

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。










 さらに、よりリラックスしてお過ごしいただくためのアイテムとして、ソニー製e-bookリーダー「リブリエ」を無料でご利用いただけます。作品は、株式会社パブリッシングリンク(東京都千代田区・代表取締役社長:松田哲夫、以下パブリッシングリンク)が運営する電子書籍サイト「Timebook Town」(※2)で配信中の作品から女性に人気の30作品(※3)をご用意しました。


※1【ソニー製e-Bookリーダー「リブリエ」】 http://www.sony.co.jp/LIBRIE

※2【Timebook Town】 http://www.timebooktown.jp/
 株式会社新潮社、株式会社講談社、ソニー株式会社など15社で設立された電子出版事業会社パブリッシングリンクが運営する電子書籍配信ポータルサイトです。BBeB Bookフォーマットによる、多彩なジャンルの電子書籍作品を取りそろえています。











名称      スーパーホテル新横浜
所在地    神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜2-6-20
敷地面積   804.37m2
延床面積   6,019.80m2
構造・規模  鉄筋コンクリート造10階建
客室数    266室


Qunar Announces Best Travel Companies in China
June 01, 2007

China's first-ever China Travel Industry Awards Ceremony
Highlights Established Players and Emerging Leaders

    BEIJING, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China's largest
travel search engine -- Qunar.com -- announced today the
finalists of China's first-ever China Travel Industry
Awards Ceremony.  The finalists were chosen by over 5,000
consumers through the internet.

    "We feel this is a fantastic opportunity to
recognize the leaders of the travel industry in
China," noted CC Zhuang, Qunar's Cofounder and
President.  "The Chinese Travel Industry Awards
Ceremony recognizes not only well-established leaders but
also emerging giants within the travel space."

    The awards ceremony took place on Tuesday, May 29, 2007
at the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, located in the heart of
Beijing's commercial center.

    The awards for the best web sites included:

    Most Popular Online Travel Agency Web Site
     -- Ctrip.com

    Most Popular Traditional Travel Agency Web Site
     -- Aoyou.com

    Online Travel Agency Web Site -- Best User Experience
     -- Elong.com

    Online Travel Agency Web Site -- Most Innovative Web
     -- Etpass.com

    Online Travel Agency Web Site -- Most "Willing to
     -- MangoCity.com

    The awards for the best airlines included:

    Most Popular Domestic Airline
     -- Air China

    Best Customer Service Domestic Airline
     -- Air China

    Most Popular Budget Airline
     -- Spring Airlines

    Most "Sunny" Domestic Airline
     -- Hainan Airlines

    Most Popular International Airline
     -- Singapore Airlines

    Best Customer Service International Airline
     -- Singapore Airlines

    Most "Sunny" International Airline
     -- Thai Airways

    Most `willing to try" International Airline
     -- British Airways & Air France

    Most "On Schedule" International Airline
     -- Northwest Airlines

    The awards for the best budget hotel chain included:
    Most Popular Hotel
     -- HomeInns, Super8, & JinJiang Inn
    Most Fashionable Hotel Brand
     -- GreenTree

    Best Customer Service
     -- YaYue

    China's first-ever China Travel Industry Awards
    Among the over 100 attendees to the Chinese Travel
Industry Awards Ceremony were representatives from domestic
and international airlines, major hotels chains, online
travel agencies, as well as senior industry analysts. 

    Winners of the awards were selected based on the
findings of a large-scale ten-day online poll conducted by
Qunar.com.  Internet users throughout China (including Hong
Kong, Macao and Taiwan) voluntarily voted for the "the
Best Travel Supplier" within seven broad categories
spanning airlines and hotels to reservation web sites and
web sites of travel agencies.  More than 5,000 valid online
votes were cast. The authenticity and tendency reflected by
the findings are widely recognized. 

    About Qunar

    Based in Beijing, Qunar is China's largest travel
search engine and third largest travel web site overall,
attracting over 5 million customers on a monthly basis.  

    Qunar offers flight search, hotel search and deals
publishing.  By using Qunar.com consumers are able to
compare prices and access other relevant travel information
in order to make the best purchase decision.  Key partners
include Air China, Accor, Hilton and Shanghai Everbright. 

    Qunar means "where are you going?" in
Mandarin Chinese.

    For more information, please contact:

     Room 511-512,Splendid Time
     NO.56 West Road of North Fourth Ring
     Media contact:
     Dixon Dai
     Vice President, Marketing
     Tel:   +86-13501274842
     Email: dixon.dai@qunar.com
Lilly Announces a Call for Articles Into 2007 Luminous Award
June 01, 2007

Luminous Award Recognizes Outstanding Cancer Journalism
from Outlets Around the World

    INDIANAPOLIS, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Following
the success of the inaugural Luminous Award in 2006, Lilly
Oncology announced today the call for entries to Luminous
2007. The Luminous Award was created by Lilly to honour
journalism that serves readers and viewers by providing
responsible, accurate and timely information on advances in
cancer prevention, research, development and treatment.

    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070601/CLF003LOGO )

    Open to all journalists reporting for newspapers,
consumer magazines, newsletters, websites and broadcast
outlets, entries are judged on a series of criteria
including news value, the ability to stimulate awareness
about advances in oncology, effective communication for the
intended audience and creativity. The closing deadline for
entries is 1 September 2007, and the winner will be
announced during the European Conference on Clinical
Oncology (ECCO), 23 - 27 September 2007.

    The winner of the Luminous Award will have the
opportunity to choose a seven-day trip for two people to
Boston, London, New York, Paris or Sydney, to be
enlightened by the work of a world-renowned oncologist or
cancer researcher. 
    As an alternative to the trip, the winner may choose a
cash donation of  euro 10,000 made in the form of a
scholarship, in their name, to help a student continue his
or her studies to become a journalist and enlighten others
through his or her work.

    There will also be a runner-up prize of five days for
two to either London or New York where he or she will have
the opportunity to meet with a world-renowned oncologist or
cancer researcher who will share their insights. 
Alternatively, the runner-up may select a cash donation of
euro 5,000 made in the form of a scholarship, in their
name, to help a student continue his or her studies to
become a journalist and enlighten others through his or her

    Certain local restrictions may apply regarding this
Journalism Award and it is only available where not
prohibited or restricted by local laws and regulations.

    About Lilly Oncology, a Division of Eli Lilly and

    For more than four decades, Lilly Oncology has been
collaborating with cancer researchers to deliver innovative
treatment choices and valuable programs to patients and
physicians worldwide.  Inspired by the courageous patients
living with cancer, Lilly Oncology is providing treatments
that are considered global standards of care and developing
a broad portfolio of novel targeted therapies to accelerate
the pace and progress of cancer care.  

    About Eli Lilly and Company

    Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is
developing a growing portfolio of first-in-class and
best-in-class pharmaceutical products by applying the
latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and
from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind., Lilly provides answers
-- through medicines and information -- for some of the
world's most urgent medical needs. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Gina Worthington
     Luminous Award Secretariat
     Tel:   +44-207-395-7180
     Fax:   +44-207-395-7101
     Email: luminousaward@cprworldwide.com 

     Christine Van Marter
     Eli Lilly and Company
     Tel:   +1-317-651-1473
     Email: vanmarterch@lilly.com

Stora Enso Signs a EUR 1.4 Billion Syndicated Loan
June 01, 2007

    HELSINKI, Finland, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora
Enso has signed a new EUR 1.4 billion syndicated credit
facility agreement with a group of 15 banks. The facility,
which has a maturity of five years, is for general
corporate purposes including the refinancing of existing
EUR 1.75 billion syndicated facility. The new loan facility
has a margin of 0.225% p.a. over Euribor.

    Mandated Lead Arrangers for the transaction are ABN
AMRO Bank N.v., Stockholm Branch, CALYON, Deutsche Bank AG,
London Branch and Handelsbanken.

    Arrangers: Barclays Capital, BNP PARIBAS, Citigroup,
HSBC Bank plc, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Merrill Lynch
International Bank Limited, Morgan Stanley, Nordea, SEB,
UBS Investment Bank and William Street Credit Corporation.
    The rationale for refinancing was to review and
decrease the size of the bank group, to save costs by
taking advantage of prevailing market conditions and to
prolong the maturity.

