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Shell Global Solutions Rolls Out Carbon & Energy Management Programme to Address Asia Pacific Energy Challenge
May 18, 2007

    SINGAPORE, May 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire / -- 

    -- Two-prong strategy to improve energy efficiency and
       carbon emissions
    -- First roll-out of the integrated programme in the
Asia Pacific
       for its customers 

    Shell Global Solutions launched its Asia Pacific Carbon
and Energy Management programme at the Asia Pacific Media
Technology Day here today. The launch was officiated by Bob
Frith, President, Shell Technology India and Oscar Piepers,
Regional Discipline Leader, Carbon & Energy Management,
Asia Pacific, Shell Global Solutions. 

    The Asia Pacific Media Technology Day 2007 is designed
to educate and inform members from the regional media on
cutting edge technologies and innovations being developed
by Shell Global Solutions to meet the energy challenge in
the Asia Pacific while promoting efficient energy usage and
reduction of C02 emissions significantly around the world.

    "The International Energy Agency has forecast a
50% rise in energy demand over the first 30 years of this
century and believes that most of this increase will be met
by hydrocarbons. The ability to manage C02 is therefore a
priority for the future development and growth of our
business -- we aim to have a reputation for responsible C02
management. We are well-placed to participate in the search
for and deploy solutions because of our experience and our
know-how. We don't have all of the answers, but we are
constantly working to find them," said Frith.

    Shell is pursuing numerous C02 mitigation and
technology development activities in order to improve its
ability to manage C02 emissions from the hydrocarbon
businesses. Examples would be energy efficiency projects,
potential large-scale C02 sequestration demonstration
projects and alternative fuels.  

    Frith points out that Shell has launched an initiative
several years ago to improve the energy efficiencies of
refineries and chemical plants. The energy efficiency
programme being undertaken at the liquefied natural gas
plant in Malaysia is named as a relevant example. Malaysia
LNG expects an overall LNG production increase of up to 1%
as a result of improvements made with minimal capital

    The energy efficiency programme is helping Shell
facilities and plants to cut energy consumption, reduce
emissions and is also being implemented by clients in the
manufacturing and processing industries. In 2004, the Deer
Park chemical complex in Texas, USA, reduced its energy
consumption by 2.1% to give annual savings of 90,000 tons
of associated C02 emissions.

    "Typically, we see the savings made in our energy
efficiency programmes are through the effective application
of successful practices, technology and economics. For
example, capturing carbon dioxide means it can be stored
(sequestered).  This comes at a cost.  However, there are
novel ways you can 'recycle' carbon dioxide, for example,
the Shell Pernis refinery in The Netherlands is capturing
part of the carbon dioxide it produces and provides it to a
third party, who then supplies it for horticultural use.
Before, Shell supplied the C02 that growers used to burn
natural gas all through the summer for the same effect. 
This natural gas is now saved," adds Frith. 

    "There is a significant amount of hydrocarbon
resource available to us over the next number of decades.
If we continue to exploit that and also meet the energy
challenge responsibly, we have to look at managing the
resulting C02 emissions. We are actually developing a
number of alternative energy sources, placing Shell as the
largest distributor of bio-fuels and one of the biggest
investors in wind energy and investing in new technology
such as second generation bio-fuels, thin film solar and
hydrogen," said Frith. 

    "Addressing the world's energy challenge through
technology-based strategies is essential. The regime post
2012 and when the current Kyoto protocol expires will be
critical for determining how the world responds to all
these large opportunities. All of us, scientists,
technologists, engineers, media and the consumer have a
vital role to play in creating a responsible energy

    For more information, please contact:

     Soo-Hoo Siew Kheng, Shell Global Solutions (Malaysia)

     Telephone: +603-2170-3466

     Raymond Siva, GCI International Sdn Bhd 
     Telephone: +60-3-2178-0062 
     Mobile:    +60-12-217-9378
     Email:     raymondGCI@grey.com.my

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