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条件 :VSR2000シリーズ以上のセキュリティサービスで





セキュリティサービス事業では、自社開発の多様なネットワークセキュリティ機能を有するVSRと独自の監視システムを用いて、運用、監視、サポートに至るまで一貫したサービスを提供しています。 当社のセキュリティサービスは、ユーザ企業にVSRを貸与・設置し、サービスの提供を行っていることから、ユーザ企業は初期導入時に安価な費用で導入できるだけでなく、導入後も提供するサービスに応じた月額のサービス料金のみでセキュリティサービスを受けることが可能となります。

・24時間オンサイト保守 など



※VSR(VarioSecure Router)について
当社のセキュリティサービスでユーザ企業に貸与・設置されるVSRは、当社独自開発のセ キュリティ機器であり、米国のセキュリティ機器の認定機関であるICSA(International Computer Security Association)によるファイアウォール認定を日本企業で初めて取得しています。

バリオセキュア・ネットワークス株式会社 経営企画室
住所 :東京都港区愛宕二丁目5番1号
TEL :03-5733-6360(代表/平日9:00~18:00)
E-mail :pr@variosecure.net
Webサイト:http://www.variosecure.net/index.html以 上









条件 :VSR2000シリーズ以上のセキュリティサービスで





セキュリティサービス事業では、自社開発の多様なネットワークセキュリティ機能を有するVSRと独自の監視システムを用いて、運用、監視、サポートに至るまで一貫したサービスを提供しています。 当社のセキュリティサービスは、ユーザ企業にVSRを貸与・設置し、サービスの提供を行っていることから、ユーザ企業は初期導入時に安価な費用で導入できるだけでなく、導入後も提供するサービスに応じた月額のサービス料金のみでセキュリティサービスを受けることが可能となります。

・24時間オンサイト保守 など



※VSR(VarioSecure Router)について
当社のセキュリティサービスでユーザ企業に貸与・設置されるVSRは、当社独自開発のセ キュリティ機器であり、米国のセキュリティ機器の認定機関であるICSA(International Computer Security Association)によるファイアウォール認定を日本企業で初めて取得しています。

バリオセキュア・ネットワークス株式会社 経営企画室
住所 :東京都港区愛宕二丁目5番1号
TEL :03-5733-6360(代表/平日9:00~18:00)
E-mail :pr@variosecure.net
Webサイト:http://www.variosecure.net/index.html以 上

Korn/Ferry Strengthens Position as the World's #1 Executive Search Firm
April 12, 2007

    LOS ANGELES, April 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Korn/Ferry
International (NYSE: KFY), a premier global provider of
talent management solutions, has strengthened its position
as the largest executive search firm in the world,
according to the 2006 annual rankings released by Kennedy
Information, Inc. and Hunt-Scanlon Advisors, two of the
industry's leading trade organizations.

    "Demand for talent continues to be brisk around
the world, and we are proud to retain and strengthen our
number one position," said Paul C. Reilly, chairman
and CEO of Korn/Ferry.  "As we continue to transform
our business, this announcement is truly a validation of
our long-term strategy.  It reinforces our commitment and
dedication to providing clients with exceptional

    Analysts at Kennedy Information, Inc. and Hunt-Scanlon
Advisors report that for the 12 months ending January 31,
2007, Korn/Ferry's global revenues jumped 23 percent to
$637.5 million -- more than $150 million ahead of its
nearest competitor and was the fastest growing company of
the top five global search firms.

    About Korn/Ferry International

    Korn/Ferry International, with more than 70 offices in
40 countries, is a premier global provider of talent
management solutions.  Based in Los Angeles, the firm
delivers an array of solutions that help clients to
identify, deploy, develop, retain and reward their talent. 
For more information on the Korn/Ferry International family
of companies, visit http://www.kornferry.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Michael Distefano
     Korn/Ferry International
     Tel:  +1-310-843-4199
     Web:  http://www.kornferry.com
Platts Survey: OPEC Oil Output Falls 80,000 b/d in March, but Still Above Target
April 12, 2007

    LONDON, April 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The 10 members
of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
bound by the group's output agreements produced an average
26.54 million barrels per day (b/d) in March, a Platts
survey showed April 11.  This is down 80,000 b/d from
February's 26.62 million b/d but still 740,000 b/d above
the group's 25.8 million b/d production target.

    Total production from all 12 members, including Iraq
which does not participate in OPEC output pacts and Angola
which joined the group at the beginning of this year,
dipped by 70,000 b/d to 30.11 million b/d, the survey

    "There certainly is no sign that higher prices are
leading OPEC producers to put more oil on to the
market," said John Kingston, Platts Global Director of
Oil.  "To the contrary, the steps the group took
several months ago to restrain output are still firmly in
place.  And with the third and fourth quarters, which are
historically demand-growth periods, just months away, it
won't be long before the group will be confronted with the
question of whether to put more oil on to the market."

    Among the OPEC-10, there were small output increases
from Indonesia and United Arab Emirates (UAE), but Nigeria,
following the latest attack on oil facilities in the Niger
Delta, saw overall production fall by about 100,000 b/d.

    Iraqi volumes were slightly down on February, while
Angolan production continued to rise.

    OPEC ministers agreed last October to remove 1.2
million b/d of crude from world oil markets beginning in
November, saying supply was well in excess of
demand and setting a production target of 26.3 million b/d.
 In December, they agreed to expand the cut by 500,000 b/d
from February, bringing the target to 25.8 million b/d. 
The cuts were based on estimated September production of
27.5 million b/d.

    The latest survey shows that the OPEC-10 have cut
supply by some 1.27 million b/d since September, when
Platts estimates pegged production at 27.81 million b/d. 

    Country        March   February   January   December  
November   Cut

    Algeria        1.330    1.330      1.340     1.350     
 1.350   0.084
    Indonesia      0.850    0.840      0.860     0.860     
 0.860   0.055
    Iran           3.800    3.800      3.850     3.850     
 3.850   0.249
    Kuwait         2.410    2.410      2.460     2.460     
 2.460   0.142
    Libya          1.680    1.680      1.690     1.700     
 1.710   0.102
    Nigeria        2.150    2.250      2.250     2.230     
 2.230   0.142
    Qatar          0.790    0.790      0.800     0.800     
 0.800   0.050
    Saudi Arabia   8.600    8.600      8.750     8.790     
 8.800   0.538
    UAE            2.500    2.490      2.500     2.500     
 2.550   0.143
    Venezuela      2.430    2.430      2.450     2.460     
 2.460   0.195
    OPEC-10       26.540   26.620     26.950    27.000     
27.070   1.700
    Angola*        1.570    1.550      1.500       N/A     
   N/A     N/A   
    Iraq           2.000    2.010      1.660     1.900     
    Total         30.110   30.180     30.110    28.900     

    * Angola joined OPEC on January 1, 2007.

    For more information on OPEC, go to the "Platts
Guide to OPEC" at http://www.opec.platts.com .

    About Platts: 

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information.  With nearly a century of business experience,
Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. 
From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural
gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and
metals markets.  Platts' real time news, pricing,
analytical services, and conferences help markets operate
with transparency and efficiency.  Traders, risk managers,
analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help
them make better trading and investment decisions. 
Additional information is available at
    About The McGraw-Hill Companies: 

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands such as
Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek
and J.D. Power and Associates.  The Corporation has more
than 280 offices in 40 countries.  Sales in 2006 were $6.3
billion.  Additional information is available at
http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . 

    For more information, please contact: 

     Shiona Ramage
     Tel:   +44-207-1766153

     Casey Yew
     Tel:   +65-653-06552

     Kathleen Tanzy
     Tel:   +1-212-904-2860
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com

iBiquity Digital Approves Intertek Test Group in Hong Kong for HD Radio(TM) Receiver Certification Testing
April 12, 2007

    COLUMBIA, Md., April 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- iBiquity
Digital Corporation, the developer of digital HD Radio(TM)
technology, announced today that it has approved the
Intertek Test Group, Hong Kong as a certification test
facility for HD Radio receivers. 

    "We are proud to add the Intertek Test Group, Hong
Kong to our roster of partners supporting the growing number
of product manufacturers around the world focusing on HD
Radio technology," said Jeff Jury, chief operating
officer, iBiquity Digital Corporation.  "The ability
to certify receivers in Hong Kong will play an important
role in helping speed development and production of HD
Radio products."

    The Intertek Test Group, Hong Kong will provide a
single source for receiver developers in Asia for HD Radio
technology testing and other industry needs. The testing
services provided by the Group will accelerate the product
testing process for HD Radio technology certification and
other standards approvals. 

    "Quality HD Radio products are critical to the
successful implementation of HD Radio technology around the
world, and our testing facility in Hong Kong will help
ensure that future HD Radio receivers meet iBiquity's
exacting specifications," said Mr. Daniel Yau, Deputy
General Manager, Intertek Test Group, Hong Kong.

    About Intertek ETL SEMKO 

    ETL SEMKO is a division of Intertek plc (London: ITRK),
a global leader in testing, inspection and certification
services, operating in 273 laboratories and 521 offices in
100 countries throughout the world. Intertek provides
access to global markets through its local services, which
include product safety testing and certification, EMC
testing and performance testing.

