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Study Continues to Show Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treated With Revlimid are Living Longer and Remaining Transfusion Independent
May 17, 2007

Moffitt Research Presented at 9th International Symposium
on Myelodysplastic Syndromes

    TAMPA, Fla., May 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- New updated
results from a pivotal Phase II trial evaluating Revlimid
in patients with an incurable blood cancer known as
myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) were presented today by Dr.
Alan List, from the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center &
Research Institute, at the 9th International Symposium on
MDS currently taking place in Florence, Italy. 
Breakthrough data presented at the meeting showed that
Revlimid, or lenalidomide, can provide long-term survival
benefit and prevent disease progression in MDS patients
with chromosome 5q deletion.

    "These landmark data demonstrate that Revlimid, in
many cases, can help patients with MDS live transfusion free
for several years.  More importantly, we found that Revlimid
can provide a significant long-term survival advantage, with
87 percent of cytogenic responders having a ten-year
survival estimate," said Dr. List, Professor of
Oncology and Medicine and Chief, Division of Malignant
Hematology at Moffitt, and lead investigator of the study. 
"It is very rewarding to see patients treated with
Revlimid, living longer, living three or four years
transfusion free and having a better quality of life

    The updated data presented by Dr. List at this year's
Symposium showed that patients with MDS with chromosome 5q
deletion who received Revlimid were able to remain
transfusion free for an average of 2.2 years and, after
four years, patients were still responding to treatment. 
Additionally, among patients who showed a cytogenic
response to Revlimid, 87 percent had a ten year survival
estimate compared to only four percent of non-cytogenic

    Additional data from a retrospective analysis of a
German database on MDS patients treated with Revlimid was
also presented at the Symposium and showed that Revlimid
can also prevent disease progression in patients with MDS
with chromosome 5q deletion.  This is noteworthy because,
according to the MDS Foundation, approximately 30 percent
of patients diagnosed with MDS will typically progress to
acute myeloid leukemia (AML).  Patients receiving Revlimid
also had a statistically significant overall survival

    MDS, a cancer in which the bone marrow fails to make
enough functioning blood cells, affects 300,000 people
worldwide killing 60,000 to 70,000 a year.  MDS patients
suffer from anemia and fatigue and need whole-body blood
transfusions as much as twice a month.  Repeated
transfusions can lead to a toxic buildup called "iron
overload" that severely damages the heart, liver and
pancreas, and patients eventually succumb to the disease.

    Revlimid is indicated for the treatment of patients
with transfusion-dependent anemia due to Low- or
Intermediate-1-risk myelodysplastic syndromes associated
with a deletion 5q cytogenetic abnormality with or without
additional cytogenetic abnormalities.  Revlimid is also
used as treatment in combination with dexamethasone for
multiple myeloma patients who have received at least one
prior therapy.

    About H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research

    Located in Tampa, Florida on the University of South
Florida campus, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research
Institute ( http://www.moffitt.org ) is the only
Florida-based cancer center with the NCI designation as a
Comprehensive Cancer Center for its excellence in research
and contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer
control. Moffitt currently has 15 affiliates in Florida, one
in Georgia and two in Puerto Rico. Additionally, Moffitt is
a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, a
prestigious alliance of the country's leading cancer
centers, and is listed in U.S. News & World Report as
one of America's Best Hospitals for cancer. Moffitt's sole
mission is to contribute to the prevention and cure of

    For more information, contact:

     Nancy Johnson
     Tel:   +1-813-745-1478
     Email: nancy.johnson@moffitt.org

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