in
the ArkadinAnywhere Green to be Great web conferences is
just one offshoot of our overall commitment to be green and
also help our customers meet their own environmental and
sustainability priorities," said Jean-Matthieu
Tilquin, Director of Product Management at Arkadin.
"The web conferences, which are designed to address
many of the issues facing organizations today, will give
both CSR and other business executives the opportunity not
merely to view a presentation on a highly relevant topic,
but to directly interact with the presenter and the

    The first three ArkadinAnywhere eco-talk web
conferences of 2007 are as follows: 

    May 30, 2007 (3:30PM BST): LIVE FROM LONDON: "How
Businesses Can Reduce
    Environmental Impact and Be Better Corporate

    June 27, 2007 (12:00 PM EST):  LIVE FROM NEW YORK: 
"Green for Improving 
    the Bottom Line"

    October 9, 2007 (12:30-1:30 PM GMT): LIVE FROM PARIS:
    Development is also Applicable to SMBs"

    Arkadin Launches ArkadinAnywhere Web Conferencing

    Today, Arkadin also announced the launch of their new,
proprietary web conferencing service, ArkadinAnywhere, an
integrated audio and web conferencing solution.
ArkadinAnywhere allows web conference hosts to present
PowerPoint slides, documents, photos and other visuals, as
well as work dynamically on a virtual white board before an
audience of almost any size and located anywhere in the
world where there is Internet access. ArkadinAnywhere is
the most cost effective and easy-to-use web conferencing
solution available.

    "ArkadinAnywhere is absolutely in alignment with
users needs. Today, organizations are asking for
collaboration services which are intuitive, easy-to-use,
and integrated with audio services," commented Marc
Beattie, Partner & CSP Practice Manager at Wainhouse
Research. "When designing and implementing
collaboration services for Unified Communications, we
increasingly see the enterprise turning to specialists such
as Arkadin. Arkadin's new web conferencing solution provides
the speed, reliability, features, and compatibility required
by users." 

    Simple, easy-to-use, and feature-rich, ArkadinAnywhere
is a web presentation solution that can be accessed on
demand, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by anyone with
access to the Internet regardless of their technical
environment.  This new service was designed to eliminate
the issues typically associated with web conferencing and
does not require pop-up blockers to be turned on, plug-ins,
Java, applets, ActiveX, or executable files.  Additionally,
Arkadin offers live, high-level customer care and
assistance to ensure every participant joins the web
conference quickly and easily.

    Based on Web 2.0 and AJAX standards, ArkadinAnywhere is
totally dynamic, allowing customers to control the look and
feel of the interface based on their application
requirements.  The interface is 100% HTML based and is both
PC and MAC compatible.  It is as simple to use as viewing
any other website.  

    "ArkadinAnywhere is the foundation of our
convergent strategy and is built on a whole new platform
intended as an end-user interface integrating our audio,
web and future services," said Olivier de Puymorin,
CEO and Founder of Arkadin. "Arkadin already offers
the most feature-rich and cost effective audio conferencing
services. ArkadinAnywhere adds an important component to
meeting growing customer demand for integrated audio and
web conferencing services."

    About Arkadin:

    Arkadin ( http://www.arkadin.com )  provides
professional conferencing services that enable
organizations of all sizes, including Fortune Global 500
companies, to better communicate and collaborate using
customizable, cost-efficient, user-friendly solutions. 
With operating centers across Asia, Europe and North
America, Arkadin's core audio and web services,
ArkadinAnytime, ArkadinEvent, ArkadinDataNow, and
ArkadinAnywhere, and best-in-class customer support allow
Arkadin to virtually connect people anywhere around the
world facilitating easy and cost-effective information
sharing and discussion. With a customer base including
organizations such as HMV, UNICEF and Volvo, Arkadin's
unique global capabilities and localized service allow
individuals to seamlessly communicate using integrated
audio and web conferencing services whenever, wherever and
however they choose. 

    For more information or to participate in the Green to
be Great web conferences, contact:

    Jonathan Brayshaw                                      
    Weber Shandwick (UK)
    Tel:   +44-207-067-0523
    Email: jbrayshaw@webershandwick.com

    Priscilla Berenson, Director of Marketing
    Arkadin (North America)
    Tel:   +1-646-495-7651 
    Email: p.berenson@arkadin.com

    Robin Marchant, European Marketing
    Tel:   +44-20-8600-0754
    Email: r.marchant@arkadin.co.uk

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