    About iBiquity Digital

    iBiquity Digital Corporation is the developer of the HD
Radio(TM) system, which is powering the AM/FM digital radio
revolution by enabling multiple channels of programming on
the same frequency (multicasting); crystal-clear,
CD-quality sound; advanced services such as traffic
updates; and delivery of text and graphics content.  Over
1,200 U.S. HD Radio stations are now on the air, with more
than 550 offering additional content via multicast
channels.  HD Radio technology is also being tested and
adopted in many countries outside the U.S., including
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, New Zealand,
Philippines, Poland, Switzerland, Thailand and Ukraine.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Vicki Stearn
     iBiquity Digital
     Tel:   +1-410-872-1565
     Email: stearn@ibiquity.com
Dutch scholarships for Chinese Talent
April 12, 2007

    BREUKELEN, The Netherlands, April 12
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Nyenrode Business Universiteit, one
of the oldest and most prestigious business schools in
Europe, is exploring ways to attract more Chinese
management talents to its picturesque campus in the
Netherlands. The university is celebrating the 25th
anniversary of its international MBA program by providing
Chinese citizens an opportunity to apply for one of the 25
scholarships, created especially for the 2007-2008
International MBA program. In addition, Nyenrode is pleased
to offer the Randstad Beheer Scholarship exclusively for
Chinese Talent, worth 10,000 euros (around US$13,200). 

    To win a scholarship, potential students must meet
specific criteria, such as writing a business plan or
giving a presentation on entrepreneurship. All of the
scholarships provide the winners with a personal coach to
guide them throughout their intensive MBA studies.

    It is Nyenrode's ambition to keep the MBA classes as
diverse as possible, thus enhancing the international
nature of the alumni network. Kai Jin, a Chinese Nyenrode
alumnus, had Nyenrode recommended by his colleagues at Sara
Lee. The university's good international student population
was very important for him to decide to join this
International MBA program. Kai Jin particularly appreciated
the introduction to the program: "We were given
team-building exercises, and the trainers paid a lot of
attention to things like self-awareness. It's important to
know your own personality."

    About the International MBA program

    The International MBA is a full-time accredited program
that takes 13 months to complete. Featuring international
modules, it is geared towards developing globally-minded,
successful business leaders and managers. Nyenrode's IMBA
provides future talent with thorough grounding in the
fundamental subjects of business including soft skills that
are vital to effective management. Active participation is
required of everyone, with strong interaction between
participants and faculty. 

    About Nyenrode 

    Located on a 13th century estate, Nyenrode Business
Universiteit prepares individuals with talent and ambition
for entrepreneurship in an international setting. The
university offers master's programs in business and
accountancy, and delivers executive programs too. 

    For more information on the IMBA program, scholarships
and Nyenrode in general, please visit
http://www.nyenrode.nl . 

    For more information, please contact:

    Pipsa Ylanko
    Marketing Manager
    Tel:    +31-346-291-732, 
    Fax:    +31-346-291-450
    Mobile: +31-624-425-593
    Email:  p.ylanko@nyenrode.nl

GammaStar Medical Attends the First Entrepreneurs on Innovation' Forum
April 11, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, April 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
first "2007 Entrepreneurs on Innovation" forum
was held today, as scheduled, at the Shanghai Grand Hyatt
Hotel.  Corporate leaders and senior investors from all
over China, as well as relevant leaders from Shenzhen Stock
Exchange, gathered together to extensively discuss the topic
of "Disruptive Innovation and Opportunities."  The
forum was both successful and fruitful, with a total of
about 150 people attending. 

    Shanghai Highview Investment and Consultancy Co., Ltd
organized this forum and specially invited GammaStar
Medical Group, Wealink and Edushi, which were all selected
in the Red Herring Asia 100.  Representatives from invited
companies shared their innovative paths and visions with
all the attendants.

    Experts from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
representatives from IDG, Harbinger, GGV Bessemer, UCI, the
Oxford Investment Group, UBS and Merrill Lynch, and so many
others, reviewed and tracked corporate case studies,
sharing their professional views thus giving attendees a
view on the fast-developing hi-tech industry.  The forum
also highlighted potential investment projects among the
attending companies.

    The forum is seen as an important event since as all
attendants are considered the kind of people who either
start disruptive innovations or grab future opportunities. 
Although this is the first session of this forum, it is
successful and rewarding and will bring in more high level
discussions and cooperation, speeding up resource
integration within China's high-tech industry.

    About GammaStar Medical Group

    GammaStar Medical Group is a high-tech medical group
company with world leading technology of its own
proprietary rights in trauma treatment.  It has been
selected as one of the "RED HERRING 100" which is
considered the "Silicon Valley Bible" and
"Investment Vane," as well as one of the
"Zero2ipo-China Venture50", thus becoming a
company that has one of the best development potentials and
investment value in Asia.  With its headquarters based in
Shanghai, it has established branches in several countries
and is stretching its business across the world, and will
supply comprehensive treatment to global trauma patients,
thus fostering the best brand in trauma treatment.

    It supplies the most advanced trauma treatment
solutions to hospitals and patients by establishing trauma
treatment centres around the world, and it also seeks to
enter into neurosurgery and other medical fields.  It
focuses its business on the research and development of
large medical equipment and clinic research, sales and

    The Gyro Rotating Cobalt 60 Radiotherapy system is
currently the most advanced precise radiotherapy machine in
the world.  Its unique "Gyro Peak" outperforms the
"Brag Peak" of the proton system in terms of the
dosage distribution and it autonomy level also outperforms
the present world level in this industry.  It has obvious
competitive edges in the industry because it not only owns
technology breakthroughs in mechanics and treatment but
also creatively uses the business model of franchising. 
GMS will always hold the Company philosophy of
"focusing on quality and caring for life."

    The Company will keep developing better medical
equipment and open a new age in trauma treatment with its
advanced R&D and medical centre management abilities.

    For more information, please contact:

     Helen yan
     Tel:    +86-21-5109-5758 x8036
     Mobile: +86-137-9522-2598
     Email:  Helen@gammastar.com

Leading China Cancer Center Offers Advanced Radiotherapy Treatments Using Varian's On-Board Imager
April 11, 2007

    SHANDONG, China, April 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- One of
China's top public cancer centers has introduced
image-guided radiotherapy treatments for cancer patients
using a Clinac(R) linear accelerator and On-Board Imager(R)
from Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR). The new device
enables clinicians at Shandong Cancer Hospital in East
China to use advanced image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT)
techniques that improve precision and potentially increase
cure rates.

    "Precision and accuracy are vital whenever you
treat a patient with radiotherapy," says Dr. Jin-Ming
Yu, president and chief radiation oncologist at Shandong
Cancer Hospital. "IGRT is ultimately all about
increasing precision and we are delighted to be able to
introduce a comprehensive IGRT program for our

    Since installing the IGRT system, Dr. Yu and his team
have treated tumors in the head and neck, lung, esophagus,
liver, brain and other parts of the body. "Our
observations of how tumors move and change over the course
of treatment have only served to confirm that image
guidance is absolutely essential for adapting to those
changes and getting the treatment beam in precisely the
correct position," he says.

    He added that advanced treatment techniques including
biological targeting and IMRT (intensity modulated
radiation therapy) also benefit from an imaging tool such
as the On-Board Imager. "Without it, we would have no
practical way to set up patients for treatment with the
millimeter precision we need to be sure we're always
targeting the right place," he said. "We have
implemented a comprehensive IGRT program using the OBI
device and better outcomes can certainly be expected in the
not too distant future."

    Using the new equipment, the doctors at Shandong have
launched a series of treatment programs that take advantage
of the On-Board Imager's available imaging modes, including
ways of increasing precision for lung and liver treatments.
In particular, the Shandong clinicians have commenced using
the device's cone-beam CT functionality to generate
enhanced 3-D CT images of brain metastases at the time of
treatment. "By using CBCT imaging in combination with
a contrast agent, tumors are extremely well defined, which
means direct brain tumor registration and online correction
is now available to us," said Dr. Yu. 

    The On-Board Imager makes it possible for clinicians to
image and treat on a single machine that rotates around the
patient to take X-ray images and deliver treatments from
virtually any angle.  Mounted on a Clinac(R) medical linear
accelerator, the OBI device produces high-resolution X-ray
images of the tumor and tracks changes in tumor shape, size
or position over a multi-week course of treatment. It also
enables clinicians to track and adjust for tumor motion
caused by the patient's breathing during treatment

    Prior to the advent of image-guided radiotherapy
(IGRT), radiation oncologists had to contend with
variations in patient positioning and with respiratory
motion by treating a relatively large margin of healthy
tissue around the tumor.  This increased the risk of
complications from the treatment and forced doctors to use
lower, less effective doses in their treatments. IGRT
enables doctors to minimize the volume of healthy tissue
exposed to the treatment beam, giving them the option of
using higher doses when the patient needs them.

    Shandong Cancer Hospital is one of the leading cancer
centers in China, incorporating the country's largest
radiotherapy facility, which includes six linear
accelerators. About 36,000 patients from across the East
China region are treated at the center each year. 

    Varian Medical Systems, the world leader in radiation
therapy, has sold nine On-Board Imager IGRT systems in
mainland China to date and the Shandong device is the first
to enter clinical use. 

