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Hill & Associates announces collaboration with Citadel International for the Provision of Security & Hospitality Services Supporting the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games
May 21, 2007

    BEIJING, May 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hill &
Associates (H&A), Asia's largest risk management &
business intelligence consultancy firm announced today a
collaboration with Citadel International, a major events
service provider, to jointly provide security &
hospitality services at the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games.

    H&A has a strong footprint in China, where it has
been operating since 1992 and where it has developed many
valuable contacts in the PRC government and in the local
& international business communities.  Hill &
Associates has assigned a dedicated team of professionals
to provide companies with business interests in Beijing
(and other organising provincial capitals) during the Games
with pre-event briefings pertaining to areas of risk in
Beijing, including political risk, crime, terrorism,
activists/protests, social unrest, pollution &
environmental issues, HIV, Avian Flu, etc and general

    Based in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, the team will
also provide briefings & event security services related
to Infrastructure progress, key security personnel and
organisations, security measures, transportation and

    Operating from Beijing, Citadel International are
uniquely credentialed and positioned to be able to provide
VIP services for Beijing 2008.  With previous experience
from the Sydney, Salt Lake, Athens and Torino Olympic Games
as well as the Doha 2006 Asian Games, Citadel
International's personnel are able to provide a precise and
detailed knowledge of Olympic-related information and
processes, and have a practical understanding and wide
experience of hospitality and travel issues.

    Kerry Hui, Chairman of H&A China said: "The
establishment of a collaborative effort between H&A and
Citadel International for the 2008 Beijing Olympics presents
our clients with a truly holistic service.  The synergy
between the two companies and uniqueness of our positions
effectively combines the resources and experience of both
companies to create an extremely professional and seamless
support package to the Beijing Olympics.
    Lloyd Bromfield, CEO of Citadel International stated:
"We have chosen to adopt this joint and comprehensive
approach with H&A as we believe they are the right
partners for us to be able to provide unparalleled
solutions for our clients intending to visit China for the
Games. "

    About Hill & Associates

    With 22 offices around the world, Hill & Associates
has become one of the world's leading risk mitigation &
business intelligence consultancy firms while maintaining a
uniquely Asian focus. We are headquartered in Hong Kong
& Singapore and have a comprehensive network of wholly
owned subsidiaries with over 450 permanent staff.  

    By combining the expertise of our world-class
professionals with our deep local knowledge, we are able to
assist our clients in operating safely, efficiently and
without disruption in some of the world's most difficult
markets. We address a wide range of business risks and
develop comprehensive solutions for both prevention and
incident response.

    For more information on Hill & Associates, please
visit its website at http://www.hill-assoc.com .

    About Citadel

    Citadel International is a global organization,
comprising a core group of highly competent and experienced
major event specialists, supported by a network of
international affiliations.

    Our business is focused on select areas of expertise,
which provide practical and strategic solutions in major
event planning, implementation, integration and

    Our team of principals, consultants and associates,
bring together proven experience and expertise gained
working on major events in numerous fields and industries
throughout the World. 
    We research, develop and implement operational
strategies, based on sound management principles. Citadel
International business approach is based on a commitment to
providing the best advice and implementation strategies your
money can buy.  When you partner with Citadel International
you are assured of absolute integrity and discretion, a
team-based philosophy of goal achievement, and a commitment
to taking ownership whilst being proactive in the delivery
of our services.

    For more information on Citadel International, please
visit its website at http://www.citadel-intl.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Karene Dufour Lo
     Vice President, Marketing & Communications
     Hill & Associates Ltd
     Tel:   +852-2802-2123
     Email: karene.dufourlo@hill-assoc.com

    Lloyd Bromfield
     Citadel International
     Tel:   +86-1591-085-0801 
     Email: l.bromfield@citadel-intl.com
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