New Ownership Group Acquires WorldGolf.Com Network Of Golf and Travel Web Sites

January 23, 2007

WorldGolf.com One of 477 Web Sites Included in Multi-Million Dollar Acquisition MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. Jan. 23 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A group of investors today announced its purchase of WorldGolf.com and 476 other subsidiary Web sites that make up the extensive WorldGolf.com network of golf and travel-related Web sites. The multi-million dollar transaction included the purchase of a total of 477 Web sites. With this purchase, investors have secured ownership of the Internet's most visited golf-related network, which currently receives more than two million unique site visits per month and includes such sites as WorldGolf.com, TravelGolf.com, WorldGolfWire.com and Golf Publisher Syndications. The investor group, which will conduct business as WorldGolf.com LLC, includes professionals with more than 100 years combined experience in golf, travel, marketing and Web-based industries. WorldGolf.com LLC will manage and operate all sites within the network, which offer a complete and extensive variety of golf information ranging from destination articles, product overviews and golf tips to golf travel packages and course reviews. "The chance to purchase the Internet's most visited network of golf and travel Web sites was an opportunity we could not pass up," said David Brittain, lead investor with WorldGolf.com LLC. "The WorldGolf.com ownership group brings an extensive knowledge of Web-hosting and management backed by a proven track record of success in the travel, golf and advertising industries. To apply this knowledge toward the enhancement of the industry's top-tier Web sites is an endeavor we are thrilled to pursue." The flagship Web site included in the acquisition, WorldGolf.com features candid reviews of golf courses and resort destinations, as well as helpful tips and instructions for site visitors interested in improving their golf game. The site also includes a comprehensive booking feature that allows visitors to reserve package deals at destinations throughout the world. Plans for a redesigned WorldGolf.com site, which will launch in the first quarter of 2007, include enhancements to site content and the product review section as well as additional commentary on equipment, apparel and courses throughout the world. The investors' plans for the other sites acquired in the transaction include; expanded content, refocused features sections, deals on golf packages for key golf travel destinations throughout the world, practical equipment reviews posted by golfers, product testing, and a general redesign to enhance the sites' aesthetic appeal. Additional Web sites purchased in the WorldGolf.com network include BadGolfer.comNetCaddie.com, GolfPublisher.com, GolfInstruction.com, GolfEurope.com, ScotlandGolf.com, FloridaGolfGuide.com, GolfCourseRealty.com, HiltonHeadGolf.com, GolfArizona.com, GolfCalifornia.com, MontereyGolf.com, LasVegasGolf.com, ArizonaGolf.com, JacksonvilleGolf.com, GolfCanada.com,CaribbeanGolf.com, TravelGolfMexico.com, HawaiiGolfGuide.com, EuropeGolf.com, SouthAfricaGolf.com, PennsylvaniaGolf.com, GolfNewYork.com, NewJerseyGolf.com, NewEnglandGolf.com, GolfTexas.com, GolfGeorgia.com, GolfMichigan.com, GolfIllinois.com, GulfCoastGolf.comandGolfOhio.com. A great deal of effort will also be dedicated to the enhancement of WorldGolfWire.com, which will serve as a daily email newsletter to media and consumers featuring developments, updates, product information and general news from the golf industry. WorldGolfWire.com currently has more than 100,000 subscribers. Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click appropriate link. David Brittain http://profnet.prnewswire.com/Subscriber/ExpertProfile.aspx?ei=57227 For more information, please contact: Cheryl Harden Brandon Advertising and Public Relations Tel: +1-843-916-2000 Email: charden@brandonadvertising.com Reid Harper Brandon Advertising and Public Relations Tel: +1-843-916-2000 Email: rharper@brandonadvertising.com SOURCE WorldGolf.com
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