    Editorial contact: Neil Madle, Varian Medical Systems,
+44 7786 526068, neil.madle@varian.com 

    About Varian Medical Systems

    Varian Medical Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California,
is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and
software for treating cancer and other medical conditions
with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and
brachytherapy.  The company supplies informatics software
for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy
centers and medical oncology practices.  Varian is a
premier supplier of tubes and digital detectors for X-ray
imaging in medical, scientific, and industrial applications
and also supplies X-ray imaging products for cargo screening
and industrial inspection.  Varian Medical Systems employs
approximately 3,900 people who are located at manufacturing
sites in North America and Europe and in its 56 sales and
support offices around the world.  In Europe, the company
operates manufacturing and engineering centers in Baden
(Switzerland), Crawley (England), Haan (Germany), Helsinki
(Finland) and Toulouse (France) and has headquarters for
Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEA) based in Zug,
Switzerland. For more information, visit
http://www.varian.com/ .

    Forward Looking Statements

    Statements in this press release regarding future
business, events, plans, objectives, expectations,
estimates, and other similar matters, including, but not
limited to, statements using the terms "can" and
"expect," constitute forward-looking statements
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995.  Such forward-looking statements
contained in this press release are subject to risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those anticipated, including, but not
limited to, the risks described in the company's Annual
Report on Form 10-K and other reports filed from time to
time by the Company with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  These forward-looking statements represent the
Company's judgment as of the date of this press release. 
The Company assumes no obligation to update or revise these
forward-looking statements because of new information,
future events, or otherwise.

    For more information, please contact:

     Neil Madle
     Varian Medical Systems
     Tel:   +44-7786-526068
     Email: neil.madle@varian.com 
Maxwell Technologies Opens Sales Office in Shanghai, China to Market Ultracapacitor Products, Service Customers Throughout Asia
April 11, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, April 11 /Xinuha-PRNewswire/ --
Maxwell Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: MXWL) announced today
(April 5th) that it has opened a sales office here to
market its BOOSTCAP(R) ultracapacitor products, service
customers and support its distribution channel partners
throughout Asia. 

    Maxwell senior vice president Alain Riedo said,
"We see virtually unlimited opportunities for our
BOOSTCAP products in the Asian transportation, industrial
and consumer electronics markets, and Shanghai's central
location makes it ideal for servicing the rapidly growing
Chinese market and the entire South Eastern Asia

    The office, which is located at the Swiss Center in
Xinzhuang Industrial Park, is staffed by sales and
application specialists as well as support personnel, all
of whom are fluent in both Chinese and English. 

    BOOSTCAP ultracapacitors are based on an innovative
energy storage technology ideally suited for applications
needing repeated bursts of power for fractions of a second
to several minutes. Ultracapacitors have much higher energy
density than electrolytic capacitors and many times the
power density of batteries. They require no maintenance,
and operate reliably in extreme temperatures.

    Ultracapacitors' burst power capabilities and
life-of-the application longevity make them a preferred
energy storage and power delivery solution for
transportation, renewable energy, industrial and consumer
electronics and other applications. BOOSTCAP ultracapacitor
products are available in a range of form factors with
capacitances of up to 3,000 farads as well as packs and
modules that provide easy-to-integrate energy storage and
power delivery solutions for a wide range of applications.

    Maxwell also has established a contract manufacturing
alliance in China for assembly of its BOOSTCAP products and
is supplying its proprietary ultracapacitor electrode
material to other manufacturers in Asia. 

    Maxwell is a leading developer and manufacturer of
innovative, cost-effective energy storage and power
delivery solutions. Our BOOSTCAP(R) ultracapacitor cells
and multi-cell modules provide safe and reliable power
solutions for applications in consumer and industrial
electronics, transportation and telecommunications. Our
CONDIS(R) high-voltage grading and coupling capacitors help
to ensure the safety and reliability of electric utility
infrastructure and other applications involving transport,
distribution and measurement of high-voltage electrical
energy. Our radiation-mitigated microelectronic products
include power modules, memory modules and single board
computers that incorporate powerful commercial silicon for
superior performance and high reliability in aerospace
applications. For more information, please visit our
website: http://www.maxwell.com.

    For more information, please contact:

    Media & Investors: 
     Michael Sund
     Tel:   +1-858-503-3233
     Email: msund@maxwell.com

    Technical & Sales, ASIA: 
     Brian Eichler
     Tel:   +1-858-503-3326
     Email: beichler@maxwell.com

     David Skinner
     Tel:   +1-858-503-3271
     Email: dskinner@maxwell.com

     Raphael Waeber
     Tel:   +011-41-2641-18553
     Email: rwaeber@maxwell.com

Universal Travel Group Acquires Speedy Dragon Enterprise
April 11, 2007

    LOS ANGELES and SHENZHEN, China, April 11
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Universal Travel Group (OTC Bulletin
Board: UTVG), a leading air travel service provider in
Southern China, announced today that its wholly-owned
subsidiary, Shenzhen Yu Zhi Lu Aviation Service Company
Ltd. has completed the acquisition of Shenzhen Speedy
Dragon Enterprise Ltd. for US $3 million and 714,285 shares
of newly issued UTVG stock, valued at US $1 million.

    Shenzhen Speedy Dragon Enterprise Ltd., based in Pearl
River Delta, China, is a nationwide cargo logistics
company. Speedy Dragon provides railway and express
delivery services and also operates as an international and
domestic freight forwarding agency for the General
Administration of Civil Aviation of China. Speedy Dragon
and its affiliated company, Guangzhou Lucky Dragon
Transportation, reported pro forma revenues of $9,696,813
for fiscal year 2006 and $7,550,223 for fiscal year 2005.
Pro-forma net income for 2006 was $898,674 and $487,665 for
2005. Speedy Dragon acquired Guangzhou Lucky Dragon's assets
and operations as of January 1, 2007. The financial
information regarding Guangzhou Lucky Dragon set forth
above includes the financial results as if the two
companies were operating as one during 2006 and 2005. 

    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Jiangping
Jiang said, "Through the Speedy Dragon acquisition,
Universal Travel Group has strengthened its position in
commercial air cargo transportation services. This will
allow us to further expand our services from passenger to
cargo transportation, ultimately capturing a larger share
of the market and increasing our shareholder value."

    About Speedy Dragon Enterprise Limited

    Speedy Dragon Enterprise Ltd. is a nationwide cargo
logistics company providing commercial, point-to-point
parcel and container transportation services. Speedy Dragon
has a fleet of more than 200 franchised vehicles and manages
warehouses totaling 40,000 square meters (approximately
430,556 square feet), which it uses to stage, transfer and
store packages in transit. The annual volume of the
company's air cargo transportation accounted for
approximately 30% of the total air cargo market in
Shenzhen, China. Speedy Dragon's air cargo division has
been rated the top sales agent in Shenzhen by China
Southern Airline and Shenzhen Airline every year since
1996. For more information about Speedy Dragon, please
visit http://www.xunsulong.com . 

    About Universal Travel Group

    Universal Travel Group, through its wholly-owned
subsidiary, Shenzhen Yu Zhi Lu Aviation Service Company
Ltd., is engaged in providing reservation, booking, and
domestic and international travel and tourism services
throughout China. The company's core services include
booking services for air tickets, hotels and restaurants,
as well as tour routing for customers. The company's goal
is to become China's leading travel services provider. For
more information, visit http://www.chutg.com .

    A profile for investors can be accessed at
http://www.hawkassociates.com/utvgprofile.aspx. For
investor relations information regarding Universal Travel
Group, contact Jacalyn Guo at (310) 443-4151, e-mail
Jacalyn@chutg.com, or contact Frank Hawkins or Julie
Marshall, Hawk Associates, at (305) 451-1888, e-mail
info@hawkassociates.com. An online investor kit including
press releases, current price quotes, stock charts and
other valuable information for investors may be found at
http://www.hawkassociates.com and
http://www.americanmicrocaps.com . To receive free e-mail
notification of future releases, subscribe at
http://www.hawkassociates.com/email.aspx .

    Forward-looking Statement:

    The statements in these news releases contain
forward-looking information within the meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Such
forward-looking statements involve certain risks,
assumptions and uncertainties. In each case actual results
may differ materially from such forward-looking statements.
Any statements regarding targets for future results are
forward-looking and actual results may differ materially.
These are the company's targets, not predictions of actual

    For more information, please contact: 

     Jacalyn Guo
     Tel:   +1-310-443-4151 
     Email: Jacalyn@chutg.com
     Web:   http://www.chutg.com

    Investor Relations Contact: 
     Hawk Associates, Inc.
     Frank Hawkins and Julie Marshall
     Tel:   +1-305-451-1888
     Email: info@hawkassociates.com 
     Web:   http://www.hawkassociates.com

Platts Announces New Online Communications Tool to Improve the Efficiency and Transparency in Physical Oil Markets
April 11, 2007

    NEW YORK, April 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Platts, the
world's leading energy information provider and a division
of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), today said it
would launch Platts Editorial Window (eWindow), an online
tool that will improve the transparency, efficiency and
user experience of Platts' Market-on-Close (MOC)
price-assessment process. For more than a decade, Platts
MOC has been well recognized for its reporting of daily
price benchmarks in the global oil markets.

