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Glide Launches for Linux: Linux Users can now Access the Complete Glide Suite of Desktop and Mobile Applications
April 17, 2007

Linux Users Can Choose from a Wide Selection of Linux
Compatible Mobile Phones

    NEW YORK, April 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- TransMedia
officially launches today the complete Glide Suite of
Desktop and Mobile Applications for Linux users. Linux
users will now be able to access, edit and share virtually
all of their files stored on their Linux PCs from a wide
selection of cell phones.

    "Glide provides a user-friendly desktop interface
for Linux, a powerful suite of applications and seamless
interoperability with Windows, Macs and a wide selection of
cell phones," said TransMedia Chairman and CEO, Donald

    Glide OS 2.0 Beta supports the following phones for
Linux users.

    BlackBerry Pearl (8100)
    BlackBerry 8700
    BlackBerry 8800
    Cingular 8125 (Supports Streaming Media)
    HP iPAQ
    HP hw6510
    Motorola Razr V3
    Motorola SLVR
    Motorola ROKR
    Motorola Q (Supports Streaming Media)
    Nokia 9300 Nokia E62 (Supports Streaming Media)
    Nokia 6102i (Supports Streaming Media)
    Nokia 6682 (Supports Streaming Media)
    Palm Treo 650
    Palm Treo 680 (Supports Streaming Media)
    Palm Treo 700P (Supports Streaming Media)
    Palm Treo 700W (Supports Streaming Media)
    Palm Treo 750 (Supports Streaming Media)
    Palm LifeDrive Samsung Blackjack (Supports Streaming
    Samsung A707 (Supports Streaming Media)
    Samsung D807 (Supports Streaming Media)
    Sony Ericsson w600i
    Sony Ericsson w810i
    TMobile SDA (Supports Streaming Media)
    TMobile SideKick
    Glide automatically syncs your photos, music, videos,
documents, iCal calendars, Address Book contacts, and
Safari, Camino and Firefox bookmarks from your computer via
the Internet so you can access virtually all of your digital
stuff from your cell phone. Glide achieves the ideal of
anytime, anywhere access by making it possible to
synchronize all of your files on your local desktop(s) to
and from Glide's hosted web services. Glide's compatibility
engine then serves up your files in the proper format and
bit rate for access on various devices and for easy

    Glide serves as your digital companion that travels
with you even when you change phones, service providers or
upgrade your systems. Effectively, Glide provides one
unified file and information management system and
productivity suite for all of your devices. Glide's mobile
applications enable Linux users to create while on the go.
Glide stands alone in this approach.

    -- Compose a document on your mobile device, save it
and then 
       access and edit it later on your Linux PC without
the need 
       to email it from your phone.

    -- Edit photos with 75 photo manipulation tools and
       prints all on your mobile device or Linux PC.

    -- Send large files in 5k emails using your favorite
       address with no attachment limits and without
filling up 
       the recipient's inbox.

    -- Create elegant multimedia websites from your cell
       or Linux PC and edit later from either device.

    Glide's mobile services enable Linux users to leap frog
current and soon to be released mobile offerings that
require uploading files locally from your computer via a
USB 2.0 cable, Bluetooth etc. to your cell phone.

    Linux users can sign up for a free Glide account today
at http://www.glidedigital.com on their Linux PCs or on
their cell phones at http://www.glidemobile.com .

    Sign up for a free Glide account today at
http://www.glidedigital.com from your PC or on your cell
phone at http://www.glidemobile.com .

    This press release was prepared using Glide Write.	

    For more information, please contact:

     Marcus Farny
     Glide OS 2.0
     Tel:   +1-212-675-6664
     Email: media@transmx.com

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