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Nike Sets Business Targets To Achieve Ambitious Corporate Responsibility Goals
May 31, 2007

Company More Deeply Integrates Corporate Responsibility
Into Long-Term Growth and Innovation Business Strategies

    BEAVERTON, Ore., May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- With the
release of its fiscal 2005 and 2006 Corporate Responsibility
Report today, NIKE, Inc. announces a series of business
targets for 2011 that more deeply integrate corporate
responsibility goals into the company's long-term growth
and innovation business strategies. The targets set
benchmarks to improve labor conditions in contract
factories, create a climate neutral company, drive
sustainable product design and innovation, and unleash
potential by giving youth greater access to the benefits of

    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990818/NIKELOGO )

    "We see corporate responsibility as a catalyst for
growth and innovation" said Mark Parker, Nike, Inc.'s
President and CEO. "It is an integral part of how we
can use the power of our brand, the energy and passion of
our people, and the scale of our business to create
meaningful change."  

    The corporate responsibility business targets set by
Nike include:

    -- Improve labor conditions by eliminating excessive
overtime in Nike 
       brand contract factories by 2011. Excessive overtime
is one of the most 
       serious ongoing labor compliance issues the company
and the industry 
       face. Nike's priority continues to be improving
conditions for the 
       almost 800,000 contract factory workers who make the

    -- Make all Nike brand facilities, retail and business
travel climate 
       neutral by 2011. Nike has exceeded its reduction
targets for CO2 
       emissions over the last two years through the World
Wildlife Fund's 
       Climate Savers program. The company also eliminated
fluorinated gases 
       (F-gases) across all Nike brand products following
14 years of research 
       and development in the company's Nike Air cushioning

    -- Design all Nike brand footwear (more than 225
million pairs per year)
       to meet baseline targets by 2011 for waste reduction
in product design 
       and packaging, elimination of volatile organic
compounds and increased 
       use of environmentally preferred materials. All Nike
brand apparel is 
       targeted to meet baseline standards by 2015, and
equipment by 2020. 
       Nike is designing sustainable innovation solutions
into its products 
       that the company anticipates will create benefits
throughout its supply 
       chain and support achievement of its targets.

    -- Invest in community-based initiatives that use the
power of sport to
       unleash potential and improve the lives of youth.
Over the past two
       years, Nike has invested $100 million in
community-based sport 
       initiatives. The company is targeting a minimum
investment of $315 
       million through 2011.

    In addition to setting business targets, Nike continues
its commitment to supply chain transparency by updating
public disclosure of the more than 700 contract factories
worldwide producing Nike product. In 2005, Nike was the
first company in its industry to disclose its factory base
to encourage industry transparency and collaboration. For
the first time, Nike also has posted on
http://www.nikeresponsibility.com the company's contract
factory auditing tools. The tools help to provide further
transparency and insight into how the company evaluates and
monitors its contract factories for compliance with company

    Nike's corporate responsibility report, available
online at http://www.nikeresponsibility.com, provides
greater detail on these and other business targets. The
report also provides a comprehensive review of the
company's corporate responsibility efforts for fiscal years
2005 and 2006, as well as forward-looking strategies. This
is the company's third public corporate responsibility
report. The FY05-06 reporting period covers a critical time
during which Nike underwent a significant evolution in how
the company frames, defines and approaches corporate

    For more information, visit

    NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's
leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic
athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a
wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned
Nike subsidiaries include Converse Inc., which designs,
markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and
accessories; NIKE Bauer Hockey Inc., a leading designer and
distributor of hockey equipment; Cole Haan, a leading
designer and marketer of luxury shoes, handbags,
accessories and coats; Hurley International LLC, which
designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth
lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories and Exeter
Brands Group LLC, which designs and markets athletic
footwear and apparel for the value retail channel.

    For more information, please contact:

     Nike World Headquarters:

      Erin Dobson
      Tel: +1-503-671-2682

      Jill Zanger
      Tel: +1-503-532-3016

     Nike EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa):

      Astrid Balsink
      Tel: +31-35-626-6848

     Web:  http://www.nikebiz.com

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