    With eWindow, Platts will provide customers of its
real-time oil information service, Platts Global Alert
(PGA), with an innovative online tool that will
significantly improve trading participants' ability to
communicate with Platts editors during the daily MOC oil
price-assessment window.  The tabular screen layout
facilitates a real-time view of market activity and
counterparty transparency and provides for easy screen
customization.  MOC participants may submit bids and offers
directly to eWindow, which will allow all market
participants to instantly view and respond to that
information. Automated controls as well as Platts editorial
oversight will ensure full conformance with the Platts MOC
price-assessment guidelines and procedures.

    Technology for eWindow has been customized for Platts
under a license agreement with IntercontinentalExchange
(NYSE: ICE), which operates the leading electronic trading
platform of global futures and over the counter (OTC)
energy markets.

    "For nearly a century, Platts has served the needs
of the energy industry by enabling transparent and efficient
energy markets," said Victoria Chu Pao, President of
Platts.  "As the number of participants and volume of
market activity in our MOC processes have grown,
participants have asked Platts to implement technology that
would provide faster and better communications systems to
our editors. We believe that Platts eWindow, by harnessing
a widely-used and leading-edge technology, represents a
significant operational upgrade to our current

    "Platts eWindow takes data gathering and
transparency in the Platts MOC assessment process to the
next level," said Dan Tanz, Vice President of Platts
Editorial. "The automated data-entry platform will
provide improved visibility of market activity and faster
communications between market participants and Platts
editors.  While our MOC process will continue to support
other communications channels such as phone and instant
messaging to Platts editors, we believe the benefits of
online participation via eWindow will be compelling to
traders and brokers alike."

    Platts eWindow will be available initially to PGA
customers in Singapore for use in the Asian crude oil
markets beginning in the summer of 2007.  Introduction of
the operational upgrade to other Asian oil markets and
other regions are planned during the year.
    About Platts 

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information and a top supplier of benchmark prices in the
physical markets. With nearly a century of business
experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150
countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the
oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal,
petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news,
pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets
operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk
managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts
to help them make better trading and investment decisions.
Additional information is available at
    About The McGraw-Hill Companies: 

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands such as
Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek
and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more
than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3
billion. Additional information is available at
http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Kathleen Tanzy
     Tel:   +1-212-904-2860
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com
     Dan Tanz
     Tel:   +44-20-7176-6170
     Email: Dan_tanz@platts.com
     John Ho
     Tel:   +65-6530-6595
     Email: John_ho@platts.com
JWT Network First in India and China; New Business Wins in Chindia Validate Creative Awards
April 11, 2007

    NEW YORK, April 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- So far in
2007, JWT's agencies in Asia are winning creative kudos and
attracting a surge of new business.  "We are intensely
focused on this rapidly growing arena, and we're starting
to realize the results of those efforts," said Michael
Maedel, worldwide president of JWT. 

    In the just published Campaign Brief Asia's 2007
rankings, JWT's agencies rated first in both India and
China.  (While JWT Shanghai was first last year, and again
this year, JWT Mumbai jumped from tenth to first in 2007.) 
"I'm seeing some unprecedented and incredibly
impressive results from the creative talent at our Chindia
agencies," said Craig Davis, JWT worldwide creative

    New business won since the beginning of the year

    JWT India: Exide Industries, General Insurance Council,
Haier Telecom, Hyundai, Sony VAIO, Sterling Resorts and Tata

    RMG Connect/India: Bombay Dyeing, ITC Welcomgroup
Hotels and Microsoft

    JWT Greater China: Cadina Potato Chips for Lian Hwa
Foods, InBev, Knorr, Liugong Machinery, Pizza Hut, Rolex
and UL Activation Projects (won by Always Marketing)
    About JWT

    JWT ranks as the largest advertising agency brand in
the United States and as the fourth-largest full-service
network in the world. Its parent company is WPP (Nasdaq:
WPPGY). JWT's heritage of brand-building excellence extends
back to 1864, making us the world's oldest advertising
agency brand. In 1939, JWT pioneered the first national
consumer research panel. In 1988, we created the first
research study of consumer lifestyles, "Life
Stages." We believe in being anthropologists first,
advertising people second.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Matthew Haggerty
     Tel:   +1-212-210-7347
     Email: Matthew.haggerty@jwt.com
China Film Group and Crest Digital Announce Media Partnership
April 11, 2007

Multiple Media Ventures Located in the Largest
Entertainment and Studio Facility in Asia

    LOS ANGELES, April 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China Film
Group, the largest state-owned media company in China, and
Crest Digital, a 45-year-old Hollywood-based digital media
services company, today announced the formation of a
Sino-foreign joint venture partnership that will deliver a
full range of home entertainment and technology software
content via multiple digital platforms to mainland China
consumers.  The partnership combines the capabilities of
China's most influential entertainment and media
conglomerates with one of Hollywood's premier media
services and optical technology companies.  For
entertainment and technology content owners, this joint
venture provides a secured critical distribution and
pre-recorded DVD/CD manufacturing solution in China's
highly regulated domestic entertainment and media industry.
 The partnership will also focus on developing emerging
digital content delivery technologies for its clients,
including VOD, IPTV, Internet and mobile.

    "This partnership exists because of the unique
synergy, shared objectives, trust and respect that enabled
a relationship to develop between Crest Digital and China
Film Group," notes Ron Stein, president of Crest
Digital.  "For Crest Digital, it provides us with the
optimum partner and solution in China for our domestic
entertainment and technology customers."  

    The two companies will collaborate on a broad spectrum
of digital media ventures in China including the creation
of a new state-of-the-art DVD and CD manufacturing
facility, scheduled to open outside Beijing in the winter
of 2007.  With an initial land space of more than 800
acres, the complex will be the largest entertainment and
studio facility in Asia.  The world-class facility will be
15,000 square meters and will house 40 standard definition
and high definition DVD replication lines and employ 500
people.  China Film Group will also facilitate government
approval for additional optical manufacturing licenses
targeted for new regions, including South China. 

    The Beijing manufacturing facility is only the first of
several joint ventures planned between the two companies. 
Over the course of the next six to 12 months, the companies
intend to announce additional ventures including one focused
on CD & DVD anti-counterfeiting technology.

    "China Film Group is a critical component for
Hollywood and foreign content owners seeking distribution
of their valuable entertainment optical software and
intellectual property in China," says Eric Loong,
Crest Digital's chief operating officer.  "Crest
Digital is the first digital media services company to
create this type of partnership in China, and we are
honored to be partnered with China Film Group."

    "China Film Group's partnership with Crest Digital
will serve to advance and propel both China and America's
entertainment and media technology industries by blending
the expertise and capabilities of these two
companies," says Yang, Buting, Chairman of the Board
of the new venture.  "This partnership shows the
increasing globalization of our industry and will have a
tremendous impact on the efficiency and technological
advancement of our businesses."

    About China Film Group

    China Film Group is the most dominant and influential
state-run media conglomerate in China.  Its scope of
business spans movie and television content production,
film distribution and exhibition, movie importation and
exportation, cinema circuit management, digital cinema
construction, movie channel, print developing and
processing, film equipment management, digital film
production, CD/DVD manufacturing and advertising.  For more
than a decade, China Film Group's subsidiary, China Film
Import & Export Corporation, has been the sole
government-authorized importer of films.  Movie and TV
production units include: the former China Film
Corporation, Beijing Film Studio, China Youth Film Studio,
China Film Co-production Corporation, China Film Equipment
Corporation, Movie Channel Production Center, Beijing Film
& Video Laboratory and Huayun Film & TV Compact
Disk Co., Ltd.  Each year, China Film Group produces more
than 30 feature films, 400 TV plays and 
100 telefilms.

    About Crest Digital

    Crest Digital is a highly-innovative digital media
services company with a track record of developing
personalized solutions for the global entertainment and
technology industries.  A 45-year-old company based in
Hollywood, California, Crest has provided industry-leading
video, audio, language and DVD/CD media services for major
film studios, record labels, software companies and
industrial clients including Disney, Microsoft, Vivendi
Universal, Earthlink, Symantec, Paramount, Warner Bros.,
Apple, American Airlines, NBC/Universal and Intuit.  The
award-winning company has a well-earned reputation for
developing new technologies including many industry
"firsts," combined with an unwavering commitment
to the industry's highest standards of quality, service and
IP security.  More information is available at:
http://www.crestdigital.com .

    For more information, contact:

     Sara Shiffman
     Tel:   +1-213-438-8759
     Cell:  +1-310-721-6341
     Email: sshiffman@golinharris.com

Standard & Poor's Teams With ICAP to Provide Global End-of-Day Mark-to-Market Data
April 10, 2007

Standard & Poor's MasterFeed Will Enrich its
Evaluations Data With ICAP's Global Interest Rate, Credit
Market and Derivatives Pricing Data

    NEW YORK, April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Standard & Poor's, the leading provider of
financial market intelligence, and ICAP plc, the world's
premier interdealer broker, today announced an agreement to
offer ICAP's global market data to Standard & Poor's
clients. Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations will
provide the ICAP data through MasterFeed, its consolidated
securities reference data and end-of-day pricing feed

    Standard & Poor's is enriching its evaluations with
ICAP data in response to growing demands from clients who
deal with complex global, multi-asset class instruments,
including Asian and European credit derivatives, Asian
government bonds and other fixed income products. Access to
ICAP's comprehensive and authoritative pricing data can help
Standard & Poor's clients improve overall portfolio
management and risk assessment.

