Vivendi Universal Ordinary Shareholders, ADR Holders and ADS Holders May Be Entitled To Payment From An SEC Settlement Fund

February 27, 2007

NEW YORK, Feb. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The following statement is being issued by Greenberg Traurig, LLP regarding the Securities and Exchange Commission v. Vivendi Universal, S.A. A settlement has been reached in an enforcement action brought by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission against Vivendi Universal, S.A. ("Vivendi") and others. If you purchased Vivendi Ordinary Shares, American Depository Receipts or American Depository Shares (the "Securities") during the period from December 1, 2000 through July 2, 2002, you may qualify to receive payment from the Settlement fund of approximately $51,000,000. You will be required to submit a proof of claim to qualify for payment. The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York has authorized this notice. Who is included? You are a Potentially Eligible Claimant and could get benefits if you purchased Vivendi Securities during the period from December 1, 2000 through July 2, 2002. You are a Potentially Eligible Claimant only if you bought shares of Vivendi stock individually, not simply through a mutual fund. Certain of Vivendi's officers, directors and employees as well as their immediate family members are not eligible to receive payment. Contact your broker to see if you purchased Vivendi Securities during the required time period. If you are not sure you are included, you can get more information, including a detailed notice, at http://www.VivendiSecSettlement.com or by calling one of the phone numbers listed below. What is this about? The SEC enforcement action claimed that Vivendi, its former Chief Executive Officer and its former Chief Financial Officer engaged in conduct that violated various securities laws. What does the Settlement provide? Under the terms of the Settlement, a fund of approximately $51,000,000 has been established from which payments will be made to eligible claimants who submit a valid proof of claim. Your recovery from the fund, if any, will depend on the number of valid claim forms that eligible claimants send in, how many shares of Vivendi Securities you bought, and when you bought and sold them. All of the $51,000,000 plus accrued interest, less professional fees and taxes, will be paid out. How do you ask for a payment? A detailed notice and claim form package contains everything you need. Just call the number or visit the website below to get one. To qualify for a payment, you must send in a claim form. Claim forms must be postmarked by June 12, 2007. Phone Numbers: Toll-free from the US/Canada: 800-295-3152 Toll-free from select European countries: 800-747-37473 (FR, DE, UK, BE, IT, NL, PT, ES, SZ) Toll-call from all other countries: + 1-941-906-4612 (a US phone number) Website: http://www.VivendiSecSettlement.com For more information, please contact: Jeffrey Sklaroff Greenberg Traurig, LLP Tel: +1-212-801-9227 SOURCE Greenberg Traurig, LLP
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