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Lawyers' Network Launched to Enhance Free Legal Aid Service for Migrant Workers
February 03, 2007

    BEIJING, China, Feb. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A project
to establish a nationwide network of lawyers specialized in
providing legal aid services to migrant workers was
launched today in Beijing. 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107113358-34.jpg )

    This is a joint effort between the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), the All China Lawyers'
Association and the China International Centre of Economic
and Technical Exchange (CICETE) under Ministry of Commerce.

    Entitled "Enhancing Legal Aid Service for Migrant
Workers in China", the US$0.5 million project aims to
establish a nationwide network of qualified lawyers
dedicated to voluntary work for helping migrant workers.
This initiative will set up local legal aid service centers
in 15 provinces and provide trainings for lawyers in order
to sharpen their skills and develop their specialties in
protecting the rights of migrant workers.

    The project will also support the existing legal aid
centers in 7 provinces. As a result, it will provide
assistance in improving legal service for migrant workers
in more than 20 provinces across the country. 

    "The protection of the rights of disadvantaged
groups is an indispensable aspect of human development.
Human poverty will not be eradicated without addressing
inequalities and injustice," said Khalid Malik, UN
Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in
China, at the launching ceremony.

    Tong Lihua, a veteran lawyer of defending the rights of
vulnerable groups such as children and migrant workers, will
lead the implementation of the project. Tong became
well-known in China in a publicized case where he helped a
group of migrant workers sue an international fast food
franchise for abusive labour practices. The lawsuit forced
the franchise to a settlement with some of its employees
and to change its labour practices, in alignment with
Chinese labour regulations. 
    "In spite of the government's tremendous efforts
in helping migrant workers obtain their rightful money from
employers, many migrant workers are still owed wages from
their employers," said Tong. 

    According to Tong, many employers of migrant workers do
not follow labour regulations. Collectively, China's 120
million migrant workers are owed billions in delayed
salaries, or so-called "back pay" from their
employers, but may lack access to legal aid.
    The project will have its base at the Working Station
of Beijing Legal Aid Service for Migrant Workers, a civil
society organization established in September 2005 and led
by Tong. The 1-year project will be implemented by the All
China Lawyers' Association, with the endorsement of the
Ministry of Justice and financial support from the Belgian
    "With the financing of this project, Belgium is
willing to contribute to the efforts of the Chinese
government in the field of promotion of human rights, good
governance and rule of law," said Bernard Pierre,
Ambassador of Belgium. 
    "The improvement of the situation of migrant
workers is indeed one of the biggest present challenges and
this very innovative project supported by UNDP and the
All-China Lawyers' Association can have a positive impact
and an added value," Pierre said. 
    "If the initial pilot project is successful, the
All China Lawyers' Association is planning to scale up this
network to cover more provinces in the country," said
Yu Ning, Chairperson of the All China Lawyers'

    About UNDP

    UNDP fosters human development to empower women and men
to build better lives in China. As the UN's development
network, UNDP draws on a world of experience to assist
China in developing its own solutions to the country's
development challenges. Through partnerships and
innovation, UNDP works to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals and an equitable Xiao Kang society by
reducing poverty, strengthening the rule of law, promoting
environmental sustainability, and fighting HIV/AIDS. 

    For more information, please contact: 

     Ms. Zhang Wei, 
     Communications Officer, 
     UNDP China 
     Tel:   +86-10-8532-0715
     Email: wei.zhang@undp.org

SOURCE  United Nations Development Programme
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