    For further information, please contact:
    Markus Rauramo
    Senior Vice President, Group Treasurer 
    Tel: +44-20-7016-3250

    Peter Nordquist
    Vice President, Funding
    Tel: +44-20-7016-3266

    Keith B Russell
    Senior Vice President, Investor Relations
    Tel: +44-20-7775-788659
    Web: http://www.storaenso.com

Joint Statement from Caterpillar and Anhui Xingma Automobile Group Co., Ltd.
June 01, 2007

(In response to media reports stating that Caterpillar is
planning an equity investment in Anhui Xingma Automobile

    PEORIA, Ill., June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Recent
media reports have said Caterpillar intends to purchase a
20% stake in Anhui Xingma Automobile Group Co Ltd. Both
Caterpillar and Anhui Xingma Automobile Group seek to
clarify that there are currently no plans for Caterpillar
to make such an equity investment in Anhui Xingma
Automobile Group.

    "This statement is for rebuttal purpose only.
Caterpillar undertakes no obligation to update or revise
this statement, whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise"

    For more information, please contact:

     Jim Dugan, 
     Government Relations & Corporate Affairs 
     Tel:    +86-10-5921-0166
     Mobile: +86-1391-093-4649
     Email:  dugan_jim@cat.com
Xinhua Far East Upgrades the Issuer Rating of SGIS Songshan Co Ltd from BB- to BB; Its Rating Outlook Changed from Negative to Stable
June 01, 2007

    HONG KONG, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -¨C Xinhua Far
East China Ratings ("Xinhua Far East") today
upgraded SGIS Songshan Co Ltd's ("SGIS" or
"the company", SZ A 000717) issuer credit rating
from BB- to BB. The company's rating outlook was also
changed from negative to stable.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif )

    The rating action was mainly prompted by the present
better-than-expected sector environment, expectations that
the company's financial flexibility will further improve in
the favorable domestic capital market, and the company's
strengthening strategic position while the sector is
undergoing consolidation. Even so, SGIS's investment in
capacity and technology has not significantly improved its
competitive position, with the company's aggressive
financial policies and its poor record in coping with
industry downturns preventing it from obtaining a higher

    With China's steel prices recovering in 2006, SGIS's
turnover rose by 16.9% to RMB12.4 billion in 2006. The
company's gross margin rose to 7% in 2006 from 4.1% in 2005
and, with prices continuing to rise in 2007, its gross
margin reached 8.6% in the first quarter of 2007. We expect
strong domestic and foreign demand will offset the pressures
the company faces from overcapacity and rises in input
costs. A better-than-expected sector environment may help
it to avoid facing extremely tough demands on capital in
the near term.

    SGIS issued RMB1,538 million in convertible bonds to
replace the same amount worth of bank loans in February
2007. We believe most bond investors will convert the bonds
to common stock given that its common stock price is
significantly above the strike price, a move which will
lower the company's debt to capital ratios.

    With the steel industry undergoing a new round of
mergers and acquisitions in China and globally, as a result
of high industry concentration upstream and intensifying
competition, we expect SGIS may enjoy higher financial
flexibility. SGIS is an attractive target for domestic
first-tier steel groups because of its leading exposure to
Guangdong Province, one of China's top steel consuming

    Even so, the company's competitiveness remains
relatively weak, compared to its domestic peers, in terms
of capacity and its product mix, even though its product
mix is more upgraded than it once was. Further, the
company's profitability tends to be fragile when the sector
goes through hard times, while its financial policies are
aggressive. It also faces the possibility that its capital
expenditure will rise if it cooperates with domestic large
steel groups in new investment projects. We believe the
progress the company has made thus far is insufficient for
it to be assigned a higher rating at this time.

    The company's rating outlook is likely to remain
stable, provided there are no unforeseen huge capital
expenditure demands, with its currently disclosed capital
expenditure plan expected to be covered by operating cash

    A regional steel producer primarily focusing on China's
Guangdong Province, SGIS has a capacity of more than five
million tons, providing medium plates, deformed bars and
wire rods. The company's controlling shareholder is
Guangdong Province's State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission, which holds a 45.2% stake.
    For the rating report summary, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com/creditrating .

    About Xinhua Far East China Ratings

    Xinhua Far East China Ratings (Xinhua Far East) is a
pioneering venture in China that aims to rank credit risks
among corporations in China. It is a strategic alliance
between Xinhua Finance (TSE Mothers: 9399), and Shanghai
Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. Shanghai Far East became a
Xinhua Finance partner company in 2003 and the first China
member of The Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia
in December 2003.

    Capitalizing on the synergy between Xinhua Finance and
Shanghai Far East, Xinhua Far East's rating methodology and
process blend unique local market knowledge with
international rating standards. Xinhua Far East is
committed to provide investors with independent, objective,
timely and forward-looking credit opinions on Chinese
companies. It aims to help investors differentiate the
credit risks among the corporations in China, thereby,
cultivating their awareness and promoting information
disclosures and transparency in China market. For more
information, see http://www.xfn.com/creditrating .

    About Xinhua Finance Limited

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through five focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News, Investor Relations, and Distribution.  Founded in
November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai,
with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries
worldwide.  For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd

    Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. is the first
and leading professional credit rating company with
comprehensive business coverage in China. It is an
independent agency established by the Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences with the mission to develop internationally
accepted standards for capital market in China. The company
is a pioneer in conducting bond-rating business in China.
For years, it has been authorized by the Shanghai branch of
the PBOC to undertake loan certificate credit rating.

    Since establishment, it has rated over 1,000 corporate
long-term bonds and commercial papers, based on the
principles of objectivity, fairness and independence. The
company has also maintained over 50% market share in the
loan certificate-rating sector in Shanghai for three
consecutive years. With its strong local presence and
knowledge, it provides investors with unique and the most
insightful credit opinion. For more information, see
http://www.fareast-cr.com .

    For more information, please call:
     Hong Kong

      Joy Tsang, Corporate & Investor Communications
      Xinhua Finance
      Tel:   +852-3196-3983
      Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

      Scott Zhang
      Xinhua Finance
      Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
      Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com


      Mr. John P. Dudzinsky
      Taylor Rafferty (IR/PR Contact in US)
      Tel:   +1-212-889-4350
      Email: xinhuafinance@taylor-rafferty.com
Tata Consultancy Services Launches Strategic Business Unit for Financial Services Products
June 01, 2007

NG Subramaniam to Head TCS Financial Solutions 

    MUMBAI, India, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS), (BSE: TCS; NSE: TCS), a leading
IT services, business solutions and outsourcing
organization, announced the formation of a new strategic
business unit (SBU) called TCS Financial Solutions to
further consolidate and position its comprehensive suite of
financial products as a single, market-facing business unit.

    TCS Financial Solutions will function as a 'products
company' within the TCS family and will drive growth in the
financial products business. Using an integrated business
model, the SBU will also leverage the development and
system integration competencies of TCS for customer

    TCS Financial Solutions will have a separate management
team headed by NG Subramaniam as President. The SBU will
have sales, support, product management offices based in
New York (North America and Caribbean), London and Zurich
(Europe), Beijing (Greater China), Sydney (South East Asia
and Australia), Sao Paolo (Latin America), Bangalore
(India, Middle-East and Africa).

    Product offerings from TCS Financial Solutions will be
positioned under an umbrella brand called TCS B(NCS. This
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) integrated product
family consists of functional modules for Anti-Money
Laundering, Channel Services, Customer Relationship
Management, Core Banking, Corporate Actions, Enterprise
Application Integration, Global Custody, Insurance, Lending
& Borrowing, Online Trading, Payments, Private Banking
and Wealth Management. 

    TCS' financial products business has been accelerating
rapidly in the past few years. In the 2005-06 financial
year revenues grew by about 50% to $102 million, while
during the recent financial year 2006-07 the financial
products business grew 66% from $102 million to $170
million. TCS Financial Solutions has a customer base of 214
financial institutions across 80 countries. In 2006-07,
there were over 50 new customer wins, while 35 new
installations of TCS products went live globally.

    "Tata Consultancy Services is wise to form TCS
Financial Solutions to manage its growing collection of
financial services software assets. There is a different
skill set required to manage packaged software (such as
managing release cycles, engaging in license agreements,
and thinking about the industry solutions globally) versus
an IT services business which engages in IT outsourcing,
consulting engagements, and is often more oriented to a
single customer's needs," said Bart Narter, Senior
Analyst, Celent, a leading financial services analyst firm.

