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Nigeria to Increase Telecommunications Competition and Services Throughout the Country Through the Award of Radio Spectrum
January 11, 2007

    ABUJA, Nigeria, Jan. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- In a bilateral
agreement, as part of a broader development of economic
relations between Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates, the
Nigerian Government has agreed to licence spectrum in the
1800MHz and 900MHz bands to the Mubadala Development
Company of the United Arab Emirates.  The detail of the
licensing agreement and its implementation will be managed
by The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).

    In addition, the Board of the NCC is pleased to
announce its intention to proceed with the licensing of
radio spectrum in the 3G and 450 MHz bands.  These new
licences will encourage the deployment of advanced
technology to continue the development of
telecommunications in Nigeria.  The new licences will also
provide an opportunity to attract additional new operators
and more investment into this rapidly growing market in
Africa's most populous country.

    Importantly, the release of more spectrum supports the
Government's policy of improving access to communication
services and extending coverage, especially into rural
areas.  Subscribers can also expect to receive an increased
range of services, improved quality of service and better
value for money.

    The NCC will ensure that the process of awarding
spectrum will be competitive and fair.  Engr. Ernest
Ndukwe, Executive Vice Chairman of the NCC, reaffirmed that
"the NCC is committed to implementing Government policy
on telecommunications by having open and transparent
development within this important part of the Nigerian
economy and infrastructure."

    The process for awarding new licences has included the
appointment of PA Consulting Group, a leading firm of
international management and telecommunications
consultants.  John Buckley of PA said, "we are pleased
to be tasked by the NCC with assisting in developing and
overseeing the process for the award of licences, to ensure
it meets international best practice."

    The next step will be the issue of a 'Public Notice,'
which will provide more details about the process, the
spectrum on offer and the indicative timeframes involved. 
All information and press releases will be made available
through the NCC website.

    About the NCC

    The Nigerian Communications Commission is the
independent National Regulatory Authority for the
telecommunications industry in Nigeria.  The Commission is
responsible for creating an environment that enables
competition among operators in the industry, as well as
ensuring the provision of quality and efficient
telecommunications services throughout the country.  To
achieve its mandate, the Commission has put in place the
necessary licensing and regulatory framework for the supply
of telecommunications services.


    About PA Consulting Group

    PA Consulting Group is a leading management, systems
and technology consulting firm.  Operating worldwide in
more than 35 countries, PA draws on the knowledge and
experience of 3,000 people, whose skills extend from
initial generation of ideas, insights and solutions through
to detailed implementation.  Its work and support is based
on deep sector insight and expertise across the private and
public sectors. It has particular strengths in
telecommunications, financial services, energy, life
sciences and healthcare, government and public services,
manufacturing and defence.


    For more information, please contact:

     Nick Greenway
     The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)
     Email: spectrumauction@ncc.gov.ng

SOURCE  The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)

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