FTSE Selected by Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to Take Over Calculation of its Domestic Indexes

September 28, 2006

HONG KONG, Sept. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- FTSE Group ("FTSE") the global index provider, has been selected by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to take over the calculation of its domestic indexes. The partnership to be set up will allow FTSE to redesign and update the index series in line with international indexing standards. FTSE will undertake a full market consultation process with local investors and other index users, as the first stage of this project. FTSE currently works with a number of stock exchanges, both internationally and in the Asia Pacific region. It has recently been selected by the ASEAN group of exchanges to design and calculate the first pan-ASEAN index, and earlier this year created a new domestic Malaysian series, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series. Worldwide, FTSE works with over 20 stock exchanges to bring its innovative and internationally recognised indexing skills to financial markets. Paul Hoff, Managing Director, FTSE Asia Pacific said, "It's a great honour to be selected by SET for this important step in its strategy to internationalise its financial markets. FTSE is committed to working with both local investors and the exchange, and looks forward to beginning consultation with all parties." More information about FTSE and its suite of index products can be found at http://www.ftse.com Notes to Editors About FTSE Group FTSE Group is a world-leader in the creation and management of indexes. With offices in Beijing, London, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, New York, San Francisco, Boston, Shanghai and Tokyo, FTSE Group services clients in 77 countries worldwide. It calculates and manages the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, which includes world-recognized indexes ranging from the FTSE All-World Index, the FTSE4Good series and the FTSEurofirst Index series, as well as domestic indexes such as the prestigious FTSE 100. The company has collaborative arrangements with the Athens, AMEX, Cyprus, Euronext, Johannesburg London, Madrid, NASDAQ and Taiwan exchanges, as well as Nomura Securities and Xinhua Finance of China. FTSE also has a collaborative agreement with Dow Jones Indexes to develop a single sector classification system for global investors. FTSE indexes are used extensively by investors world-wide for investment analysis, performance measurement, asset allocation, portfolio hedging and for creating a wide range of index tracking funds. Independent committees of senior fund managers, derivatives experts, actuaries and other experienced practitioners review all changes to the indexes to ensure that they are made objectively and without bias. Real-time FTSE indexes are calculated on systems managed by Reuters. Prices and FX rates used are supplied by Reuters. For more information, please contact: Meredith Blakemore FTSE Group Tel: +852-2230-5801 Email: meredith.blakemore@ftse.com SOURCE FTSE Group
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