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Building Global Solidarity: U.S. Union Leaders from Change to Win to Discuss China Fact-Finding Mission
May 22, 2007

    BEIJING, May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Union leaders from Change to Win, the new American
labor movement, will discuss their observations and
activities from their fact-finding mission in China at 5:30
p.m. today, May 22 (Beijing time).
    The delegation from Change to Win, an alliance of seven
unions representing six million workers in the jobs that are
forming the basis of the new American economy, are meeting
with workers, representatives, and high-ranking leaders
from labor networks, business groups and the government. 
In addition, Change to Win met with the ACFTU and is
exploring the ways to work with the organization to advance
the interests of both American and Chinese workers.

    WHO:    Anna Burger, Change to Win Chair
            Edgar Romney, Change to Win
            James P. Hoffa, General President, Teamsters
            Andy Stern, President SEIU
            Arturo Rodriguez, President UFW

    WHERE:  American Club, 28th Floor, China Resources
            No. 8 Jianguomenbei Ave. Beijing 100005

    "We are ready to build a new generation of
solidarity to ensure that all workers can share in the
prosperity of the global economy," said Anna Burger,
Change to Win Chair. 
    Change to Win unions share common employers with
millions of Chinese workers throughout the service,
transportation and industrial sectors, including major
U.S.-based employers.
    In addition to Beijing, the delegation has visited Hong
Kong, Shanghai, and Macau to meet with workers in factories
and other sites to learn about daily life on the job.  They
also visited transportation and logistics facilities as part
of Change to Win's focus on the global supply chain.	

    Who We Are
    Seven unions and six million workers united in Change
to Win to build a new movement of working people equipped
to meet the challenges of the global economy and restore
the American Dream: a paycheck that can support a family,
affordable health care, a secure retirement and dignity on
the job.  The seven partner unions are: International
Brotherhood of Teamsters, Laborers' International Union of
North America, Service Employees International Union, UNITE
HERE, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of
America, United Farm Workers of America, and United Food
and Commercial Workers International Union.

    For more information, please contact:

     Bret Caldwell,
     Change to Win
     Tel:   +1-202-437-5853
     Email: international456@sprintpcs.com

    Wash., DC: 
     TJ Michels,
     Change to Win
     Tel:   +1-202-721-6061
     Email: tj.michels@changetowin.org

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