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GammaStar Medical Attends the First Entrepreneurs on Innovation' Forum
April 11, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, April 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
first "2007 Entrepreneurs on Innovation" forum
was held today, as scheduled, at the Shanghai Grand Hyatt
Hotel.  Corporate leaders and senior investors from all
over China, as well as relevant leaders from Shenzhen Stock
Exchange, gathered together to extensively discuss the topic
of "Disruptive Innovation and Opportunities."  The
forum was both successful and fruitful, with a total of
about 150 people attending. 

    Shanghai Highview Investment and Consultancy Co., Ltd
organized this forum and specially invited GammaStar
Medical Group, Wealink and Edushi, which were all selected
in the Red Herring Asia 100.  Representatives from invited
companies shared their innovative paths and visions with
all the attendants.

    Experts from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
representatives from IDG, Harbinger, GGV Bessemer, UCI, the
Oxford Investment Group, UBS and Merrill Lynch, and so many
others, reviewed and tracked corporate case studies,
sharing their professional views thus giving attendees a
view on the fast-developing hi-tech industry.  The forum
also highlighted potential investment projects among the
attending companies.

    The forum is seen as an important event since as all
attendants are considered the kind of people who either
start disruptive innovations or grab future opportunities. 
Although this is the first session of this forum, it is
successful and rewarding and will bring in more high level
discussions and cooperation, speeding up resource
integration within China's high-tech industry.

    About GammaStar Medical Group

    GammaStar Medical Group is a high-tech medical group
company with world leading technology of its own
proprietary rights in trauma treatment.  It has been
selected as one of the "RED HERRING 100" which is
considered the "Silicon Valley Bible" and
"Investment Vane," as well as one of the
"Zero2ipo-China Venture50", thus becoming a
company that has one of the best development potentials and
investment value in Asia.  With its headquarters based in
Shanghai, it has established branches in several countries
and is stretching its business across the world, and will
supply comprehensive treatment to global trauma patients,
thus fostering the best brand in trauma treatment.

    It supplies the most advanced trauma treatment
solutions to hospitals and patients by establishing trauma
treatment centres around the world, and it also seeks to
enter into neurosurgery and other medical fields.  It
focuses its business on the research and development of
large medical equipment and clinic research, sales and

    The Gyro Rotating Cobalt 60 Radiotherapy system is
currently the most advanced precise radiotherapy machine in
the world.  Its unique "Gyro Peak" outperforms the
"Brag Peak" of the proton system in terms of the
dosage distribution and it autonomy level also outperforms
the present world level in this industry.  It has obvious
competitive edges in the industry because it not only owns
technology breakthroughs in mechanics and treatment but
also creatively uses the business model of franchising. 
GMS will always hold the Company philosophy of
"focusing on quality and caring for life."

    The Company will keep developing better medical
equipment and open a new age in trauma treatment with its
advanced R&D and medical centre management abilities.

    For more information, please contact:

     Helen yan
     Tel:    +86-21-5109-5758 x8036
     Mobile: +86-137-9522-2598
     Email:  Helen@gammastar.com

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