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New High-Performance, Production-Ready TMS320C6454 DSP From Texas Instruments Supplies 2X Improvements in Memory and I/O Bandwidth at Lower Price
December 22, 2006

Best-Selling High-Performance TMS320C64x(TM) DSP Platform
Now Offers 
Affordable, Proven Migration Path for High-End Systems 

    HOUSTON, Dec. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Allowing
designers to transition 
to higher-performing digital signal processors (DSPs)
without compromising 
price, Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN)
today announced the 
availability of the cost-effective, high-performance
TMS320C6454 DSP.  
Targeted for a myriad of infrastructure equipments
including high-end 
telecom, wireless infrastructure, and video and imaging
applications, the new 
1-GHz C6454 DSP is based on the improved TMS320C64x+(TM)
DSP core and TI's 
highest-performing DSP architecture.  The C6454 DSP
provides developers with 
twice the memory and I/O bandwidth of the popular
TMS320C641x DSPs, as well 
as other advanced features and specialization that are
needed to create next-
generation systems requiring high processing performance
and sufficient 
memory at an affordable price.  Currently, over 10 million
C641x DSPs have 
been sold to over 400 customers, making it the most
deployed high-performance 
DSP generation.  TI also announced that the TMS320C6455 DSP
is in production, 
making it the only DSP with Serial RapidIO(TM) (sRIO) in
production.  For 
more information, please visit
http://www.ti.com/c6454pr.com .

    (Photo: )
    (Photo: )

    C6454 DSP Key Customer Benefits

    * A 2X improvement in memory and I/O bandwidth over
C641x plus gigabit
      Ethernet at a similar price to the TMS320C6415 DSP at
the same speed

    * Similar performance to C6455 DSP for 25% less cost

    * Enhanced C64x+ DSP core provides 20% higher cycle
performance and
      20-30% reduction in code size while providing 100%
code compatible with
      TMS320C64x TM DSPs.

    The C6454 DSP provides an ideal migration path for the
many TI customers 
who are currently using C641x DSPs by offering full code
compatibility and 
boosted performance without requiring additional investment
in software 
engineering.  The C6454 DSP achieves 8000 MMAC (million
multiply accumulate 
cycles per second) and four times the EDMA (enhanced direct
memory access) 
throughput of the core used in the earlier devices.  For
new designers 
looking for a high-performing DSP in their tailored,
flagship infrastructure 
applications, including machine vision, medical imaging and
digital video 
products, the C6454 DSP is the optimal choice.  It provides
features, such as 1 MB L2 memory, gigabit Ethernet, C64x+
core and increased 
DDR2 external memory and cache, and is similarly priced to
C641x devices.  
For customers who are using the closely related TMS320C6455
DSP, which is TI'
s first mass market product using the C64x+ core and the
industry's first 
DSP with a sRIO bus interface to support the
interprocessing requirements of 
bandwidth-intensive applications, the cost-efficient C6454
DSP offers C64x+ 
peak performance at an affordable price.  Designers can
immediately begin 
code development for tomorrow's C6454 DSP products using
the C6455 
evaluation module (EVM) and DSP Starter Kit (DSK).

    "The C6454 DSP is an important enabler for a
universal multimedia port 
in next-generation mobile networks that require exceptional
voice and video 
services," said Gennady Sirota, Vice President of
product management and 
marketing, Starent Networks.  "TI's commitment to this
product contributes 
to Starent's delivery of superior multimedia performance
with unrivaled 
flexibility and performance.  Our ST16 Intelligent Mobile
Gateway enhances 
the subscriber experience with advanced voice, data, and
applications while lowering our customers' operational

    Expanding TI's Highest Performing Portfolio

    The new C6454 DSP is the latest addition to TI's suite
of high-
performance solutions, the TMS320C64x generation of DSPs. 
Comparably priced 
with the widely used C641x DSPs but based on the enhanced
C64x+ architecture, 
the C6454 DSP offers designers a 20 to 30 percent reduction
in code size to 
decrease system costs. The C6454 DSP also achieves a 20
percent increase in 
cycle efficiency due to the core's specialized instruction
set with support 
for the frequently performed FFT, FIR and DCT operations. 

