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JWT President Michael Maedel Moves to Singapore
September 19, 2006

    NEW YORK, Sept. 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- JWT President
Michael Maedel announced today that he will relocate from
London to Singapore.  The move, to be completed by
mid-October, underscores JWT's drive to capitalize on the
unprecedented opportunities developing in the Asian market.

    "We really didn't ask ourselves, 'Should we do
this?'," says Maedel. "Instead we said, 'What are
we waiting for?' After all, it is our fastest-growing region
by far.  And given what is going on in Asia, our clients and
our agency must be represented at the highest possible level
to take advantage of the opportunities."

    Maedel cites the emerging economies of Asia, home to
more than half of the world's population, and the
significant level of exports from Asia to the West. 
Additionally, he notes that World Trade Organization
agreements are stimulating development in new markets such
as Vietnam and that the region accounts for a rapidly
growing portion of global advertising and marketing

    In addition to partnering with multinational companies
in the region, Maedel sees enormous opportunity to work
with emerging brands throughout Asia. "Kingfisher in
India and Haier and Lenovo in China already play on the big
stage," says Maedel. "And there will be many, many
more to come as these homegrown companies employ global
branding to expand their offerings." 

    A Rare Move

    While other agencies have hired or relocated senior
executives to stimulate and manage opportunity in Asia, no
other JWT-class firm has sent its president to oversee the
region.  The move is in line with JWT's longtime commitment
to Asia: It has had a presence in the region for 75 years
and currently ranks among the top three agencies in most
Asian markets.  JWT Shanghai and JWT Mumbai are among WPP's
top 15 most creative offices.

    JWT's Agenda

    Maedel is planning several initiatives designed to
invigorate and expand JWT's Asian presence:

    Acquisitions in China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia

    Expand Integrated Offering by strengthening
capabilities in sampling and 
     field marketing, public relations, online/interactive
marketing, new 
     media and CRM

    Growth Culture JWT will manage client growth
opportunities by establishing 
     a business development SWAT team for Asia and
increasing training in 
     regional offices.

    Regional Planning Function Maedel will establish a
center of thought 
     leadership for the region, building on JWT's
commitment to cultural 
     anthropology first.  New proprietary planning tools
for Asia will be 
     rolled out in 2007. 

    Client Development Maedel's presence in Asia represents
a unique 
     opportunity to strengthen client relations at the
highest touch points.  
     Maedel will be particularly involved with Kellogg's,
Nestle, Ford in APAC 
     and Unilever in APAC. He also will be heavily involved
with local client 
     brands seeking to break into the global arena.

    About JWT

    JWT, which celebrated its 142nd anniversary this year,
ranks as the fourth largest full-service network in the
world. Its parent company is WPP (Nasdaq: WPPGY).  Some of
JWT Asia's key clients include Ford, Unilever, Kellogg's,
Lenovo, HSBC, China Unicom, Nestle, Kraft and the Diamond
Trading Company. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Lydia Shen 
     Tel:   +86-21-2405-0182
     Email: Lydia.shen@jwt.com

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