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Donald Trump May Hire the First Asian-American on 'The Apprentice'
April 17, 2007

James Sun, CEO of Zoodango, is the First Asian Finalist on
NBC's 'The Apprentice'

    SEATTLE, April 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The April 15th
airing of NBC's popular reality television program "The
Apprentice" revealed that James Sun 
( http://www.james-sun.com ), a Korean immigrant to the
United States, is one of the final candidates competing for
the position of Donald Trump's newest apprentice.

    "As a child, I immigrated from Korea to the states
with my family and we had less than $1,000 and didn't even
speak English at the time. With determination and hard
work, even as a child, I began living the American dream
and building my own success," said Sun. While earning
top grades at one of the country's top colleges, Sun was
also running his own investment trading company and became
a multimillionaire at the age of 22. "If I am chosen
as Mr. Trump's apprentice, I have the right background and
experience to be the bridge between the United States and
Asia for Trump's organization."

    As a successful internet company owner in Seattle, Sun
was working on revolutionizing the online social networking
industry when the opportunity to participate in NBC's Season
Six of "The Apprentice" arose. He was originally
one of 18 candidates competing for the position, and is now
one of the finalists. The finale filming in which Sun may be
hired as the first Asian-American apprentice will be aired
live on Sunday April 22nd. If Sun wins, he will be given
the opportunity to be the president of one of Trump's

    Sun said that the success of Zoodango (
http://www.zoodango.com ), his online social networking
company for professionals, has experienced phenomenal
exposure from his success to date on "The
Apprentice".  The show is aired internationally to 80
countries through Freemantle Media. "Zoodango provides
a tool for successful professionals to network, and people
all over the world have already created profiles and begun
networking online," explained Sun. 

    "Similar to what I have managed to do with the
global reach of Zoodango, I hope to have the opportunity to
extend the global brand of Trump International into future
Asian countries and markets," said Sun. Regardless of
the outcome of the finale Apprentice show, it is evident
that both Trump and Sun will continue on highly successful

    For more information, please contact:

     Julie Sun of Zoodango
     Tel:   +1-206-818-3359
     Email: Julie@zoodango.com
     Web site:  http://www.james-sun.com

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