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Mitsubishi Corporation Leads New Round Fundraising of RoadWay
December 25, 2006

    SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 25 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Shanghai based direct marketing leader,  RoadWay Direct
Marketing Services Co., Ltd ("RoadWay") announces
the closing of a US$1M new round of fundraising.  The
investment was led by Mitsubishi Corporation.  RoadWay
completed a first round of fundraising, led by China Seed
Ventures, in March 2006.

    "This transaction indicates the strong confidence
and interest of Mitsubishi Corporation in the
quickly-growing direct marketing businesses in China,"
said Dixon (Jiang) Yuan, the CEO of RoadWay.  After this
round of fundraising, RoadWay will accelerate its national
expansion; the company will be able to put more resources
in product and services innovation; and will leverage the
excellent platform of Mitsubishi Corporation to enhance its
efforts in developing Japanese clients in China and in
Japan.  Facing increasing competition from international
rivals, Mr. Yuan's strategy for the company is:
"expanding aggressively, building up brand name and
establishing higher entry barrier."  "RoadWay has
over 5 years experience in China market and owns obvious
advantages in understanding the local market and reacting
and adjusting swiftly," Mr. Yuan said.

    "We are very pleased to see such a high-quality
international strategic investor as Mitsubishi Corporation
taking an equity interest in RoadWay," said Mr. Earl
Yen, managing director of China Seed Ventures.  "We
look forward to Mitsubishi Corporation's help and guidance
as RoadWay embarks on its next phase of growth and market

    About RoadWay

    RoadWay Direct Marketing Services Co., Ltd (
http://www.roadway.com.cn ) is a leading provider of
integrated services of direct marketing in China. Based on
its powerful database and experienced project execution
team, RoadWay is designing and executing integrated direct
marketing solutions for hundreds of marketers through
multiple ways, such as direct mail, email, Fax, telephone,
etc.  The company also released a beta version of its
Internet-based database search and marketing tool, DMSys (
http://www.dmsys.com.cn ) in Sept 2006.

    About Mitsubishi Corporation

    Mitsubishi Corporation ( http://www.mitsubishicorp.com
) is Japan's largest general trading company (sogo shosha)
with over 200 bases of operations in approximately 80
countries worldwide.  Together with its over 500 group
companies, MC employs a multinational workforce of
approximately 54,000 people.  MC has long been engaged in
business with customers around the world in virtually every
industry, including energy, metals, machinery, chemicals,
food and general merchandise. 

    About China Seed Ventures

    China Seed Ventures ( http://www.cseed.cn ) is a
seed-stage China-focused venture capital firm targeting
investments in seed and early-stage technology and
technology-related services companies in Greater China. 
China Seed's partners combine extensive venture capital,
operating and China market experiences to assist
entrepreneurs in creating industry-leading companies.
Headquartered in Shanghai and with partners in San
Francisco and Tokyo, China Seed offers access to high
quality partners in Asia and the United States and an
extensive network of resources to support its Chinese
portfolio companies. 

    For more information, please contact: 

     Angela Li  
     Tel:   +86-21-5308-5500 X912  
     Email: angela_li@roadway.com.cn

SOURCE  RoadWay Direct Marketing Services Co., Ltd.

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