    "This agreement gives our clients a single
delivery source of market pricing from ICAP, a market
leader in interest rate, credit, and derivatives
products," says J.R. Rieger, Vice President of Global
Evaluations for Standard & Poor's.  "As a result
of this enhancement, clients can leverage both Standard
& Poor's and ICAP's data to meet increased internal and
external demand for comprehensive, transparent market
coverage and consistent pricing."

    ICAP, the world's premier interdealer broker, sets the
standard for global market information and commentary for
professionals in the international financial markets.
Derived from ICAP's global daily average transaction
volumes in excess of $1 trillion, ICAP's unique data
represents pricing across a wide range of asset classes,
time zones and financial instruments. 

    "In today's global business environment,
independent sources of data are key to making effective
choices and developing successful solutions for evolving
regulatory requirements," says John Nixon, Director of
Global Market Data Services for ICAP. "We are pleased
to provide Standard & Poor's customers with consistent
pricing across all over-the-counter instruments to help
support their complex evaluations and investment

    The ICAP end-of-day pricing available in MasterFeed
includes: Asian Interest Rate Derivatives, Credit
Derivatives, and Money Markets; European Credit
Derivatives, Money Markets, Fixed Income, Interest Rate
Derivatives; Japanese Government Bonds; Global Foreign
Exchange; and U.S. Money Markets, Credit Derivatives, and
Interest Rate Derivatives.
    A market leader in pricing fixed-income and illiquid
securities, Standard & Poor's has provided independent
multi-asset class pricing for more than 35 years. With
extended coverage of high yield bonds and complex
structured products, such as CDs, interest rate swaps,
credit default swaps, CDOs, CLOs and European structured
finance bonds, Standard & Poor's supports customers'
diverse pricing and evaluation needs.  
    About Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations

    Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations, Inc.
("SPSE"), a wholly owned subsidiary of The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., provides independent
fixed-income evaluations of over 2.9 million securities. 
It also distributes to its client base pricing data and
equity pricing services of other unaffiliated firms.  In
total, SPSE provides coverage for more than four million
global securities.  Prices of firms other than those of
SPSE are the responsibility of those firms and not SPSE and
are produced under the firms' methodologies and policies and
procedures, not those of SPSE.  Analytic services and
products provided by Standard & Poor's are the result
of separate activities designed to preserve the
independence and objectivity of each analytic process. 
Standard & Poor's has established policies and
procedures to maintain the confidentiality of non-public
information received during each analytic process. 

    About Standard & Poor's

    Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill
Companies (NYSE: MHP), is the world's foremost provider of
financial market intelligence, including independent credit
ratings, indices, risk evaluation, investment research and
data. With approximately 8,500 employees, including wholly
owned affiliates, located in 21 countries, Standard &
Poor's is an essential part of the world's financial
infrastructure and has played a leading role for more than
140 years in providing investors with the independent
benchmarks they need to feel more confident about their
investment and financial decisions. For more information,
visit http://www.standardandpoors.com .

    About ICAP

    ICAP is the world's largest interdealer broker with a
daily average transaction volume in excess of $1.5
trillion, more than 50% of which is electronic. The Group
is active in the wholesale markets in interest rates,
credit, energy, foreign exchange, equity derivatives and
emerging markets. In June 2006 ICAP acquired EBS, the
world's leading provider of FX trading and market data
solutions. ICAP plc was added to the FTSE 100 Index on 30
June 2006.  For more information go to http://www.icap.com

    For more information, please contact:


    For Standard & Poor's: 
     Christopher Capot
     KNB Communications
     Tel:   +1-212-505-2441 x116
     Email: ccapot@knbpr.com 

    For ICAP:
     Neil Shapiro
     Intermarket Communications
     Tel:   +1-212-754-5423
     Email: neil@intermarket.com 

    Product Information:

     Erin K. Cropley
     Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations
     Tel:   +1-212-438-4739
     Email: erin_cropley@standardandpoors.com

Franklin Expands Business Development Team
April 10, 2007

    BURLINGTON, N.J., April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Franklin Electronic Publishers, Incorporated (Amex: FEP)
today announced the appointment of Mark Winter, Vice
President/General Manager of its Proximity Technology
Division, and Thomas Chow, General Manager, Asia Business
Development, to its management team.

    Mark Winter has more than twenty years of software
industry experience in electronic publishing, CAD and
simulation applications and services. Previously he was CEO
of Simulis LLC., a provider of online knowledge assessment
and training systems for workforce development. He has also
served as SVP Marketing/Corporate Development for e-SIM
Inc., a simulation software company, and as VP Corporate
Development for Continental Graphics Holdings which
operated one of the largest technical document publishers
in North America.

    Franklin, through its Proximity Technology Division, is
a leading provider of linguistic software resources for
desktop and enterprise where language accuracy is critical
to content quality and search functionality. 

    "We are delighted to have Mark as an addition to
our Senior Management team," said Barry J. Lipsky,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Franklin. 
"Proximity represents a significant strategic growth
opportunity for the company as we offer increased
functionality both through product innovation strategic
partnerships, and through our investment banking
initiatives.  Mark's experience matches perfectly with both
our business development objectives and our development
infrastructure initiatives to create that growth," he

    "Many software products and web services have a
growing need for improved linguistic support so that
content creation is accurate and complete" said Mark
Winter.  "Proximity has an excellent product line that
supports the broadest range of international languages. I'm
excited about delivering this solution to an ever-expanding
universe of software products in global markets where
language accuracy is a critical feature set," he
added. Mr. Winter holds an MBA in Corporate Strategy and an
undergraduate degree in Communications. He also serves on
the Board of the American Institute of Graphic Arts | Los

    Thomas Chow, with over 30 years in marketing and brand
management, was President of China Innovative Co. at which
he provided consulting services to Johnson & Johnson,
Bausch & Lomb and Revlon in connection with the
launching of these brands into the greater China markets. 
Mr. Chow was also a board member of Bausch and Lomb's joint
venture in China.  Prior to holding this position, Mr. Chow
was the Managing Director, Asia Pacific of
Globalenglish.com an English Language Learning initiative
where he established distribution networks throughout Hong
Kong, China, Taiwan and Korea. 

    Mr. Chow will be responsible for the development and
marketing of Franklin's business initiatives in the
burgeoning Asian markets focusing on Japan, Korea, and the
greater China markets as well as expansion into the other
smaller Pacific Rim markets.  Mr. Chow will also lead the
effort to cultivate relationships with the large
multinational retailers with local buying offices in Hong
Kong and other parts of the Far East.

    "Thomas is another great addition to the Franklin
team," said Mr. Lipsky. "He has launched some of
the world's best known and respected brands into China and
other Asian markets through innovative and cost effective
partnerships.  Now that Franklin has established its
foothold in the Far East markets, we believe that Thomas
will be able to bring to the Franklin team that same
marketing savvy he has demonstrated over and over," he

    "Having grown up in China, I've experienced first
hand the challenges of learning English as a second
language and continue to see on a daily basis the enormity
of the market" said Thomas Chow. "In the Asian
regions no one has to be convinced of the value of learning
English.  With Franklin as the leading brand in the western
markets and its vast publishing partnerships we are well
positioned to extend that reach.  I look forward to the
challenge and am excited to be part of the Franklin
team," he added.

    Mr. Chow holds an MBA in General Management and an
undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and is a
resident of Hong Kong.

    About Proximity

    Franklin, through its Proximity Technology Division,
designs and licenses linguistic software that provides
spelling error detection, correction and hyphenation in 36
languages as well as thesaurus, dictionary and other
linguistic functionality to such world renowned technology
leaders such as Adobe and Sun Microsystems. More
information is available at

    About Franklin

    Franklin Electronic Publishers Incorporated (Amex: FEP)
is a world leader in electronic handheld information, having
sold more than 37,000,000 electronic books since 1986.
Current titles available directly or through partners
number more than 26,000 in sixteen languages under license
from world class publishers, such as Merriam-Webster and
HarperCollins, focused in five genres: Learning, Language
Learning, Travel, Spiritual, and Leisure. The Company also
licenses its underlying technology to an array of partners
including Adobe, Sun Microsystems and Ademco (a division of
Honeywell). Franklin distributes ROLODEX(R) Electronics
branded organizers worldwide and SEIKO branded reference
products in North and South America, Australia and the
European Community. Franklin's products are available at
43,000 retail outlets worldwide, through catalogs, and
online at http://www.franklin.com .

    ROLODEX(R) is a registered trademark of Berol
Corporation, a subsidiary of Newell Rubbermaid Inc.  SEIKO
is a registered trademark of SEIKO Corporation.