    "TCS BaNCS (formerly FNS BANCS) has two huge wins
with State Bank of India and Bank of China, two of the most
transactionally intensive banks in the world. TCS Financial
Solutions still remains part of TCS and benefits from
having a global organization that has deep and broad
experience in implementing and customizing these
solutions," Mr Narter added.

    N Chandrasekaran, EVP and Head, Global Sales &
Operations said, "Our business applications in the
financial services domain continue to gain tremendous
traction in the market and TCS Financial Solutions, backed
by the Global Network Delivery Model of TCS, will drive
this growth and leverage the immense opportunities that
exist across markets around the world." 

    NG Subramaniam, President, TCS Financial Solutions
added: "This is a strategic initiative from TCS that
further demonstrates our commitment to this business and
articulates the maturity achieved in the various facets of
a product business like product management, support and
professional services.    We will continue to differentiate
ourselves by bringing certainty of implementation leveraging
our strong domain capabilities, thereby maximizing
efficiencies and minimizing risks for each of our

    About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS)

    Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business
solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real
results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty
no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led,
integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services
delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model,
recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software
    A part of the Tata Group, India's largest industrial
conglomerate, TCS has over 89,000 of the world's best
trained IT consultants in 47 countries. The Company
generated consolidated revenues of US $4.3 billion for
fiscal year ended 31 March, 2007 and is listed on the
National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.
For more information, visit us at http://www.tcs.com .

    Media contacts:

     Email: pradipta.bagchi@tcs.com
     Phone: +91-22-6750-9999 

     Email: m.mccabe@tcs.com 
     Phone: +1-646-313-4594

     Email: agoldrick@fns.com.au
     Phone: +61-2 9318-1088

     Email: Keith.sharp@tcs.com 
     Phone: +44-02072354613

    Latin America
     Email: daniela.bertoglia@tcs.cl 
     Phone: +56-2-2511604
Simon Property Group Opens First Premium Outlet Center(R) in South Korea
June 01, 2007

    INDIANAPOLIS, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Simon
Property Group, Inc. (NYSE: SPG) announced today that its
Chelsea division opened Yeoju Premium Outlets, the first
Premium Outlet Center(R) in South Korea.  The project is
located on Expressway 50 -- a heavily traveled east-west
highway -- approximately 36 miles southeast of Seoul in
Gyeonggi Province.  Population within a 40-mile radius of
Yeoju Premium Outlets is approximately nine million

    The 250,000 square-foot first phase of the project
opened fully leased to 120 tenants including A. Testoni,
Adidas, Anna Molinari, Anna Sui, Armani, Bogner, Brooks
Brothers, Burberry, Callaway Golf, CK Jeans, Coach,
Columbia Sportswear, Diesel, DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana,
Dunhill, Ermenegildo Zegna, Escada, Furla, Givenchy, Gucci,
Hugo Boss, Levi's, LeSportsac, Mango, Marks & Spencer,
MaxMara, Nike, NineWest, Oilily, Ping Golf, Polo Ralph
Lauren, Puma, Reebok, Royal Copenhagen, Salvatore
Ferragamo, Samsonite, ST Dupont, St. John, Theory, Tommy
Hilfiger, TSE, Valentino and Vivienne Westwood. 
Approximately 90% of the center has been leased to
international brands and the balance to Korean domestic
brands including Bean Pole, Kim Young Joo, Kuho, Solid
Homme and Hazzys.  The center also includes nine restaurant
and food tenants.  The project is expandable by
approximately 100,000 square feet of gross leasable area.

    Yeoju Premium Outlets is the first project to be
completed by Shinsegae Chelsea Co., Ltd., a joint venture
between Simon (50%) and Shinsegae Co., Ltd. and Shinsegae
International Co., Ltd. (together 50%).  Shinsegae is one
of Korea's leading retailers, having opened the country's
first department store in 1930.  It currently operates
seven upscale department stores located primarily in the
Seoul region, as well as 112 E-Marts comprising the largest
and most successful discount store chain in Korea.  Through
its subsidiary Shinsegae International, Shinsegae is also a
leading fashion distributor in Korea and manages and
operates nine freestanding international luxury-brand
stores -- including Armani, Coach, Dolce & Gabbana,
Escada and St. John flagship stores in Seoul -- and
approximately 250 shop-in-shops.

    Leslie T. Chao, Chief Executive Officer of Chelsea and
chairman of the joint venture, said, "Korea's growing
prosperity and increasingly sophisticated consumer tastes
make it a natural market for upscale outlets.  Yeoju
Premium Outlets brings together a collection of brands
unprecedented in Korea, a unique outdoor setting, and a
location convenient to a large segment of the population of
greater Seoul.  We are very pleased to be opening in Korea
with a first project of such high quality."

    For more information on Yeoju Premium Outlets, see
http://www.premiumoutlets.co.kr .

    Simon Property Group, Inc. is an S&P 500 company
and the largest public U.S. real estate company.  Simon is
a fully integrated real estate company which operates from
five retail real estate platforms:  regional malls, Premium
Outlet Centers(R), The Mills(R), community/lifestyle centers
and international properties. It currently owns or has an
interest in 382 properties comprising 258 million square
feet of gross leasable area in North America, Europe and
Asia. The Company is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana
and employs more than 4,500 people worldwide.  Simon
Property Group, Inc. is publicly traded on the NYSE under
the symbol SPG and has a current total market
capitalization of approximately $56 billion.  For further
information, visit the Company's website at
http://www.simon.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Shelly Doran, Investors
     Simon Property Group, Inc
     Tel:   +1-317-685-7330

     Les Morris, Media
     Simon Property Group, Inc
     Tel:   +1-317-263-7711
adidas and Right To Play Kick Off Red Ball Movement
June 01, 2007

  Using The Power of Sport and Play to Create a Healthier
and Safer World

    PORTLAND, Ore., Jun 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
International humanitarian
organization, Right To Play and adidas have joined forces
to bring the
positive impact of sport and play to children in
disadvantaged communities
around the world. The centerpiece of the program is a
limited edition mini
red ball that goes on sale today at adidas stores worldwide
and on

    (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200706011025.jpg )
    (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200706011028.jpg )

    The mini ball is a world cup-style redesign of Right To
longstanding symbol and will retail for 10 dollars in the
US. As a primary
driver for the awareness initiative, adidas retail
employees will act as
Right To Play ambassadors and the stores will be
transformed to showcase
the work that Right To Play is doing in Africa, Asia and
the Middle East.
All proceeds from the sale of the mini ball will go to
support Right to
Play's projects around the world.

    "In the communities where we work, Right To Play's
red ball is
recognized as a symbol of hope, health and happiness,"
said Olympic legend
and Right To Play President and CEO Johann Koss. "By
buying this special
mini ball, children in this country can give the gift of
laughter, hope and
health to children in need around the world."

    In conjunction with the mini ball initiative, the Adi
Dassler Fund will
provide over 100,000 full size red balls for use in the
more than 20
countries where Right To Play has programs. The red ball
embodies Right to
Play's values -- the best values of sport including
cooperation, respect,
inclusion, integrity and fair play. Written on the red ball
are the words
"Look after yourself, look after one another."
This is the philosophy that
guides Right to Play's work. Through its programs, the
organization strives
to empower individuals to look after themselves and look
after their

    Additionally, legendary soccer phenom, Zinedine Zidane,
who retired
from international competition last year, is now devoting
much of his time
to working with children and will partner with the Adi
Dassler Fund to be a
key driver of the Right To Play initiative. Over the course
of the year,
Zidane will travel to one of the countries participating in
Right To Play
programs and lending his voice to the movement.

    "I know firsthand the positive impact sport can
have on your life and
the skills and values sport can teach like leadership, team
confidence and perseverance," explained Zidane.
"Together with Right To
Play and the Adi Dassler Fund, I hope to have the
opportunity to share my
love of sports with children around the world and to help
them grow and
learn through the power of sport and play."

    Later in July, adidas and Right To Play will expand the
initiative with
Major League Soccer bringing the program to life in-stadium
and reaching
MLS athletes and fans nationwide.

    "Sport for Development is still a relatively new
area in terms of
global recognition, but with adidas and Zidane on board we
will encourage
people everywhere to join this important movement,"
explained Koss.

