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United States Postal Service International Service Center Honored With Certificate of Excellence
June 01, 2007

    WASHINGTON, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
International Service Center (ISC) in Miami, Fla., is being
recognized with an International Post Corporation (IPC)
Certificate of Excellence for exceeding the highest
international standards in mail processing.

    "This demonstrates that our dedication to
excellence throughout the entire Postal Service is paying
off," said Postmaster General John E. Potter. 
"We're very proud of this achievement and the
employees who earned it by delivering top-notch service for
our customers every day."

    Paul Vogel, managing director and senior vice president
of global business for the Postal Service, said the honor is
particularly noteworthy because it marks certification of
all five international centers.  Chicago's J.T. Weeker ISC
was certified in 2004, the New York (JFK) ISC was certified
in 2006, the Los Angeles and San Francisco ISCs were
certified earlier this year, and Miami joins the list

    "The U.S. Postal Service is the first national
post worldwide to earn IPC certification of its entire
international processing network," said Vogel.
"It's an amazing achievement considering the volume of
mail we handle for customers in nearly every nation in the
world.  We are proud to be an example for other countries
as we work cooperatively to improve mail standards around
the globe."

    Achieving certification is a year-long process that
includes stringent on-site reviews to verify that nearly
200 standards are met.  The IPC awards certification for a
three-year period, and conducts periodic validation to
ensure that a facility maintains its high performance

    The IPC is a cooperative association of 23 national
postal administrations and operators from North America,
Europe and the Pacific.  IPC President and Chief Executive
Officer Herbert-Michael Zapf has traveled from Belgium to
present the award and recognize ISC employees at an event

    The Miami center employs more than 280 people and
processes more than 24 million pounds of mail per year.

    An independent federal agency, the U.S. Postal Service
is the only delivery service that visits 146 million homes
and businesses, six days a week.  It has 37,000 retail
locations and relies on the sale of postage, products and
services to cover its operating expenses.  The Postal
Service has annual revenues of $73 billion and delivers
nearly half the world's mail.

    For more information, please contact:

     Yvonne Yoerger
     U.S. Postal Service
     Tel:   +1-202-268-8596
     Email: yvonne.yoerger@usps.gov
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