    The C6454 DSP is a natural migration path for C641x DSP
developers who 
want richer, sophisticated peripherals but for a similar
price.  High-speed 
peripherals include a Gigabit Ethernet MAC and a 66-MHz
peripheral component 
interconnect (PCI) interface to allow video infrastructure,
telecom and video-
imaging customers to meet high-bandwidth interconnections. 
The C6454 DSP 
doubles L1 data and L1 instruction cache and provides a
twofold increase in 
DDR2 external memory at 533 MHz to provide balanced memory
I/O and processor 
performance.  Since the C6454 DSP is code compatible and is
based on the 
C64x+ core, customers also profit from a 4x increase in
EDMA bandwidth and 
twice the number of 16-bit MMACs.

    The closely related C6454 DSP is a lower cost
alternative to the C6455 
DSP that allows customers to reap a $60 saving due to the
reduction in on-
chip L2 memory to 1MB and the removal of peripherals,
including UTOPIA and 
sRIO, the Viterbi coprocessor (VCP2) and Turbo coprocessor
(TCP2), which are 
not always required in certain designs.  For programmers
that demand the 
highest-performing C64x DSP platform but not necessarily
the multi-chip 
interconnect capabilities, the C6454 DSP without the sRIO
bus is an 
affordable, more economical alternative.  Developers
presently using the 
C6455 DSP who will benefit by transitioning to the C6454
DSP will have 
minimal hardware redesign since the two devices are
completely pin-compatible.

    "The C6454 DSP is an attractive option for
designers who are ready to 
upgrade from C641x DSPs to a higher performing DSP, but do
not necessarily 
want all the advanced features of the C6455 DSP," said
Danny Petkevich, DSP 
platforms marketing manager, Texas Instruments.  "The
new C6454 DSP device 
balances the right amount of performance and affordability
for a wider range 
of high-end applications." 

    Hardware and Software Tools to Ease Development

    Designers can immediately begin system development on
the C6454 DSP with 
the use of the C6455 EVM and DSK.  These robust tools
provide a complete 
modular development platform for both hardware and
software.  Announced in 
early 2006 and now in volume production, the EVM and DSK
include TI's award-
winning Code Composer Studio(TM) Platinum integrated
development platform 
(IDE) and DSP/BIOS(TM) kernel, allowing customers to start
development at a 
higher level of abstraction, which leads to easier software
portability and 
faster time-to-market.  Developers can also rely on the
industry's largest 
DSP third party network for algorithms and additional tools
to produce 
sleeker applications cheaper and faster.  

    Pricing and Availability

    The TMS320C6454 DSP is now available for $94 at 720 MHz
in 10Ku from TI 
and TI Authorized Distributors.  The highly integrated
device is packaged in 
a 24 ¡Á 24 mm, 697-lead BGA (ball grid array).  The C6455
EVM and DSK are 
available for $1795 and $495 from TI and TI Authorized
Distributors.  For 
more information, please visit http://www.ti.com .

    About Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog 
technologies to meet our customers' real world signal
requirements.   In addition to Semiconductor, the company
includes the 
Educational & Productivity Solutions business.  TI is
headquartered in 
Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales
operations in more than 
25 countries.

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the 
symbol TXN.  More information is located on the World Wide
Web at 
http://www.ti.com .


    TMS320C64x, C64x, TMS320C64x+, Code Composer Studio and
trademarks of Texas Instruments.  All other trademarks and
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Tim Frost
     Texas Instruments
     Tel:   +1-281-274-3223
     Email: tfrost@ti.com

     Helen Tso
     Tel:   +1-713-513-9578
     Email: htso@golinharris.com

SOURCE  Texas Instruments Incorporated
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