    Right To Play

    Right To Play uses specially-designed sport and play
programs to
improve health, build life skills, and foster peace for
children and
communities affected by war, poverty, disease. Working in
both the
humanitarian and development contexts, Right To Play has
projects in more
than 20 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

    Right To Play is the only global-scale implementer of
Sport for
Development and Peace programs and takes an active role in
driving research
and policy development in this area.

    Right To Play was founded by four-time Olympic gold
medalist Johann
Olav Koss.

    Adi Dassler Fund

    The Adi Dassler Fund was formed to give structure and
focus in
realizing the adidas brand vision to make the world a
better place through
our passion for sport. It is a non-profit organization
separate from the
adidas brand, but receives aid in the form of financial and
contributions, employee volunteerism, sponsored-athlete
support and
marketing assistance. The Adi Dassler Fund is a tool that
helps employees
to channel their goodwill.

    For more information, please contact:

    Jackie Kane
    Right To Play
    Phone:  646-468-2113
    Email: jkane@righttoplay.com

    Kiesha Cochrane                       Andrea Corso
    adidas                                adidas
    Phone: 971-234-2100                   Phone: 
    Email: kiesha.cochrane@adidas.com     Email: 

Grand Opening of SHANGHAITEX 2007
June 01, 2007

The Largest Exhibition on Textile Industry in Asia in 2007

    SHANGHAI, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The 13th
International exhibition on textile industry (Shanghaitex
2007) will be held between June 1st to June 4th, 2007 at
the Shanghai New International Exhibition Center.  The
exhibition is sponsored by the Shanghai Textile Holding
(Group) Co., CCPIT Shanghai Branch and China International
Chamber of Commerce Shanghai Branch and undertaken by the
Shanghai International Exhibition Co. Ltd., Shanghai
Textile Technology Service Exhibition Center and Adsale
Exhibition Services Ltd.  As an international textile
industry exhibition with more than twenty years' history,
Shanghaitex has been dedicated to creating business
opportunities for both domestic and overseas suppliers and

http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/20061108114544-37.jpg )

    Being the largest exhibition ever, the scale of this
exhibition reaches 120,000 square meters which is an
increase of 20% to that in 2005.  The exhibition has
developed into one of the most representative exhibitions
of the global textile industry.  In order to meet the
developing trend of dyeing and finishing technology of the
textile industry, the focus point of this exhibition will
be the dyeing and finishing equipment technology which
accounts for 30% of the whole exhibition.  

    The exhibition attracts more than 1,400 manufacturers
from 23 provinces in China and more than 20 countries and
regions including Austria, Denmark, Brazil, the
Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, India,
Italy, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Singapore, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, and the United
States of America.  More than 900 domestic participants and
more than 500 overseas exhibitors are involved.  It includes
famous enterprises like Asia Kingdom (Taiwan Province),
BRAZZOLI (Italy), Cheng Fu (Taiwan Province), CLARIANT
(France), DTC(Hong Kong), FONG'S(Hong Kong), GOFRONT(Hong
Kong), Hangzhou Dong Lin (PR China), COGNIS OLEOCHEMICALS
GLOBAL/DUPOND(USA), O&G(PRChina), Santex (Switzerland),
TANATEX(Netherlands), THIES (Germany), TUNG SHING (PR
China), YEMAN (Hong Kong), and CHEMTAX (Hong Kong).  

    As a self-innovative national brand, Shanghaitex
possesses a 24-year experience.  Trade shows are of high
strategic value in the global textile industry, and
specialists from more than 60 countries and areas have
expressed their interest in this year's exhibition by means
of internet reservations and so on.  In addition, not only
the country pavilions from several countries and areas,
including India, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam,
Bengal, Turkey and so on, but also the textile industry
committee and commercial union of domestic provinces,
municipals and industry-intensive areas will come to visit.
 It is predicted that there'll be more than 1,200 million
professionals to present in this exhibition.

    As a feature and highlight of Shanghaitex, trade
liaisons have drawn more and more attention from
exhibitions, buyers and organizers.  The organizers
appointed a trade liaison group several months ago to visit
Hubei province, Henan province and Shandong province for 2
weeks, in an attempt to understand the short-term strategy
and median and long-term strategy of the relative industry
committee, large enterprises and new developing area,
introduce the up-to-date information of the exhibition and
collect the advice from them. Moreover, the host held a
trade negotiation meeting before the exhibition in order to
make full preparation for business during the exhibition. 

    During the period, the organizers will create a trade
liaison office which can assist exhibitors to deal with
relative procedures of sales of exhibits after the
exhibition, and an intellectual office which helps solve
relative legal problems.  Additionally, onsite clinics,
free shuttle buses, mobile rest rooms and other
human-oriented service measures are prepared by the

    Before the opening of the exhibition, the organizers
employed an online registration system for the audience.
Thus, people who are interested in the exhibition can make
a reservation on the internet, and get the ticket directly
from the reservation pass without filling in a form and
waiting in line at the exhibition center. 

    1,400 participants are gathered in nine indoor
exhibition halls and three temporary exhibition halls for
this event.  Professional exhibition areas are separated
according to different equipment and technology for the
first time:

     -- Professional areas for knitting machines and
hosiery machines;
     -- Professional areas for printing machines and dyeing
and finishing 
     -- Professional areas for spinning machines,
industry-used cloth machines  
        and non-weaving machines;
     -- Professional areas for weaving machines; and
     -- Professional areas for spare parts.

    In order to make both participants and visitors feel
convenient, comfortable and easy, and to meet the different
needs among professional audiences from the world, to most
extent, the host broke the former boundary between the
overseas exhibition areas and domestic areas, formed
exhibition halls with clear structures and employed
eye-catching direction boards.  These lead to a perfect
performance of exhibiting the basic service concept of the

    2007 is a critical year for the Chinese textile
industry under the eleventh five-year plan.  The textile
industry has stepped into a stage of strengthening
self-innovation, advancing technological progress,
upgrading, and boosting gradient transition by focusing on
key programs for technological development and
industrialization.  As one of the most important trade
events in the textile industry, Shanghaitex 2007 will offer
professional exchange opportunites by hosting several
professional forums on the lastest techniques, equipment
and technology in the industry, as well as the professional
seminars on new equipment, technology and products of
new-style spinning, new technology for dyeing and
finishing, environmental protection chemicals and so on.

    SHANGHAITEX, beginning with 11,500 square meters in
1984 to an event with exhibition area of 120,000 square
meters this year, has developed into one of the most
influential professional exhibitions in Asia.  It is the
largest-scale textile industry exhibition in Asia in 2007
and is regarded as a professional, authoritative and
prospective trade exchange meeting by the others in the

    For more information, please contact:

    Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
     Ms Zhang Liping
     Tel£º   +86-21-6247-2349
     Fax£º   +86-21-6545-5124
     Email£º mariaz@siec-ccpit.com
    Shanghai Exhibition Center of Textile Technology
     Mr Liu Weiping
     Tel£º   +86-21-6277-5353
     Fax£º   +86-21-6227-0002
     Email£º stsec@online.sh.cn
    ADSALE Exhibition Serve Co., Ltd
     Mr. Zhong Zhixian/ Ms. Cai Shuwen
     Tel£º   +852-2516-3345 / 2516-3341
     Fax£º   +852-2516-5024
     Email£º textile@adsale.com.hk
Jose Barella Named Executive Chairman of Merial, Ltd.
June 01, 2007

    DULUTH, Ga., June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Board of
Directors of Merial Ltd., one of the world's leading animal
health companies, announced that Jose Barella will succeed
Jerry Belle as Executive Chairman of Merial, effective June
    Barella has been serving Merial as Chief Operating
Officer and Head of Business Operations since 2005, during
which time he has managed all commercial activities for
Merial globally, including sales and marketing for both the
Companion Animal and Production Animal businesses, and the
commercial functions that support them. He also heads
global supply chain.

    Barella joined Merial in June 2001 as Head of Companion
Animals franchise.  Later, in 2003, he added responsibility
for Merial's global supply chain.

    Barella, a native of Brazil, has broad international
experience and diverse managerial skills built on more than
20 years in manufacturing, supply chain, marketing and
general management. Before joining Merial, he was the Head
of Aventis Environmental Science (AES), where he managed
the integration of all Rhone-Poulenc and AgroEvo assets to
form AES, part of Aventis CropScience.  Before that, he was
Commercial Manager for Rhone-Poulenc Agriculture, Ltd. for
the UK and Ireland, and Global product manager for a
variety of Rhone-Poulenc agricultural products.

