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From Battlefield to the Boardroom, Chinese Management Theory Illustrated in First Book on Coaching in China
December 21, 2006

The First Book of its Kind Since Sun Tzu's "Art of
"The Power of Ren" Recounts China's Budding
Coaching Industry

    BEIJING, Dec. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The trend of
China aspiring to 
all things Western could be reversed with a new book that
applies centuries-
old Chinese philosophy to the realities of 21st Century
China.  TopHuman, the 
leading coaching institution in China, released today the
first book on 
Chinese coaching and management theory titled, "The
Power of Ren: China's 
Coaching Phenomenon."
    "The Power of Ren" narrates the development
and application of the REN 
Coaching Model(C), a hybrid coaching system of Western
management theory and 
Chinese philosophy that TopHuman developed to introduce the
concept of 
coaching into China a decade ago.  The book also raises
important factors 
that have empowered China to its status as a global
economic power.
    Ms. Eva Wong, Chairperson, President and founder of
TopHuman, said, "Most 
books about China aim to crack the mystery of Chinese
culture or explain why 
things are the way they are.  I'm bringing to Western
audiences my 
perspective as a coach in China, which is a direct avenue
into understanding 
the cultural aspects that drive this nation.  In this way,
I want to enhance 
exchanges between China and the rest of the world."
    Ronald A. Heifetz, author of "Leadership Without
Easy Answers" and co-
founder of the Center for Public Leadership at the John F
Kennedy School of 
Government, Harvard University, commented, "Tapping
the deep wisdoms of the 
East and the West, The Power of Ren provides a unique,
practical, and 
inspirational synthesis useful to anyone from the West
doing business in 
China.  It is also profoundly useful to managers and
citizens throughout 
China as they create a glowing future for their economy and
    Eva Wong has also written and co-authored other books
about experiential 
learning, including TopHuman's first acclaimed title,
"The REN Coaching 
    "The Power of Ren: China's Coaching
Phenomenon" is published by John 
Wiley & Sons, Inc. and is available through the
publisher and web retailers 
Amazon.com and Yoyo.com. 

    About TopHuman
    TopHuman is in the business of enhancing corporate
values, growth and 
sustainability.  As a human capital developer, we are the
pioneer of coaching 
in Asia.  Our internationally accredited coaches help
develop executive 
leadership and employee empowerment, develop HR management
and project 
coordination, and coordinate marketing/sales and
organizational planning. 
Established in Vancouver, Canada, in 1995, TopHuman has
over 400 staff in 
offices and franchises in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou,
Guangzhou, Shenzhen, 
Chengdu, Chongqing, Taiyuan, Qingdao and Dongguan, Hong
Kong, Macau, Taiwan, 
Singapore and San Francisco, USA.  TopHuman has attained
qualifications, including the ISO9001:2000 certification in
Quality Assurance and accreditation from the International
Coach Federation

    About John Wiley & Sons Inc.
    Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., provides
must-have content and 
services to customers worldwide.  Our core businesses
include scientific, 
technical, and medical journals, encyclopedias, books, and
online products 
and services; professional and consumer books and
subscription services; and 
educational materials for undergraduate and graduate
students and lifelong 
learners.  Wiley has publishing, marketing, and
distribution centers in the 
United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia.  The
company is listed on 
the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols JWa and JWb. 
Wiley's Internet 
site can be accessed at http://www.wiley.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Raymond Fang		
     Corporate Communications Officer			
     Tel:   +86-10-8515-0140
     Email: raymondfang@tophuman.com				

    Hill & Knowlton
     Tzyy Wang
     Senior Consultant
     Tel:   +86-10-5861-7575
     Email: tzyy.wang@hillandknowlton.com.cn

SOURCE  TopHuman	
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