    Except for the historical information contained herein,
the matters discussed throughout this release, including,
but not limited to, those that are stated as Franklin's
belief or expectation or preceded by the word
"should" are forward looking statements that
involve risks to and uncertainties in Franklin's business,
including, among other things, the timely availability and
acceptance of new electronic products, changes in
technology, the impact of competitive electronic products,
and other risks and uncertainties that may be detailed from
time to time in Franklin's reports filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.

    For more information, please contact:

     Robin Kelman
     Garfield Group Public Relations
     Tel:   +1-215-867-8600 ext. 244
     Email: rkelman@garfieldgroup.com 
Rabbit Goes Wireless
April 10, 2007

Integrated Wi-Fi and ZigBee are the Latest Additions to the
Popular Family of Pin-compatible RabbitCore Modules

    DAVIS, Calif. April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Rabbit
Semiconductor is boldly going wireless by offering two new
wireless technologies directly integrated in new
RabbitCore(R) modules.  Customers can now connect their
products to the Internet and network their devices without
wiring headaches. The new RCM4400W is a Wi-Fi/802.11 based
core module that leverages the increasing penetration of
Wi-Fi in businesses around the world.  The RCM4510W is a
ZigBee/802.15.4 based module that taps into the exciting,
high growth ZigBee market for low cost, low power wireless
sensor networks.  These modules add to the powerful list of
embedded control features that have made RabbitCore modules
so appealing to design engineers around the world. 

    These wireless solutions have been engineered into the
Rabbit product line as part of a fundamental goal to
provide easy-to-use connectivity built upon proven
platforms that can accommodate the typically long embedded
product life cycles.  The RCM4400W and RCM4510W expand on
the family of pin-compatible modules already based on the
Rabbit 4000 microprocessor, giving customers greater
freedom to now select from serial, wired Ethernet, wireless
Ethernet / Wi-Fi or wireless ZigBee / 802.15.4 as their
communication link in their Industrial Control, RTU or
Building Automation applications. 

    The RCM4400W features Wi-Fi / 802.11 connectivity and
is powered by the Rabbit(R) 4000 microprocessor, running at
58.98 MHz.  Features include up to 35 GPIO lines shared with
6 serial ports, hardware DMA, quadrature decoders, PWM, and
up to four levels of alternate pin functions. The RCM4400W
supports an operating temperature range of -20¡ãC to

    The RCM4510W features ZigBee/802.15.4 connectivity and
uses MaxStream(R) technology with the integration of the
XBee Series 2 ZigBee module as part of the RabbitCore
design.  It is also powered by the Rabbit 4000 running at
29.49 MHz. Features include up to 49 GPIO lines shared with
6 serial ports and 4 channels of analog inputs, hardware
DMA, quadrature decoders, PWM, and up to four levels of
alternate pin functions. The RCM4510W supports an operating
temperature range of -40¡ãC to +85¡ãC.  

    Because the RCM4400W and the RCM4510W are designed to
be electrically pin-compatible with all other Rabbit
4000-based RabbitCore modules, engineers can support
numerous applications with the same motherboard design by
simply changing the RabbitCore module to meet each
application's specific requirement.   

    Development Kits for the RCM4400W and RCM4510W are
immediately available for shipment.  Each contains the
appropriate full-featured wireless RabbitCore, a
development board, the latest Dynamic C integrated
development software with hundreds of samples and
libraries, and all the accessories that are needed for a
quick start on development.  The RCM4400W module is priced
at $99/Qty100, the RCM4510 is priced at $72/Qty 100.  Both
the RCM4400W Development Kit and RCM4510W Development Kit
are available for a limited time at $199 each.

    For more information please contact Digi International
(HK) Ltd at Tel: +852 2833-1008, Fax: +852 2572-9989,
Email: apacsales@digi.com.

    For product photos and diagrams, please visit
    Rabbit Semiconductor(R)

    Rabbit Semiconductor, a Digi International(R) brand
(Nasdaq: DGII), is a global provider of high-performance
8-bit microprocessors development tools for embedded
control, communications, and Ethernet and wireless
connectivity. Rabbit Semiconductor introduced the popular
Rabbit(R) 2000 microprocessor in 1999, the Rabbit 3000 in
2002 and the Rabbit 4000 in 2006.  The industry
award-winning RabbitCore(R) line of microprocessor core
modules was introduced in 2001, with the next-generation
wireless RabbitCores introduced in 2007. Rabbit
Semiconductor offers customers a complete embedded design
system, including low-cost development kits and
comprehensive technical support for both hardware and
software issues.  Rabbit Semiconductor is a member of the
Fabless Semiconductor Association and is located in Davis,
Calif., 70 miles east of San Francisco.


    MaxStream, a Digi International(R) brand, supplies OEMs
and integrators with reliable radio modems and modules that
meet the unique needs of industry and commerce.  The
wireless modems are easy-to-use and provide reliable
delivery of critical data between devices. MaxStream's 2.4
GHz XBee product family makes it simple to incorporate
ZigBee/802.15.4 into nearly any electronic device.  The
flexibility of the XBee/XBee-PRO RF Modules create the
perfect fusion of range, power-conservation, performance
and networking features to ensure accurate and reliable RF
communications.  For more information regarding MaxStream's
products and services: Contact MaxStream via the web (visit
http://www.maxstream.net or e-mail apacsales@digi.com) or
call (852) 2833-1008.

    For more information, please contact:

      Hokie Chan
      Digi International
      Tel:   +852-2235-2206
      Email: apacsales@digi.com
MaxStream Announces New Mesh-Enabled ZigBee Module
April 10, 2007

XBee Series 2 Module Extends MaxStream's ZigBee Leadership

    SAN JOSE, Calif., April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
MaxStream(R), a Digi International (R), brand (Nasdaq:
DGII), announced today the addition of the Xbee(TM) Series
2 ZigBee(R)module.  Leading the market in easy-to-use
embedded ZigBee technology, MaxStream further strengthens
its leadership position by adding a module that includes
full mesh networking capabilities. 

    "The XBee Series 2 module features the reliable
functionality and ease of use OEMs and systems integrators
have come to expect from MaxStream," said Larry Kraft,
senior vice president of sales and marketing, Digi
International.  "The addition of this new ZigBee
module continues our push into a breadth of embedded
wireless technologies."

    In addition to full self-discovery/self-healing mesh
networking, the 2.4 GHz XBee Series 2 supports
coordinators, routers and end devices, as well as low power
sleep modes.  Based on the Ember EM250(TM) system-on-chip,
the FCC-pending XBee Series 2 features a 16-bit
microprocessor, 128kb Flash memory, and four different
antenna options (chip antenna, wire whip, U.FL connector,
RPSMA connector).  MaxStream's X-CTU software allows
network designers to easily test and configure ZigBee
networks, including node recognition and network management

     "MaxStream products are known for being reliable
and easy to use, which is critical for customers who need
to wirelessly monitor and control electronic devices. 
That's why we partnered with them," said Nick
Finamore, Ember vice president of sales & business
development.  "Ember's EM250 SoC and EmberZNet
software set the benchmark for ZigBee platform performance.
 MaxStream products together with Ember's proven ZigBee
technology will enable new applications, and help customers
bring products to market quicker."

    The Development kits will be available starting at the
end of April at a price of US$339. 

    For more information, please visit www.maxstream.net or
call +852 2833-1008. 

    About MaxStream 

    MaxStream, now part of Digi International, is the
leading worldwide developer of wireless modem networking
for electronic devices.  MaxStream provides wireless modem
modules, stand-alone radio modems, RF design services, and
supporting software.  Products and services by MaxStream
include designing, manufacturing and supporting wireless
communications for embedded systems. For more information
regarding MaxStream's products and services, contact
MaxStream at http://www.maxstream.net , info@maxstream.net
, or call (866) 765-9885. 

    About Digi International

    Digi International, the leader in device networking for
business, develops reliable products and technologies to
connect and securely manage local or remote electronic
devices over the network or via the web.  With over 20
million ports shipped worldwide since 1985, Digi offers the
highest levels of performance, flexibility and quality. Digi
markets its products through a global network of
distributors and resellers, systems integrators and
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).   

    For more information, visit Digi's Web site at
http://www.digi.com , or call +852 2833-1008.

    All brand names and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

    For more information, please contact:

     Hokie ChanDigi International
     Tel:   +852-2235-2206
     Email: apacsales@digi.com
Digi Launches First Ethernet Networking Solution for Microsoft(R) .NET Micro Framework
April 10, 2007

Digi Releases Digi Connect ME(R) JumpStart Kit(TM) for
Microsoft .NET Micro Framework at ESC Silicon Valley 2007

    MINNETONKA, Minn., April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Digi
International (Nasdaq: DGII) today introduced the Digi
Connect ME JumpStart Kit for Microsoft .NET Micro Framework
-- the industry's first Ethernet networking solution for
.NET Micro Framework.  Digi JumpStart Kits are a new breed
of development kits that make it easy, fast, and economical
for engineers to develop network-connected devices.  The
.NET Micro Framework JumpStart Kit is ideal for industrial
automation, building automation, point-of-sale, medical and
numerous other applications.  Digi will feature this kit and
other JumpStart Kits at Embedded Systems Conference Silicon
Valley 2007, booth 2202.