    The appointment comes after an exhaustive executive
search that began last year with Jerry Belle's announced
retirement.  The search included both internal and external

    "We are delighted that Jose has agreed to lead
Merial," said Judy Lewent, Merck's chief financial
officer and co-chair of Merial's board of directors.
"Jose's broad involvement in every aspect of the
organization uniquely qualifies him to implement Merial's
board-approved strategy." 

    Olivier Jacquesson, of sanofi-aventis and also co-chair
of the Merial board, said: "This appointment shows
strong support by both shareholders for Merial and is an
endorsement of continuity with the Company's

    The Board expressed its gratitude to Jerry Belle for
his extraordinary leadership. "Jerry leaves Merial in
a very strong position," Jacquesson said, "having
guided the Company during one of its most successful
periods."  Jerry Belle will remain to assist with the
transition for a period of time.

    About Merial

    Merial is a world-leading, innovation-driven animal
health company, providing a comprehensive range of products
to enhance the health, well-being and performance of a wide
range of animals. Merial employs approximately 5,000 people
and operates in more than 150 countries worldwide. Its 2006
sales were nearly $2.2 billion. Merial Limited is a joint
venture between Merck & Co., Inc. and sanofi-aventis. 
For more information, please see http://www.merial.com 

    For more information, please contact:

     Steve Dickinson
     Merial, Ltd.
     Tel:   +1-678-638-3682
     Email: Steve.dickinson@merial.com 

United States Postal Service International Service Center Honored With Certificate of Excellence
June 01, 2007

    WASHINGTON, June 1 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
International Service Center (ISC) in Miami, Fla., is being
recognized with an International Post Corporation (IPC)
Certificate of Excellence for exceeding the highest
international standards in mail processing.

    "This demonstrates that our dedication to
excellence throughout the entire Postal Service is paying
off," said Postmaster General John E. Potter. 
"We're very proud of this achievement and the
employees who earned it by delivering top-notch service for
our customers every day."

    Paul Vogel, managing director and senior vice president
of global business for the Postal Service, said the honor is
particularly noteworthy because it marks certification of
all five international centers.  Chicago's J.T. Weeker ISC
was certified in 2004, the New York (JFK) ISC was certified
in 2006, the Los Angeles and San Francisco ISCs were
certified earlier this year, and Miami joins the list

    "The U.S. Postal Service is the first national
post worldwide to earn IPC certification of its entire
international processing network," said Vogel.
"It's an amazing achievement considering the volume of
mail we handle for customers in nearly every nation in the
world.  We are proud to be an example for other countries
as we work cooperatively to improve mail standards around
the globe."

    Achieving certification is a year-long process that
includes stringent on-site reviews to verify that nearly
200 standards are met.  The IPC awards certification for a
three-year period, and conducts periodic validation to
ensure that a facility maintains its high performance

    The IPC is a cooperative association of 23 national
postal administrations and operators from North America,
Europe and the Pacific.  IPC President and Chief Executive
Officer Herbert-Michael Zapf has traveled from Belgium to
present the award and recognize ISC employees at an event

    The Miami center employs more than 280 people and
processes more than 24 million pounds of mail per year.

    An independent federal agency, the U.S. Postal Service
is the only delivery service that visits 146 million homes
and businesses, six days a week.  It has 37,000 retail
locations and relies on the sale of postage, products and
services to cover its operating expenses.  The Postal
Service has annual revenues of $73 billion and delivers
nearly half the world's mail.

    For more information, please contact:

     Yvonne Yoerger
     U.S. Postal Service
     Tel:   +1-202-268-8596
     Email: yvonne.yoerger@usps.gov
Xinhua Finance Realigns News Business Strategy on the Greater China Market
May 31, 2007

    SHANGHAI, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance
Limited (TSE: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY), today announced that
it has reached an agreement on the sale of certain non-China
news operations of Xinhua Finance News ("XFN", an
unit of the Company's news service line) to Thomson
Financial, a leading provider of information and technology
solutions to the worldwide financial community.  The move is
a strategic decision that allows XFN to focus its operations
where it has a significant competitive edge in Greater
China.  It enables Thomson Financial to further expand its
tailored financial news operations in Asia.  The two
companies have not disclosed the financial terms of the

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif

    The agreement, which will take effect on June 1st,
covers seven XFN Asia-Pacific bureaus located in Tokyo,
Manila, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Sydney and Seoul.
 The companies have also signed licensing agreements
providing for the exchange of news services following the

    Xinhua Finance COO Daniel Connell said, "This
allows us to cut costs from a non-core area and refocus our
efforts and resources on our core geographic competency,
which is Greater China while at the same time enhancing our
overall strategy of bridging China's financial markets and
the world.  We believe that this will benefit the two
companies, our customers and our employees."

    Leveraging its unique position and strength in China,
XFN has realigned its news strategy to focus on the Greater
China market and will continue to maintain editorial
operations in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei.  The
news operation of Xinhua Finance's other subsidiaries such
as Market News International, Stone and McCarthy and G7
Group remain unchanged.

    About the companies

    Xinhua Finance Limited 

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY).  Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through five focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News, Investor Relations, and Distribution.  Founded in
November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai,
with offices and news bureaus spanning 11 countries
worldwide. For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com .

    Thomson Financial

    Thomson Financial, with 2006 revenues of US$2 billion,
is a provider of information and technology solutions to
the worldwide financial community. Through the widest range
of products and services in the industry, Thomson Financial
helps clients in more than 70 countries make better
decisions, be more productive and achieve superior results.
 Thomson Financial is part of The Thomson Corporation (
http://www.thomson.com ), a global leader in providing
essential electronic workflow solutions to business and
professional customers.  With operational headquarters in
Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides value-added information,
software tools and applications to professionals in the
fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services,
scientific research and healthcare.  The Corporation's
common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock

    For more information, please contact:

    Xinhua Finance 
     Joy Tsang, Director of Corporate Communications
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5999; +86-136-2179-1577
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com 

    Thomson Financial 
     Alex Brog, Director External Communications  
     Tel:   +44-207-324-6986; +44-788-070-0193
     Email: Europealexander.brog@thomson.com

     Sally Cates, Managing Director, Strategic
     Tel:   +1-646-822-2076	
     Email: sally.cates@thomson.com

Nike Sets Business Targets To Achieve Ambitious Corporate Responsibility Goals
May 31, 2007

Company More Deeply Integrates Corporate Responsibility
Into Long-Term Growth and Innovation Business Strategies

    BEAVERTON, Ore., May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- With the
release of its fiscal 2005 and 2006 Corporate Responsibility
Report today, NIKE, Inc. announces a series of business
targets for 2011 that more deeply integrate corporate
responsibility goals into the company's long-term growth
and innovation business strategies. The targets set
benchmarks to improve labor conditions in contract
factories, create a climate neutral company, drive
sustainable product design and innovation, and unleash
potential by giving youth greater access to the benefits of

    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990818/NIKELOGO )

    "We see corporate responsibility as a catalyst for
growth and innovation" said Mark Parker, Nike, Inc.'s
President and CEO. "It is an integral part of how we
can use the power of our brand, the energy and passion of
our people, and the scale of our business to create
meaningful change."  

    The corporate responsibility business targets set by
Nike include:

    -- Improve labor conditions by eliminating excessive
overtime in Nike 
       brand contract factories by 2011. Excessive overtime
is one of the most 
       serious ongoing labor compliance issues the company
and the industry 
       face. Nike's priority continues to be improving
conditions for the 
       almost 800,000 contract factory workers who make the

    -- Make all Nike brand facilities, retail and business
travel climate 
       neutral by 2011. Nike has exceeded its reduction
targets for CO2 
       emissions over the last two years through the World
Wildlife Fund's 
       Climate Savers program. The company also eliminated
fluorinated gases 
       (F-gases) across all Nike brand products following
14 years of research 
       and development in the company's Nike Air cushioning

    -- Design all Nike brand footwear (more than 225
million pairs per year)
       to meet baseline targets by 2011 for waste reduction
in product design 
       and packaging, elimination of volatile organic
compounds and increased 
       use of environmentally preferred materials. All Nike
brand apparel is 
       targeted to meet baseline standards by 2015, and
equipment by 2020. 
       Nike is designing sustainable innovation solutions
into its products 
       that the company anticipates will create benefits
throughout its supply 
       chain and support achievement of its targets.

