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Omnicom Agencies Take Top Honors in Adweek's AOY Ranking: TBWA Named Global Agency of the Year; Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Named U.S. Agency of the Year
January 12, 2007

Advertising Age Also Honors Omnicom, TBWA and Goodby

    NEW YORK, Jan. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Omnicom Group
agencies TBWA and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners took
Global Agency of the Year and U.S. Agency of the Year
honors respectively in Adweek's annual Agency of the Year

    In choosing TBWA Adweek noted the agency came together
with enviable global business gains, proving its mettle as
a worldwide network. As Adweek described it, "The
growth was impressive, and creatively, as in years past, it
just doesn't get any better than TBWA under Chairman and
Chief Creative Officer Lee Clow."

    Honoring Goodby, Silverstein & Partners as U.S.
Agency of the Year, Adweek wrote: "The shop
transformed itself for the digital age without skipping a
creative beat. The year's work proved that the agency has
turned a page in the history of its evolution; the agency's
creative output is now split evenly between traditional and
nontraditional. The San Francisco-based shop's evolution
was driven by its unyielding desire to be the

    This week, TBWA and Goodby also were honored by
Advertising Age magazine which listed the pair at the top
of the publication's Agency A-List. Advertising Age also
named Goodby, Silverstein & Partners' work for
Hewlett-Packard as U.S. Campaign of the Year. Goodby's
"The computer is personal again" campaign was
praised for "making the PC stand once again for
`personal computer' and not for what it has become -- a
personal commodity."

    In its first ever selection of Executive of the Year,
Advertising Age chose Omnicom President and CEO John Wren
for demonstrating "how the large agency holding
company should function." Wren, the publication
observed, places the emphasis on recruitment, retention and
development of talent while insuring that operating units
have the right resources to deliver world class client
service and prepare for future changes in the business.

    Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC) (
http://www.omnicomgroup.com ) is a leading global marketing
and corporate communications company.  Omnicom's branded
networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising,
strategic media planning and buying, direct and promotional
marketing, public relations and other specialty
communications services to over 5,000 clients in more than
100 countries.

    For more information, please contact:

     Pat Sloan
     Tel: +1-212-415-2109 

SOURCE  Omnicom Group 
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