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Vivace Extends Media Processor Family with New High Performance Video Processor for Low-Cost QVGA Portable Devices
March 12, 2007

VSP100 delivers low power, real-time benefits with
multi-core chip based on high performance ViViD
architecture and programmable platform

    BEIJING, March 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Vivace
Semiconductor, a leader in digital media processing chips,
today announced an extension to its product line with the
addition of the VSP100, a low power and cost effective
processor optimized for the needs of product developers
incorporating high quality video capabilities in small
screen (less than 2.5") QVGA portable devices such as
mobile phones, MP3 video device (MP4) and embedded video
devices.  The chip supports real-time decoding and
down-scaling of multiple video formats and provides
significant new capabilities for systems designers building
low cost video capabilities into MP3 players and mobile

    The new VSP100 is based on Vivace's ViViD media
processing engine, and features three customized VLIW
processing cores for video processing in a compact die
size.  It will be priced in the $5-6 range in volume,
making it ideal for low cost devices and to extend the
capabilities of existing systems.

    The low power, small die solution enables high quality
video on mobile devices at very low silicon cost and can be
easily integrated into legacy systems.  It supports multiple
video standards and comes complete with a full application
library.  The VSP100 is fully programmable enabling
developers to create value-added features and adapt to
changes in product requirements.  The VSP100 complements
Vivace's product roadmap that includes the VSP200 for
portable/mobile media devices and the VSP300 for high
definition devices, both which will ship later this year.
    A key value for the chip is to allow consumer devices
to run downloaded and streaming video in real-time. 
Today's low end solutions require consumers to transcode
formats and reduce frame sizes on a PC before the video can
be run on the consumer device sometimes taking hours.  The
VSP100 will allow the devices to process the video in
real-time removing this inconvenience for the consumer.

    "We have built on the proven foundation of our
higher end multi-core processors to deliver a solution for
the ultra cost-sensitive segment of the mobile multimedia
market.  The goal of this product is to significantly
enhance the consumer's experience using low cost video
devices," said Cary Ussery, president and CEO of
Vivace.  "We are entering a new era of media options
for the consumer and innovative semiconductor technology
will provide the engine that fuels it." 
    High quality real-time QVGA video at low power

    The VSP100 is powered by a unique tri-core processing
engine and is integrated with a 150 MHz RISC CPU.  The
processors support QVGA capabilities in real-time at 30
frames per second (fps).  Video post processing includes
de-blocking, de-ringing, scaling, rotation, etc.  It also
includes an integrated LCD controller that supports user
programmable resolution, timing and control and up to 32
bit internal precision.

    The new device features integrated power management
features that lower overall power consumption and extend
battery life.  The VSP 100 operates at very low clock
frequency requirements for advanced video functions and
supports three power modes: active, sleep, and power-down. 
The chip consumes only 25 to 50Mw operation during media
playback and draws almost no power during idle mode.  It
also supports integration with mobile DDR-1 memories to
offer system providers low power system solutions.

    The VSP100 supports all major video standards including
H.264, MPEG-4, DivX, MPEG-2, WMV and Real Video as well as
JPEG image compression and decompression.  All media
components are provided in complete source code/firmware. 
The fully programmable VSP 100 includes a complete software
development environment including integrated compilers,
debuggers, assemblers, and profilers.

    Development Support

    The VSP100 comes with a complete development platform,
reference design and software development tool suite.  The
Vivace Development System enables quick and easy
development, debug, integration and test of hardware and
software.  The system is PC-based, running under the
Windows environment and can be used with Vivace's
development boards or customer-designed hardware. 

    Pricing and availability

    The VSP 100 will be manufactured in a SMIC .13-micron
process and samples will be available in June 2007.  Volume
pricing is targeted in the $5-6 range.

    About Vivace

    Vivace Semiconductor develops high-performance,
low-power video processing chips that are optimized for the
needs of high-growth consumer market segments. Its chips
support a full range of video and audio standards, are
based on the company's proprietary ViViD(TM) Media engine
and include a complete software suite for media processing
and a fully programmable, open platform for additional
software integration.  Its initial product line is aimed at
developers of portable media players and integrated digital
display/TV products.  The company is based in Beverly,
Massachusetts and Beijing, China. More information can be
found at http://www.vivacesemi.com .

    Vivace and ViViD are trademarks of Vivace
Semiconductor, Inc. All other trademarks referenced belong
to their respective owners.

    For more information, contact:

     Chuan He                           Mike Sottak
     Vivace Semiconductor               Wired Island, Ltd.
     Tel:   +86-10-8235-8482            Tel:  
     Email: riverh@vivacesemi.cn.com    Email:
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