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SHANGHAITEX 2007 to Open on June 1
May 22, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
SHANGHAITEX 2007, which is sponsored by Shanghai Textile
Holding (Group) Corporation, CCPIT Shanghai Branch and ICC
China Shanghai Branch and organized by Shanghai Textile
Technology Service & Exhibition Centre, Adsale
Exhibition Services Ltd. and Shanghai International
Exhibition Co. Ltd., will be held in Shanghai's New
International Expo Center from June 1 to 4 and its
exhibition scale will reach 120,000 m2. This exhibition
will be highly specialized, technical and service-oriented,
serving as a trading platform with high-value returns to
introduce new technology and new products, upgrade brands
and develop the market for numerous textile enterprises. 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061108114544-37.jpg )

    By the end of March 31, 2007, more than 1,400
manufacturers from over 20 countries had entered their
names, including Austria, Denmark, Brazil, the Netherlands,
Britain, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea,
China, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan, Singapore, Switzerland,
Sweden, Spain, Turkey, and the USA. Additionally, 23
provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in China had
registered for the event, creating a total of more than 900
Chinese exhibitors and 500 foreign ones. All exhibition
booths have been confirmed or reserved. In order to satisfy
the exhibition needs of more companies, the temporary hall
is being prepared now. 

    This exhibition is highlighted by six characteristics:
1. The exhibition scale is the ever largest in history,
reaching 120,000 m2, and the exhibition space is divided
into nine indoor exhibition areas and a temporary shed. 2.
Different equipment and technology are exhibited in
corresponding specialized exhibition areas, breaking
through the former boundary between Chinese and foreign
exhibition areas to greatly facilitate professional
visitors who come from all parts of the world with
different needs. 3. In light of the current developmental
trend of dying and trimming technologies in the textile
industry, this exhibition focuses on new dying and trimming
technologies, which account for 30% of the entire
exhibition. 4. According to protection of environment and
energy by the state macro regulation and control, another
focus of this exhibition is on energy saving, with new
equipment and new technology for environmental protection.
5. The former routine measure is changed for the trade
liaison work in the exhibition. Apart from focusing on
purchasing overseas exhibits after the exhibition closes,
export of equipment and newly developed technology in China
is also emphasized. 6. In addition to attaching importance
to specialization, this exhibition pays more attention to
service. The online reservation system will be open for
visitors before the exhibition and the press center. The
office for putting high-tech achievements into production
and appraising companies, the IPR office and the trade
liaison department are all on-site to better serve
exhibitors and visitors. 

    As an exhibition for famous brands in the textile
machinery industry, SHANGHAITEX has always been followed
closely by the global textile industry. More than 130,000
professional visitors from over 60 countries or regions in
the world are expected to come to the event and hold talks
and, likewise, more than 40 private media outlets, and
public media from around the world as well as important
textile provinces within China, will cover the development
of SHANGHAITEX at the same time. 

    2007 is the key year in the "Eleventh
Five-Year" plan for China's textile industry, which
has entered the stage of tackling key technical problems,
industrializing key technical achievements, enhancing
independent innovative ability, pushing forward
technological progress and industrial upgrading, and
actively advancing the gradual transfer of the textile
industry. In order to raise the professional-added value of
the exhibition, exchange meetings on "Probing into
Applications of Close Spinning Technology" and
"Applications of New Spinning Technology and New
Products" will be held. There will also be seminars on
"New Equipment, New Technology and New Products for a
New Weaving" and "New Dying and Trimming
Technologies and Environment-friendly Chemicals". 

    Twelve sessions of SHANGHAITEX have been held since it
was initiated in 1984. From the 100,000 m2 in 2005 to the
120,000 m2 in this session, SHANGHAITEX has made great
progress. It has become one of the most influential
specialized exhibitions in Asia and, in particular, is
recognized by industry insiders as an authoritative and
forward-looking trade exchange event.

    About Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

    Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SIEC) is
jointly invested by Shanghai World Expo (Group) Co., Ltd.
and the Council for the Promotion of International Trade,
Shanghai.  SIEC was founded on July 1st, 1984 with the
approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic
Cooperation and the People's Government of Shanghai

    The SIEC is a full member of Union des Foires
Internationales (UFI).  The SIEC has held 500 international
exhibitions of various themes and sizes.  It also has
successfully held a number of solo exhibitions at a
national level. 

"ELE/PT COMM CHINA" are among the first eight
exhibitions approved by The Evaluation Committee of
Shanghai Conventional & Exhibition Industries.

     For more information, please contact:

      Stanley Dai 
      Show Manager
      Tel:   +86-21-6279-2828 
      Fax:   +86-21-6545-5124
      Email: ricesong@siec-ccpit.com		
      Web:   http://www.siec-ccpit.com
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