     "Digi was one of our earliest partners, and we
have been working closely together to bring the advantages
of .NET to small embedded devices," said Colin Miller,
Product Unit Manager of the .NET Micro Framework at
Microsoft. "The Digi Connect ME JumpStart Kit for the
.NET Micro Framework is a great starting point for opening
embedded programming to the large community of software
developers familiar with C# and Visual Studio.  Our
collaboration with Digi has been very strong and we
anticipate working with them on more and more products as
we continue to change the way embedded development is done
for small devices."

     "We are one of only a few companies shipping kits
for .NET Micro Framework, and the first for Ethernet
networking," said Joel Young, senior vice president of
research and development and CTO, Digi International. 
"We have a strong relationship with Microsoft, and we
look forward to expanding our relationship in the

    The Digi Connect ME JumpStart Kit for Microsoft .NET
Micro Framework includes the Digi Connect ME embedded
module, a development/carrier board, and samples and
documentation for rapid evaluation and development.  A free
180-day evaluation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is also
available for download.

    The Digi Connect ME JumpStart Kit for Microsoft .NET
Micro Framework is available now for an introductory price
of US$299. For more information, please visit
http://www.digi.com/dotnet .

    About Digi International

    Digi International, the leader in device networking for
business, develops reliable products and technologies to
connect and securely manage local or remote electronic
devices over the network or via the web. Digi offers the
highest levels of performance, flexibility and quality, and
markets its products through a global network of
distributors and resellers, systems integrators and
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).    

    For more information, visit Digi's Web site at
http://www.digi.com , or call +852 2833-1008. 

    All brand names and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

    For more information, please contact:

     Hokie Chan
     Digi International
     Email: hokiec@digi.com
Frontier Energy Corporation Continues to Expand Its Land Lease Acquisitions
April 10, 2007

    NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev., April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Frontier Energy Corporation ("Frontier" or the
"Company") (OTC: FRGY) has adopted a policy of
acquiring key acreage on significant oil and gas prospects
in the western mountain basins, and the Company is
succeeding in this effort.  A previous release described
the ongoing acquisition of BLM and privately held leases on
a target in one of these key states.  Prior to this
purchase, Frontier was the successful bidder at a State
lease sale and acquired a key section (640 acres) on major
prospect, which we believe may contain a significant oil

    There is a significant amount of available acreage on
this very important prospect and details of the location
will be released as soon as the remaining acreage blocks
have been acquired.  The logs of the `lead' well on this
prospect exhibits approximately 400 ft. of untested
reservoirs and projected reserves are believed to exceed 15
million barrels of oil per section.  The section purchased
by Frontier is located within three quarters of a mile of
the `lead' well, and we expect that the acreage we intend
to acquire is equally productive.

    In the event of success, this prospect will be of major
importance to Frontier.

    About Frontier Energy Corporation

    Frontier is newly-recapitalized exploratory oil and gas
business headquartered in North Las Vegas, Nevada.  Frontier
has one gas lease under contract and intends to enter into
drilling, completion and distribution agreements to exploit
this lease.  Frontier also intends to enter into additional
leases, as its funding permits. 

    Safe Harbor Statement

    Except for the historical information presented, the
above statements are "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 or regulations there under.  These
forward-looking statements are subject to risks and
uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially. 
These risks include the economic health of the oil and gas
industry, competitive pricing pressures, completion of
possible acquisitions, success at integrating and operating
any acquired operations and the availability of necessary
financing.  These statements speak only as of above date,
and Frontier Energy Corporation disclaims any intent or
obligation to update them. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Robert Genesi, President
     Frontier Energy Corporation
     2413 Morocco Avenue
     North Las Vegas, Nevada 89031
     Tel: +1-702-648-5849
     Fax: +1-702-648-4469
SmartPay Partners With Net263
April 10, 2007

Partnership to Jointly Develop Innovative Payment
Applications, Combining the Advantages of Net263
Communication Products with that of SmartPay's Mobile
Payment Services

    SHANGHAI, China, April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Shanghai SmartPay Jieyin Ltd. ("SmartPay"), the
electronic payment leader in China, recently reached a
cooperative agreement with Net263 Ltd. Shanghai Branch
("Shanghai Net263") to jointly promote
diversified payment solutions in the telecommunications
field.  The payment solutions will launch in April. 

    Shanghai 263 will be able to utilize payment solutions
via mobile, fixed line telephone, the Internet, and SVA
(Stored-Value-Account).  Net263, established in 1998, has
become one of the most important companies providing
Internet communication services based on innovative

    As a leader of electronic payment in China, SmartPay
has succeeded in exploring various payment services with
its innovative, secure and stable payment products.  With
the launch of http://www.172.com , SmartPay has centralized
its mobile, telephone and internet-based payment services in
one convenient portal for consumers. 

    Greg Shen, CEO of SmartPay, commented," SmartPay
will be continuously committed to the innovations on
payment solutions in more extensive fields, and promote the
realization of payment convenience to create an easy and
vogue life for people. 

    About SmartPay

    SmartPay provides remote payment services in China
under the brand name "Jieyin".  Chinese consumers
and intermediaries utilize SmartPay Jieyin for the payment
of mobile, utility, travel-related and other payments. 
Smartpay continues to launch additional payment services
under the "Jieyin" brand name.  Investors in
SmartPay include RRE Ventures ( http://www.rre.com ),
Evolution Capital, Lunar Group Capital, Accel Partners and

    For more information please contact:

     Carol Xiao, Public Relations
     SmartPay Jieyin Ltd.
     East Ocean Plaza II, 9th Floor,
     618 Yan'an East Road,
     Shanghai 200001 China
     Tel:   +86-21-5385-5299
     Fax:   +86-21-5385-2689
     Email: carol.xiao@smartpay.com.cn
     Websites: http://www.smartpay.com.cn
USA Live Earth Revealed Tickets for the 7/7/07 Concert to Combat Global Warming Go on Sale 4/16
April 10, 2007

    NEW YORK, April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Organizers today announced sixteen of the headliners
who will perform at the U.S. leg of the 7-continent,
24-hour Live Earth concerts on 7/7/07.  The concert will be
held at Giants Stadium in New Jersey, Live Earth Founder and
Executive Producer Kevin Wall said.  Tickets for the show go
on sale Monday, April 16 at 10 a.m. EDT.

    "Capping Live Earth with a blockbuster show like
this will ensure we meet our challenge of building a mass
audience to combat global warming," Wall said. 
"Live Earth will be a monumental event both in terms
of entertainment and in turning the tide against global

    The global concert on 7/7/07 will begin in Sydney and
continue across all 7 continents, concluding with the U.S.

    "We hope the energy created by Live Earth will
jump start a massive public education effort," Live
Earth Co-Chair Vice President Al Gore said.  "Live
Earth will help us reach a tipping point that's needed to
move corporations and governments to take decisive action
to solve the climate crisis."

    The U.S. show will feature live on stage:

    AFI                          KELLY CLARKSON
    AKON                         KT TUNSTALL
    ALICIA KEYS                  LUDACRIS
    BON JOVI                     MELISSA ETHERIDGE
    FALL OUT BOY                 ROGER WATERS
    JOHN MAYER                   SMASHING PUMPKINS
    KANYE WEST                   THE POLICE

    Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. EDT on Monday, April 16
and will be available at livenation.com/liveearth or by
calling Ticketmaster at (212) 307-7171.  All ticket
information is available at http://LiveEarth.MSN.com .  All
proceeds will go to The Alliance for Climate Protection and
other international NGOs.

    Live Earth is a monumental music event that will bring
together more than 2 billion people to combat the climate
crisis.  Live Earth's 24 hours of music across 7 continents
will deliver a call to action and the solutions needed to
answer the call.  Live Earth marks the beginning of a
multi-year campaign led by The Alliance for Climate
Protection to move individuals, corporations and
governments to take action.

    Earlier today, Wall announced that the following
artists will perform at the London leg of Live Earth at
Wembley Stadium:

    BEASTIE BOYS                 JAMES BLUNT
    BLOC PARTY                   KEANE
    DAMIEN RICE                  PAOLO NUTINI
    DAVID GRAY                   RAZORLIGHT
    FOO FIGHTERS                 SNOW PATROL

    Exclusive online media partner MSN is helping Live
Earth reach people in every corner of the globe.  The
concerts will be streamed live on 7/7/07 at
LiveEarth.MSN.com.  MSN's 39 localized web portals
worldwide attract 465 million monthly users.  The concerts
will be broadcast on the NBC Network in the U.S. and on
more than 120 networks around the world.

    Wall also announced that smart car, Stonyfield Farm and
Pepsi have joined Live Earth as corporate partners.  In
addition to working with Live Earth to create corporate
efforts to combat global warming, this growing list of
partners will help ensure a mass audience for Live Earth is
reached.  These efforts will be detailed at a later date. 

    Wall also announced today that Live Earth will stage
concerts at Sydney's Aussie Stadium; Rio de Janeiro's
Copacabana Beach; Johannesburg's Cradle of Human Kind;
Tokyo's Tokyo Stadium and the Steps of the Oriental Pearl
Tower in Shanghai.

