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Hofstra Accepting Nominations for Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize
March 20, 2007

$50,000 International Prize to Be Awarded in 2008

    HEMPSTEAD, N.Y., March 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Hofstra University is accepting applications for the Guru
Nanak Interfaith Prize, a $50,000 award for a living
individual or organization who has contributed to the
promotion of constructive dialogue between faith

    The prize will be awarded biannually beginning in 2008.
 The winner will be chosen by a distinguished panel of
judges composed of religious leaders, academics and
individuals known for their commitment to interfaith
dialogue. Award recipients will have demonstrated
extraordinary leadership, courage and a capacity for
inspiring in others a willingness to embrace the
vulnerability that is the key to true religious dialogue. 

    The deadline for the 2008 prize is July 1, 2007.

    The goal of this international award is to bring
greater visibility to the critical role that religious
dialogue plays in the pursuit of peace and to provide
direct support for the furtherance of such activities. Guru
Nanak, founder of Sikhism, taught that we locate our oneness
with humanity by exploring the differences that separate us.

    The prize was funded by a generous gift from the family
of Ishar Singh Bindra and will be awarded by Hofstra in
collaboration with the Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra
Charitable Foundation. 

    Serving as the honorary committee for the prize is the
Hon. I.K. Gujral, former prime minister of India; Nobel
Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu; the Hon.
Charles Schumer and the Hon. Norm Coleman, U.S. senators;
Rabbi David Rosen of the American Jewish Committee; Dr.
Martin Marty of The Martin Marty Center; Mr. Khushwant
Singh, historian and journalist; and Mr. Tarlochan Singh,
Member of Parliament, India.

    Nominators should provide a brief description of
themselves (no more than 100 words) and a two-page letter
describing the individual or organization being nominated
and the activities the nominator believes qualify the
nominee for consideration.  Nominations may be submitted
electronically at http://www.hofstra.edu/gurunanak , in
writing to Dean Bernard J. Firestone, Hofstra College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences, 200A Heger Hall, 115 Hofstra
University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1115, or by e-mail at
GuruNanakPrize@hofstra.edu .

    Hofstra University is a dynamic private institution
located 25 miles east of New York City where students find
their edge to succeed in more than 140 undergraduate and
155 graduate programs in liberal arts and sciences,
business, communication, education and allied human
services, and honors studies, and a School of Law. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Stuart Vincent
     Hofstra University
     Tel:  +1-516-463-6493
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