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Boxiang Wang, MD, China's Leading Expert on Liver Diseases, Presents at Fifth Annual U.S. Educational Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine
September 28, 2006

    NEW YORK, Sept. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Boxiang
Wang, China's leading expert on the treatment of liver
diseases joins the 2006 faculty of Building Bridges of
Integration for Traditional Chinese Medicine. He will
co-present with Dan Wen, MD, president of Honso USA, Inc.
on Treating Chronic Liver Diseases with Traditional Chinese
Medicine, Friday, October 6, 3-5:00 p.m. at the Sheraton
Meadowlands Hotel in East Rutherford, NJ. 

    A graduate of Hubei Medical College, Dr. Wang has
engaged in patient care, clinical research and academic
teaching in the treatment of liver diseases for the past 52
years. Since the 1970s, Dr. Wang has served as director of
the Liver Institute of Hubei College of TCM. His research
on treating liver diseases with Chinese medicine has helped
this institution become China's premier research center for
liver diseases. 

    "We're privileged to have Dr. Wang share his
unique and extensive knowledge on such an important health
issue as liver diseases with our participants,"
commented Nan Lu, OMD, conference founder and co-chair.   

    Professor Wang also founded the Chinese Journal of
Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine on Liver
Diseases, China's most influential publication on
integrative treatment of these conditions. His book,
Chinese Medicine for the Prevention of Liver and Gall
Diseases has won the prestigious Li-Fu Award of Traditional
Medicine. Recently he was elected chairman of the Specialty
Committee of Liver Disease of World Federation of Chinese
Medicine Societies (WFCMS). 

    This year's conference convenes twenty-two Eastern and
Western health-care experts to explore wellness, prevention
and health issues in forty workshops, including TCM for
Post-Hysterectomy Syndrome; HIV Wellness; Metabolic
Syndrome; TCM and pediatrics, ear acupuncture and more. The
conference also debuts a four-hour workshop, Clinical
Problem-Solving, featuring integrated diagnosis and
treatment as practiced at UCLA's Center for East-West

    Some of the best-known experts in complementary
medicine, TCM and acupuncture are featured, including Efrem
Korngold, Lonny Jarrett, Misha Cohen, Thea Elijah, Xiaoding
Cao (China), Lixing Lao, Haihe Tian, Xiao-Tian Shen, and
Xiu-Min Li. Keynoters are Brother Bernard Seif, David
Felten, Anne Harrington and Nan Lu. Registration is at
http://www.tcmconference.org , or 1.800.TCM.6909.

    For more information,please contact:
    Ellen Schaplowsky
    Ruder Finn, Inc.
    Tel: (W) +1-212-593-6316 
         (C) +1-201-303-4163

SOURCE  Traditional Chinese Medicine Foundation
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