World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): YouTourist - the Social Network Platform for the Tourism Industry

February 02, 2007

MADRID, Spain, Feb. 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- UNWTO and WISeKey announced an agreement today to expand the use of traveller identification and authentication technologies in the multibillion dollar tourism sector. This collaboration builds on the Public Private Partnership agreement signed by UNWTO and Microsoft in 2006. The partners will seek to deliver YouTourist as a unique e-Tourism Social Network (youTourist.net). Based on WISeKey Digital Identification and Microsoft Cardspace technologies, this platform allows tourists to connect with one another to exchange information based on the UNWTO's Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. The Code is a blueprint for safeguarding the resources upon which tourism depends, ensuring that its benefits are equitably shared in the spirit of the Millennium Development Goals. It sets out guiding principles for governments, destinations, tour operators, travel agents, tourism workers, developers, and travelers themselves. Geoffrey Lipman Assistant Secretary-General of UNWTO said "the time is right to take advantage of new technologies to advance the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics. The explosion of social networks fits perfectly with the spirit of the responsible and sustainable tourism that we are seeking to encourage." YouTourist will encourage tourist exchanges of pictures, videos, and comments and give special communication opportunities for local communities and travel companies involved in the whole chain of tourism development. Crosscutting areas in poverty alleviation can be greatly aided by introducing the type of technology available for travel industry Trusted Social Networks. Digital Identification for secure participation will be a key element. Carlos Moreira, CEO of WISeKey quoted: "We are truly in support of the UNWTO Code of Ethics. In the years to come `Sustainable Tourism' will be the only way out and emerging economies expect from global players like us that we contribute to close the gap for the benefit of everyone. The link between WISeKey's leading edge secure digital identification and UNWTO's Global Code of Ethics brings a new dimension to the concept of trusted travel via YouTourist.net." The Trusted Social Network for the Tourism Industry will inter connect to the global information infrastructure provided by agencies offering e-Tourism Services. It will federate participating agencies into a global e-Tourism Portal using Single Sign On technologies. For more information, please contact: Marcelo Risi, UNWTO Press and Communications Department Tel: +34-91-567-8193 / +34-91-567-8194 Fax: +34-91-567-8218 Email: comm@unwto.org Web: http://www.unwto.org SOURCE WISeKey SA
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