    -- Invest in community-based initiatives that use the
power of sport to
       unleash potential and improve the lives of youth.
Over the past two
       years, Nike has invested $100 million in
community-based sport 
       initiatives. The company is targeting a minimum
investment of $315 
       million through 2011.

    In addition to setting business targets, Nike continues
its commitment to supply chain transparency by updating
public disclosure of the more than 700 contract factories
worldwide producing Nike product. In 2005, Nike was the
first company in its industry to disclose its factory base
to encourage industry transparency and collaboration. For
the first time, Nike also has posted on
http://www.nikeresponsibility.com the company's contract
factory auditing tools. The tools help to provide further
transparency and insight into how the company evaluates and
monitors its contract factories for compliance with company

    Nike's corporate responsibility report, available
online at http://www.nikeresponsibility.com, provides
greater detail on these and other business targets. The
report also provides a comprehensive review of the
company's corporate responsibility efforts for fiscal years
2005 and 2006, as well as forward-looking strategies. This
is the company's third public corporate responsibility
report. The FY05-06 reporting period covers a critical time
during which Nike underwent a significant evolution in how
the company frames, defines and approaches corporate

    For more information, visit

    NIKE, Inc. based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's
leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic
athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a
wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Wholly owned
Nike subsidiaries include Converse Inc., which designs,
markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and
accessories; NIKE Bauer Hockey Inc., a leading designer and
distributor of hockey equipment; Cole Haan, a leading
designer and marketer of luxury shoes, handbags,
accessories and coats; Hurley International LLC, which
designs, markets and distributes action sports and youth
lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories and Exeter
Brands Group LLC, which designs and markets athletic
footwear and apparel for the value retail channel.

    For more information, please contact:

     Nike World Headquarters:

      Erin Dobson
      Tel: +1-503-671-2682

      Jill Zanger
      Tel: +1-503-532-3016

     Nike EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa):

      Astrid Balsink
      Tel: +31-35-626-6848

     Web:  http://www.nikebiz.com

Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen Introduces New West Tower
May 31, 2007

    SHENZHEN, China, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 1st June
2007, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen announced the opening
of it's new West Tower, unveiling an additional 168
contemporary, comfortable, spacious rooms and suites. 

    The new West Tower reveals additional deluxe rooms and
suites as well as a designated 23F Lounge. All new rooms
feature the refreshing Rain Forest shower and Four Comfort
Bed SM. Distinctively comfortable and convenient, the
Deluxe Rooms average 45m2, the Deluxe Suites 85m2, some
even come with kitchen which can be fully equipped for a
longer stay. The 184m2 Four Points Suite on the 27th floor
features all the luxury of the Deluxe Suites plus a private
sauna and jetted spa tub. For an extra treat, the suite's
162m2 terrace is ideal for hosting cocktail parties or
relaxing whilst watching the sun set over the Hong Kong New

    Located on 23rd floor, the 23F Lounge uniquely has a
large terrace with spectacular skyline view. With
complimentary international newspapers, magazines, books,
CD & DVD library, breakfast and all-day soft drinks,
guests can simply find pure comfort in the lounge. 

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of
the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with
approximately 850 properties in more than 95 countries and
145,000 employees at its owned and managed properties.
Starwood(R) Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator
and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following
internationally renowned brands: St. Regis(R), The Luxury
Collection(R), Sheraton(R), Westin(R), Four Points(R) by
Sheraton, W(R), Le M¨¦ridien(R) and the recently announced
AloftSM. Starwood Hotels also own Starwood Vacation
Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and
operators of high quality vacation interval ownership
resorts. For more information, please visit
http://www.starwoodhotels.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Cindy Meng
     Marketing Communications Executive
     Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen
     Tel:   +86-755-8358-8638
     Fax:   +86-755-8283-0025
     Email: cindy.meng@fourpoints.com 
IPICO Sports Sets New Standard for Data Capture
May 31, 2007

    BOULDER, Colo., May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- IPICO
Sports established a new threshold for data capture in the
2007 BolderBOULDER 10km road race on May 28. The IPICO
Sports system captured data at the start, finish and for
each mile split -- more information than has ever been
captured in a race of this magnitude.

    ( Logo:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070308/CGTH021LOGO )

    Each participant in the BolderBOULDER, one of the five
largest running events in the world, recorded an average
read rate of 53 times per location. The total accumulated
data was more than 20 million records.

    "The system delivered as advertised," says
independent timer Mike Ducy of The End Result Co. "It
detected 100 percent of the runners who wore tags. I see
IPICO Sports solutions as being very valuable for those in
the timing service business."

    While processing the data took longer than expected,
race director Cliff Bosley understands the magnitude of
what IPICO Sports captured. The results of the first 2,000
finishers were validated against a backup timing system and
there was no lost data. The race has re-committed to
partnering with IPICO Sports in 2008.

    "BolderBOULDER has always been known for being on
the cutting edge and this year was no different," says
Bosley. "As demonstrated, more data can be provided to
participants regarding their performance. A major goal for
2008 will be to deliver faster results."

    IPICO Sports CEO Mark Herbst is confident that will
happen. "We pushed the edge and tried something new --
and succeeded," says Herbst. "Now we're validating
some technologies that will get the communication time down
to hours, and eventually just minutes."

    Race directors and timing service companies from around
the world including those from some of the world's major
events were in Boulder to witness the event. 

    About IPICO Sports

    Peoria, Ill.-based IPICO Sports combines years of
sports management experience with innovative technologies
to help sport and event providers improve the level of
services they offer to athletes, spectators, the media,
commentators and other participants. We use the latest
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in
conjunction with information management and communication
tools to design custom solutions that capture, manage and
distribute results in the active sports, wellness and
recreation markets. Visit us at http://www.ipicosports.com

    For more information, please contact:

     Philip Lockwood
     IPICO Sports,
     Tel:   +1-309-672-6442
     Email: plockwood@ipicosports.com
Guangzhou Global Telecom Obtains Branch Business License in the City of Zhengzhou, China
May 31, 2007

    GUANGZHOU, China, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Guangzhou Global Telecom
Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: GZGT), a mobile phone handset and
pre-paid calling
card distributor and mobile handset value-added services
provider in the PRC,
announced that the company has obtained a branch business
license in
Zhengzhou, the capital of the Henan province in China. 
This branch office
will operate in the Jinshui District of Zhengzhou.

    According to published statistics, the number of mobile
phone users in
Zhengzhou was approximately 4,527,000 at end of September
2006, roughly 63% of
total population of the city.  The mobile users increased
by 1,010,000 during
the nine months ended September 2006, which represents a
30% increase for year
to year comparison if projected to the whole year of 2006. 
According to
statistics, the coverage of mobile users in Zhengzhou is
only 63%, compared to
93% in other major cities of China.  Accordingly, the
company believes that it
has significant room to develop the additional business in

    In addition, the company is planning to work with the
main telecom
operators in Zhengzhou to achieve quick expansion
objective.  The company is
also trying to co-operate or merge with local distributors
or retailers to
maximize its distribution network.

    Setting up Zhengzhou branch will allow the company to
expand from
Guangzhou into other cities and provinces of China.  During
2007, the company
expects to set up more branches and retail shops in China
to enhance its
distribution network.  With such retailer shops located in
different cities
within China, we can understand, with more precision, the
market response for
each product and service allowing the company to correctly
adjust its business
model, ensuring customer satisfaction.  Currently, most of
the company's
revenue is generated from Guangzhou and only one brand is
distributing its
products through our network into the whole China region. 
With the network,
we can persuade more handsets manufacturers to deliver
products through our
network.  Furthermore, by developing a larger
infrastructure, the company will
be able to sell more value added services which will
increase company margins
and give us a competitive advantage over smaller companies
in our market.

