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Symbol Technologies Launches New Mobile RFID Reader Extending RFID to Furthest Reaches of Supply Chain Facilities
September 20, 2006

Rugged RD5000 Mobile RFID Reader Provides Visibility on Variety of Material Handling Equipment
    HOLTSVILLE, N.Y., Sept. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Symbol Technologies, Inc., The Enterprise Mobility
Company(TM), today announced that it has launched the
RD5000, a compact, mobile Gen 2 RFID reader that can be
integrated with forklifts, pallet jacks, stretch wrappers,
and other material handling equipment, and utilized in
various space-constrained environments. By extending the
range of RFID beyond the dock door, the RD5000 mobile RFID
reader provides customers with improved asset visibility in
motion throughout the supply chain.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041029/SYMBOLOGO )

    The RD5000 mobile RFID reader can also be mounted on a
forklift with the Symbol VC5090 vehicle/fixed mount
computer as part of an integrated forklift solution that
reduces the need for drivers to spend time recording the
receipt and movement of goods. By combining the power of
the RD5000 mobile RFID reader with the VC5090 vehicle/fixed
mount computer, customers can speed product movement through
the supply chain and track products, pallets and assets in a
variety of locations.

    "Previous RFID deployment strategies have depended
heavily on the predictable movement of goods, with RFID
readers installed at `choke points' such as dock
doors," said Anthony Bartolo, vice president and
general manager of Symbol's Wireless Infrastructure and
RFID Divisions. "By RFID-enabling material handling
equipment with Symbol's new RD5000 mobile RFID reader,
organizations gain increased visibility to items in the
supply chain all the way to the shelf or staging

    The RD5000 mobile RFID reader features cable-free
operation, an integrated antenna, Bluetooth communication
capabilities and wireless connectivity.  These features,
combined with the reader's small dimensions and Microsoft
Windows CE 5.0 platform, help ease the installation,
maintenance and integration of the reader with existing
processes and networks. The RD5000 mobile RFID reader will
also support Symbol's upcoming Wireless-Next Generation
(Wi-NG) RF-switching system which will allow organizations
to easily deploy and manage evolving RF networks from one
central location.

    "Symbol's mobile RFID readers are changing the
face of RFID with innovative features and solutions that
redefine the notion of real-time inventory tracking and
increased supply chain visibility," said Jane Gilson,
director, Windows Mobile and Embedded Devices Group,
Microsoft Corp. "Our close collaboration with Symbol
ensures that its line of portable RFID readers and other
rugged devices incorporate the best, most advanced features
that Windows CE has to offer."

    The rugged design of the RD5000 RFID reader has been
tested to withstand the shocks and blows that take place in
extreme environments, and has been sealed to IP66
specifications for protection against dust and water. To
maximize battery life during work shifts, the RD5000 mobile
RFID reader is equipped with sensors that detect the
device's proximity to tagged items, shutting down when
motionless or out of tag range.
    A number of Symbol partners have already developed
solutions with the RD5000 mobile RFID reader including
Creative Concepts Software, Inc.; Xterprise Incorporated;
Rush Tracking Systems; and epcSolutions, Inc.

    About Symbol Technologies 

    Symbol Technologies, Inc., The Enterprise Mobility
Company(TM), is a recognized worldwide leader in enterprise
mobility, delivering products and solutions that capture,
move and manage information in real time to and from the
point of business activity. Symbol enterprise mobility
solutions integrate advanced data capture products, radio
frequency identification technology, mobile computing
platforms, wireless infrastructure, mobility software and
world-class services programs. Symbol enterprise mobility
products and solutions are proven to increase workforce
productivity, reduce operating costs, drive operational
efficiencies and realize competitive advantages for the
world's leading companies. More information is available at
http://www.symbol.com . 

    Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States
and/or other countries.

    For more information, please contact:

    For media information: 
     Bill Abelson 
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-631-738-4751
     Email: bill.abelson@symbol.com

    For media information:
     Joey Marquart
     Edelman Public Relations
     Tel:   +1-212-704-8133
     Email: joey.marquart@edelman.com

    For EMEA media information:
     Ana Williams
     Spark Communications
     Tel:   +44-207-357-8612
     Email: ana@sparkcomms.co.uk

    For financial information:      
     Lori Chaitman                   
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.        
     Tel:   +1-631-738-5050             
     Email: lori.chaitman@symbol.com     
    For industry analyst information: 
     Shirley Schroedl 
     Symbol Technologies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-631-738-4823 
     Email: shirley.schroedl@symbol.com  

SOURCE  Symbol Technologies, Inc.

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