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iBiquity Digital Approves Intertek Test Group in Hong Kong for HD Radio(TM) Receiver Certification Testing
April 12, 2007

    COLUMBIA, Md., April 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- iBiquity
Digital Corporation, the developer of digital HD Radio(TM)
technology, announced today that it has approved the
Intertek Test Group, Hong Kong as a certification test
facility for HD Radio receivers. 

    "We are proud to add the Intertek Test Group, Hong
Kong to our roster of partners supporting the growing number
of product manufacturers around the world focusing on HD
Radio technology," said Jeff Jury, chief operating
officer, iBiquity Digital Corporation.  "The ability
to certify receivers in Hong Kong will play an important
role in helping speed development and production of HD
Radio products."

    The Intertek Test Group, Hong Kong will provide a
single source for receiver developers in Asia for HD Radio
technology testing and other industry needs. The testing
services provided by the Group will accelerate the product
testing process for HD Radio technology certification and
other standards approvals. 

    "Quality HD Radio products are critical to the
successful implementation of HD Radio technology around the
world, and our testing facility in Hong Kong will help
ensure that future HD Radio receivers meet iBiquity's
exacting specifications," said Mr. Daniel Yau, Deputy
General Manager, Intertek Test Group, Hong Kong.

    About Intertek ETL SEMKO 

    ETL SEMKO is a division of Intertek plc (London: ITRK),
a global leader in testing, inspection and certification
services, operating in 273 laboratories and 521 offices in
100 countries throughout the world. Intertek provides
access to global markets through its local services, which
include product safety testing and certification, EMC
testing and performance testing.

    About iBiquity Digital

    iBiquity Digital Corporation is the developer of the HD
Radio(TM) system, which is powering the AM/FM digital radio
revolution by enabling multiple channels of programming on
the same frequency (multicasting); crystal-clear,
CD-quality sound; advanced services such as traffic
updates; and delivery of text and graphics content.  Over
1,200 U.S. HD Radio stations are now on the air, with more
than 550 offering additional content via multicast
channels.  HD Radio technology is also being tested and
adopted in many countries outside the U.S., including
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, New Zealand,
Philippines, Poland, Switzerland, Thailand and Ukraine.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Vicki Stearn
     iBiquity Digital
     Tel:   +1-410-872-1565
     Email: stearn@ibiquity.com
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