    About Guangzhou Global Telecom

    Guangzhou Global Telecom Limited Company is a national
mobile phone
handset and pre-paid calling card distributor and provider
of mobile handset
value-added services. Maintaining cooperative relationships
with China
Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom, the Company seeks
to become the
largest sales and distribution center of mobile phones,
mobile phone parts and
prepaid mobile phone cards in China,. GTL plans to
introduce new software and
services through an expanded network of regional and
neighborhood service
centers, shops and virtual stores. For details, please
visit our website at

    Safe Harbor Statement

    Certain of the statements made in the press release
constitute forward-
looking statements within the meaning of the Private
Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by
the use of forward-
looking terminology such as "believe,"
"expect," "may," "will,"
"project," "plan," "seek,"
"intend," or "anticipate" or the
negative thereof
or comparable terminology. Such statements typically
involve risks and
uncertainties and may include financial projections or
information regarding
our future plans, objectives or performance. Actual results
could differ
materially from the expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements
as a result of a variety of factors, including the risks
associated with the
effect of changing economic conditions in The People's
Republic of China,
variations in cash flow, reliance on collaborative retail
partners and on new
product development, variations in new product development,
risks associated
with rapid technological change, and the potential of
introduced or undetected
flaws and defects in products, and other risk factors
detailed in reports
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time
to time.


     Steven Bigley, 
     Aero Financial, Inc.,

Important Government Officials Inspect the Shenzhen Bay Port and Futian Project
May 31, 2007

    SHENZHEN, China, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China
Public Security
Technology, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: CPBY.OB), a leading
provider of public
security information technology and Geographic Information
Systems ("GIS")
software services and the first Chinese public security
information technology
company to be listed in the U.S. market, today announced
important government
officials visited Shenzhen Bay Port to evaluate the
Company's Intelligent
Border Control solutions on May 28, 2007.

    Mr. Zong Heng Xu, the Mayor of Shenzhen Municipality
and Mr. Hong Zhong
Li, the Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of CPC
visited and evaluated
the Automated Check System and Automated Vehicle Check
System built in the
Shenzhen Bay Port. The event received wide news and media
coverage in China
stating that the Government officials commented these
projects to be important
to promote border safety and to increase the economic
interaction between Hong
Kong and China. In addition, they highly recognized China
Public Security's
efforts for high efficiency, high effectiveness and high
stability. They were
also pleased by the China Public Security's ability to
overcome every single
pressure and tight time constraints during the course of
the whole

    The Company's Intelligent Border Control System stores
information such as fingerprints and facial features from
passengers in a
database, and integrates it with infrared and license plate
technologies to enable the automation of border control
checkpoints for faster
and more accurate processing of passengers, while at the
same time helping to
safeguard borders from stowaway activities, and greatly
improving overall
efficiency and effectiveness of border control management
Shenzhen Bay Port and Futian Port will open on July 1, 2007
and will become
the largest port in China. This focused project is for the
celebration of the
10th Anniversary of Hong Kong Handover to China. The
capacity of the port is
expected to allow a total of 120 thousands vehicles and
passengers to pass
through. Currently, in China, there are still 200 borders
that could benefit
from intelligent border control system technology. The
implementation of the Company's technology in Shenzhen Bay
Port has already
given China Public Security an extremely solid base for the
future development
in this business line.

    "It has been an honor for us to have major
Government officials come to
evaluate and recognize our efforts, as well as the
efficiency and quality of
our products installed at the Shenzhen Bay Port and Futian
Port," said Mr.
Jiang Huai Lin, the Company's CEO. "These projects are
important at the
National-level in China and their successful implementation
as well as
recognition by important Government officials for our
Intelligent Border
Control products is a testament to the quality of our
advanced technology as
well as our ability to expand our market in the future.
These projects have
reached the final stage and we will remain focused and
continue to work
closely with Government departments to ensure we can
deliver the systems on
time and with high quality."

    About China Public Security Technology, Inc.

Through its wholly-owned Chinese subsidiary, CPST is
focused on the
development and implementation of large scale high-tech
public security and
Geographic Information System (GIS) related projects.  The
Company provides a
broad portfolio of fully integrated solutions and services,
including public
security information technology (First Responder
Coordination Platform,
Intelligent Border Control and Intelligent Security
Surveillance), Geographic
Information System (Police-use GIS and Civil-use GIS), and
Platform, software sales and maintenance as well. CPST
currently has the
licenses to 16 registered and copyrighted software
applications in China,
through its exclusive business turnkey agreement with
Shenzhen iASPEC Software
Engineering Company Limited (iASPEC). Under this agreement
the Company acts as
iASPEC's exclusive subcontractor to all its customers.  To
learn more about
the Company, please visit the corporate website at
http://www.chinapsh.com .

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This press release contains certain statements that may
include "forward-
looking statements". All statements other than
statements of historical fact
included herein are "forward-looking statements".
These forward-looking
statements are often identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such
as "believes," "expects" or similar
expressions, involve known and unknown
risks and uncertainties. Although the Company believes that
the expectations
reflected in these forward-looking statements are
reasonable, they do involve
assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these
expectations may prove to be
incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these
statements, which speak only as of the date of this press
release. The
Company's actual results could differ materially from those
anticipated in
these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety
of factors,
including those discussed in the Company's periodic reports
that are filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available
on its website
(http://www.sec.gov). All forward-looking statements
attributable to the
Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly
qualified in their
entirety by these factors. Other than as required under the
securities laws,
the Company does not assume a duty to update these
forward-looking statements.
    For more information, please contact:

     Company Contact:
     Mr. Michael Lin
     Vice President, Investor Relations
     China Public Security Technology, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-949-743-0868
     Email: mlin@chinapsh.com

     Investor Relations Contact:
     Mr. Crocker Coulson
     CCG Elite Investor Relations
     Tel:   +1-646-213-1915 (NY office)
     Email: crocker.coulson@ccgir.com

Thomson CompuMark Launches New SAEGIS(TM): Powerful, Online Trademark Screening
May 31, 2007

New screening capabilities, global content sources and
streamlined design help IP professionals work more
effectively and efficiently

    NORTH QUINCY, Mass., ANTWERP, Belgium and TOKYO, May 31
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --  Thomson CompuMark, the global leader
in trademark research and brand protection solutions and a
business of The Thomson Corporation 
(NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC), today announced the launch of its
new SAEGIS platform for online trademark screening. Built
with advanced screening technologies and usability
features, the new SAEGIS offers more research power, more
workflow efficiency and more global content than any other
screening platform. 

    SAEGIS was the industry's first Web-based trademark
research platform, used by intellectual property (IP) and
brand protection professionals around the world for nearly
a decade. 

    The new SAEGIS builds on the success of its
predecessor. It has been redesigned from the ground up by
linguistics, trademark and usability experts with input
from SAEGIS users to help IP professionals get more work
done in less time.  

    -- The new AutoScreen automatically develops
sophisticated search criteria
       based on key terms - a new level of search
intelligence that delivers 
       precise, reliable results with unparalleled speed
and ease.  
    -- The redesigned Custom Search makes tailored searches
easier and more 
       precise than ever before. 
    -- New, streamlined interface with consistent
appearance and functionality
       across all SAEGIS tools. New interface design,
available in six 
       languages, helps users review results faster and
more efficiently.
    -- Unmatched global content, with direct access to the
industry's most 
       extensive collection of research databases, covering
more than 200 
       countries and registers - including a new China
trademark database 
       launching later this year.

     "The new SAEGIS introduces time-saving new
features, like the ability to combine multiple data sources
in a single search," said Mike Dammann, Global Head of
Trademarks at Syngenta Crop Protection. "This is
especially useful for us, as one search can now be
conducted of both trademark and domain name registers. This
considerably reduces the workload on our busy staff."

    "For IP professionals, time is more valuable than
ever before," said Christine Moons, Director Systems
Development at Thomson CompuMark. "We designed the new
SAEGIS to work the way our clients work, delivering the
results they need to make informed trademark decisions,
faster and more efficiently than ever before. The new
SAEGIS is further proof of Thomson CompuMark's commitment
to setting the standard for Web-based trademark research
and solutions."

    To learn more about the new SAEGIS, please visit
http://thenewsaegis.com or http://compumark.thomson.com .

    About Thomson CompuMark

    Thomson CompuMark ( http://compumark.thomson.com ) is
the world's leading provider of value-added trademark
information and services. The company provides information,
tools and services that provide trademark and brand
professionals the information needed to protect the value
of brands while reducing the time, costs, complexity and
risks of managing trademark portfolios. Thomson CompuMark
employs more than 600 people worldwide, with operational
and sales offices in Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Japan,
Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.

    About The Thomson Corporation 

    The Thomson Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ) is a
global leader in providing essential electronic workflow
solutions to business and professional customers.  With
operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson
provides value-added information, software tools and
applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax,
accounting, financial services, scientific research and
healthcare.  The Corporation's common shares are listed on
the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX:

    For more information, please contact: 

     Scott Rutherford
     Communications (Americas), 
     Tel:   +1-617-376-7667
     Email: scott.rutherford@thomson.com

     Ilse Clymans
     Communications (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
     Tel:   +32-3-220-72-75
     Email: ilse.clymans@thomson.com

     Miki Kumagai
     Marketing (Asia) 
     Tel:   +81-3-5733-6120
     Email: m.kumagai@brandy.co.jp
Texas American Resources Appoints Francis Chang as Exploration Manager, China
May 31, 2007

    AUSTIN, Texas, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Texas
American Resources-Asia Ltd, an affiliate of Texas American
Resources Company, Austin, Texas, has announced the
appointment of Mr. Francis Chang to the position of
Exploration Manager, China. 

    Mr. Chang has 29 years experience in the international
E&P business, having worked most recently for Anadarko
Petroleum (Kerr-McGee China) as Chief Geophysicist.  Prior
to Kerr-McGee he worked for Burlington Resources, LL&E,
Texas Eastern, and Amoco. He holds a BS degree in Geology
from the National Taiwan University and did graduate study
at Harvard University.

    David Honeycutt, President of Texas American Resources
Company, commenting on the appointment said "Mr.Chang
has a strong professional resume and is highly skilled
technically. More importantly, Mr. Chang has a high degree
of personal integrity and we value this trait in our

    Mr. Chang will be based in the Company's Beijing


    Headquartered in Beijing, Texas American
Resources-Asia, Ltd's  ("TARA") principal assets
consist of two blocks in the Pearl River Area of the South
China Sea, making TARA the first privately-held company to
have assets in the South China Sea. In total, TARA's
offshore blocks encompass approximately 4.5 million acres.

    LEGAL DISCLOSURE: Certain statements in this news
release constitute "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995, particularly any express or implied
statements concerning future financial condition or
operating results.  Although Management believes that the
expectations reflected herein are reasonable, the matters
discussed in this release involve risks, uncertainties, and
other factors that may delay, prevent or adversely affect
the transaction or the Company's planned activities and
operations.  There can be no assurance that such
expectations will prove correct.  All forward-looking
statements are expressly qualified by this cautionary

    For more information, please contact: 

     Mike Wichterich
     Chief Financial Officer
     Texas American Resources Company
     Tel: +1-512-480-8700
     Web: http://www.texasarc.com
Texas American Resources - Asia, Ltd. Announces the Departure of Changlin Wu as President and Country Manager
May 31, 2007

    AUSTIN, Texas, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Texas
American Resources - Asia, Ltd. (collectively referred to
herein as "TARA" or the "Company")
announced today the departure of Changlin Wu as President
and Country Manager to pursue other interests.  David
Honeycutt, Chairman, will assume his responsibilities.  


    Texas American Resources - Asia, Ltd. (TARA), conducts
upstream activities in China. Headquartered in Beijing,
TARA's principal assets consist of 2 blocks in the Pearl
River Area of the South China Sea, making TARA the first
private company to have assets in the South China Sea. In
total, TARA's offshore blocks cover approximately 4.5
million acres.

    LEGAL DISCLOSURE: Certain statements in this news
release constitute "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995, particularly any express or implied
statements concerning future financial condition or
operating results.  Although Management believes that the
expectations reflected herein are reasonable, the matters
discussed in this release involve risks, uncertainties, and
other factors that may delay, prevent or adversely affect
the transaction or the Company's planned activities and
operations.  There can be no assurance that such
expectations will prove correct.  All forward-looking
statements are expressly qualified by this cautionary

    For more information, please contact: 

     Mike Wichterich
     Chief Financial Officer
     Tel: +1-512-480-8700
     Web: http://www.texasarc.com

ProBioGen and Virbac Signed a Licensing Agreement to Use ProBioGen's Novel Avian Cell Line AGE1 for Production of Biological Products
May 31, 2007

    BERLIN, May 31 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ProBioGen,
Germany, announced today that Virbac has entered into a
licensing agreement with ProBioGen to develop biological
product candidates using ProBioGen's novel avian cell lines

    Under the terms of the agreement, Virbac will use the
permanent cell lines based on duck retina AGE1.cr and
somite cells AGE1.cs developed by ProBioGen as the
production platform to develop biologicals. The financial
details of the agreement are not disclosed.

    "This is a breakthrough in the commercialisation
of our avian cell line," said Michael Schlenk, CEO of
ProBioGen. "The development of new designer cell lines
under the full guidelines of the FDA is a long and
challenging process. We are very proud to have developed
such a cell line which not only satisfies these stringent
requirements, but is also safe and cost effective for
vaccine and biological production."

    About ProBioGen AG

    ProBioGen is a specialist for cell line design, viral
vectors, and the manufacture of glycoproteins for the
biopharmaceutical industry. The German biotechnology
company is headquartered in Berlin. Its range of products
and services include the development of highly productive
cell lines, the design of novel cell lines from primary
tissue, the manufacture of glycoproteins for clinical
studies and R&D, as well as the production of viral
vectors and antibodies for in vitro diagnostics. ProBioGen
possesses the manufacturing authorization for
pharmaceutically usable active substances for testing in
clinical studies and meets the quality standards
recommended by the EU (EMEA) and the FDA. A certified cGMP
multipurpose facility is available for contract production
of biopharmaceutical active substances. The Company is
specialized in mammalian cells and combines the know-how of
molecular biology scientists with the experience of experts
in cell culture technology and process engineering.
ProBioGen thus accompanies its clients from the early
development of product candidates up to late clinical
testing phase.

    For more information, please contact:

     ProBioGen Contact:

     Hing Kin Chan, PhD
     Goethestrasse 54
     13068 Berlin
     Tel:   +49-30-924-006-0
     Fax:   +49-30-924-006-19
     Email: hingkin.chan@probiogen.de 
Standard & Poor's Compustat(R) Expands Coverage in Taiwan, India
May 30, 2007

Compustat's Company Data Grows to 17,500 Firms, Adding 500
Businesses in India and 900 in Taiwan, Helping Clients Who
Need Indian and Taiwanese Company Information for Their
Financial Analysis

    NEW YORK, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In response to
growing customer demand for more fundamental information on
Asian companies, Standard & Poor's, the leading provider
of financial market intelligence, announced that
Compustat(R) has expanded significantly its company
coverage in Taiwan and India.

    Compustat has added approximately 500 active Indian
companies, including between five and 10 years of company
history.  Compustat has also entered an agreement with TX
Investment Consulting Company (TX), a data provider in
Beijing, to receive extensive fundamental data for an
additional 900 companies in Taiwan. The initial set of
Taiwanese data will provide two-to-three years of annual
history, including one year of semiannual history, and is
expected to grow to five years of history by this summer. 
The addition of Taiwan-based companies brings Compustat's
overall market cap coverage for the Asian market to over

    "Institutional money managers and analysts around
the world who use Compustat's vital company, index and
industry information to support their financial models and
analysis, will appreciate the additional company coverage
in Taiwan and India," said Chandra Muliadikara,
Compustat Product Manager. "Our partnerships with the
data providers of the Indian and Taiwanese company data
enable us to capitalize on their expertise and deliver a
more robust database to our clients."

    For more information, visit
http://www.standardandpoors.com or call 800-523-4534.  

    About Compustat Data

    Standard & Poor's Compustat(R) data is used by
institutional money managers and analysts around the world.
With fundamental and market data on 65,000 global
securities, Compustat provides vital company, index and
industry information that supports financial models and
proprietary company and industry analysis. 

    About Standard & Poor's

    Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill
Companies (NYSE: MHP), is the world's foremost provider of
financial market intelligence, including independent credit
ratings, indices, risk evaluation, investment research and
data. With approximately 8,500 employees, including wholly
owned affiliates, located in 21 countries, Standard &
Poor's is an essential part of the world's financial
infrastructure and has played a leading role for more than
140 years in providing investors with the independent
benchmarks they need to feel more confident about their
investment and financial decisions. For more information,
visit http://www.standardandpoors.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Information:

     Christopher Capot
     KNB Communications
     Tel:   +1-212-505-2441
     Email: ccapot@knbpr.com

    Product Information:

     Cristy Oberg
     Standard & Poor's
     Tel:   +1-303-721-4340
     Email: cristy_oberg@standardandpoors.com




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