    Live Earth is produced by Control Room, of which Kevin
Wall is the CEO. Control Room has produced and distributed
more than 60 concerts since its founding in 2005 featuring
Beyonce, Madonna, Green Day and the Rolling Stones, among

    For more information, please contact:

     Yusef K. Robb, Live Earth
     Tel:   +1-323-384-1789
     Email: press@liveearth.org
Corning to Honor Industry's 100th Anniversary of Cell Culture
April 10, 2007

Year-Long Celebration to Highlight Technology Advancements,
Leading Researchers and Corning Contributions

    LOWELL, Mass., April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewsire/ -- Corning
Incorporated (NYSE: GLW), a global supplier of scientific
laboratory and drug discovery products for more than 90
years, on April 2, 2007 announced it will be honoring the
industry's 100th anniversary of cell culture with numerous
initiatives and promotions throughout 2007. Corning's
year-long celebration will provide members of the life
sciences community with access to various historical and
educational resources, as well as modern-day product and
best-practice information.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200612081746.jpg )

    "For nearly the entire history of cell culture,
Corning has supplied cell-culture researchers with the
products needed to grow their cells, including tissue
culture dishes, microplates, roller bottles, flasks and
CellSTACK culture chambers," said Maryanne DeChambeau,
targeted marketing manager, Corning Life Sciences. "As
a leader in the field, we felt this major milestone in cell
culture was an ideal opportunity to educate the market about
its esteemed history, the miraculous drugs and vaccines that
have resulted and the researchers and technologies that made
it all possible." 

    During 2007, Corning will provide dedicated content on
its Web site that spotlights researchers and product
developments associated with the 100-year history of cell
culture. Additionally, Corning will offer anniversary
promotions and contests, and incorporate numerous cell
culture topics and historic features into its existing
Scientific Seminar Series. The seminars are free online
technical sessions that researchers can attend to gain tips
and best practice information about growing and working with

    Corning is constantly developing new products and
technologies to meet tomorrow's needs for better research
and production tools. The company is currently exploring
and/or involved with new technologies for growing cells,
artificial organs and tissues, new cell-based drugs and
vaccines, and stem cell technologies. 

    Recent examples include the Corning Epic system, the
industry's first high-throughput, label-free screening
platform for both biochemical and cell-based drug discovery
applications, and culture vessels with the new Corning
CellBIND and Ultra-Web synthetic surfaces, which provide
new substrates for researchers who are developing
applications such as stem-cell-based therapeutics or
replacement tissues and organs. 

    Major Corning milestones and firsts throughout the
history of cell culture include:

    1915: Introduction of PYREX glass 

    1923: Alexis Carrel develops first cell-culture flasks
from PYREX glass 

    1954: Polio virus for Salk's vaccine grown in PYREX 5L
Povitsky bottles 

    1974: Introduction of first plastic canted-neck flasks

    1974: 15mL and 50mL disposable centrifuge tubes in

    1975: One-piece plastic roller bottles 

    1983: Opticell ceramic-matrix bioreactors 

    1989: CellCube stacked plate bioreactors 

    1994: Ultra-low-attachment surface culture vessels 

    2003: Corning CellBIND surface culture vessels 

    2004: RoboFlask vessels 

    2005: Disposable spinner flasks 

    2007: Low-profile flasks 

    2007: HYPERFlask cell-culture vessels 

    "For the past 100 years, cell culture research has
resulted in drugs and vaccines that have made a profound
impact well beyond the walls of labs and research
facilities," said John Ryan, technical marketing
manager, Corning Life Sciences. "We are proud to be
such an active contributor to the history of cell culture
and are pleased that our work extends into the lives of
people around the world." 

    Corning Life Sciences helps customers succeed by
providing innovative, high-quality products and service in
the areas of polymer science, biochemistry and molecular
biology, glass melting and forming, surface modification
and characterization science. For more information about
Corning's cell culture products or on the industry's 100th
anniversary of cell culture, please visit
http://www.corning.com/cells100 . 

    About Corning Incorporated

    Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com ) is the
world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Drawing on
more than 150 years of materials science and process
engineering knowledge, Corning creates and makes keystone
components that enable high-technology systems for consumer
electronics, mobile emissions control, telecommunications
and life sciences. Our products include glass substrates
for LCD televisions, computer monitors and laptops; ceramic
substrates and filters for mobile emission control systems;
optical fiber, cable, hardware & equipment for
telecommunications networks; optical biosensors for drug
discovery; and other advanced optics and specialty glass
solutions for a number of industries including
semiconductor, aerospace, defense, astronomy and metrology.

    For more information, please contact:

     Lydia Lu, 
     Tel:   +86-21-5467-4666-1900
     Email: lulr@corning.com

     Pamela D'Arcangelo
     Tel:   +1-978-442-2275
     Email: darcangepj@corning.com

Abbott Agrees With World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General to Expand Access to Kaletra/Aluvia (lopinavir/ritonavir)
April 10, 2007

Abbott Reduces Price of Kaletra/Aluvia in Low and
Low-Middle Income Countries to $1,000

    ABBOTT PARK, Ill., April 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Abbott (NYSE: ABT) and World Health Organization (WHO)
Director-General, Margaret Chan, have agreed on a balanced
approach to provide Kaletra/Aluvia (lopinavir/ritonavir)
capsules and tablets to more patients in the developing
world, while supporting continued long-term
biopharmaceutical research and development.  In the
interest of international public health, Director-General
Chan approached Abbott to discuss how to improve
affordability and access while maintaining incentives to
support developing new medicines.

    To meet the needs of countries committed to expanding
HIV/AIDS treatment, Abbott will offer the governments of
more than 40 low and low-middle income countries (as
defined by World Bank criteria) and NGOs a new price of
$1,000 per patient per year.  This price is lower than any
generic price available in the world today for this
medicine and is approximately 55 percent less than the
average current price for these countries.

    Abbott will immediately begin discussions with
individual countries where Abbott's patents are respected
to maximize the number of patients that can be provided
Kaletra/Aluvia capsules and tablets at this new price.

    Abbott is taking this action in order to further
increase access and address the debate around pricing of
HIV medicines: by increasing affordability while preserving
the system that enables the discovery of new medicines.  The
patents of scientists and inventors must exist so that there
are incentives for sustained research and development. 
Without this system, the miracle drugs the world enjoys
today, including HIV medicines, would not exist.

    Specifically, with regard to Thailand, Abbott
appreciates and fully respects the suggestion of
Director-General Chan that more work needs to be done with
the government of Thailand to achieve a positive outcome. 
Meanwhile, Kaletra capsules remain available in Thailand
and will be eligible for the new price.

    Today, Kaletra capsules are registered in 118
countries, making it the most widely registered HIV
medicine.  Kaletra/Aluvia tablets will be registered in
more than 150 countries at the completion of the
registration process. 

    About Kaletra/Aluvia

    Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) is indicated for the
treatment of HIV-1 infected adults and children above the
age of 2 years, in combination with other antiretroviral

    Most experience with Kaletra is derived from the use of
the product in antiretroviral therapy naive patients.  Data
in heavily pretreated protease inhibitor experienced
patients are limited.  There are limited data on salvage
therapy on patients who have failed therapy with Kaletra.

    The choice of Kaletra to treat protease inhibitor
experienced HIV-1 infected patients should be based on
individual viral resistance testing and treatment history
of patients.  Kaletra is not recommended for use in
children below 2 years of age due to insufficient data on
safety and efficacy.
    Important Safety Information

    Kaletra should not be given to patients who have had an
allergic reaction to the active substances or any of the
excipients, or by patients with severe hepatic

    Kaletra is contraindicated with astemizole,
terfenadine, midazolam, triazolam, cisapride, pimozide,
amiodarone, ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergotamine,
dihydroergotamine, ergonovine and methylergonovine),
products containing St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
and vardenafil.  Kaletra should not be co-administered with
lovastatin, simvastatin, rifampicin, fluticasone or other
    Co-administration of efavirenz, nevirapine, nelfinavir
or amprenavir with Kaletra tablets 400/100 mg is not
recommended.  If co-administration of these products with
Kaletra is clinically indicated, a dose increase of Kaletra
tablets to 600/150 mg twice daily may be considered. 
However, as the safety of high doses of Kaletra has not
been established, safety should be closely monitored when
Kaletra tablets 600/150 mg twice daily is administered.

    Particular caution must be used when prescribing
sildenafil or tadalafil in patients receiving Kaletra. 
Concomitant use of Kaletra with tadalafil or sildenafil is
expected to substantially increase PDE5 inhibitor
associated adverse reactions including hypotension,
syncope, visual changes and prolonged erection. 

    Particular caution must be used when prescribing
Kaletra and medicinal products known to induce QT interval
prolongation such as chlorpheniramine, quinidine,
erythromycin, or clarithromycin.

    Levels of ethinyl estradiol may decrease when
estrogen-based oral contraceptives are co-administered with
Kaletra; alternative or additional contraceptive measures
are to be used.

    Please consult your local prescribing information for
any additional country specific prescribing

    Cases of pancreatitis have been reported in patients
receiving Kaletra, including those who developed

    Kaletra is contraindicated in patients with severe
liver impairment.  Patients with chronic hepatitis B or C
and treated with combination antiretroviral therapy are at
an increased risk for severe and potentially fatal hepatic
adverse events.  Patients should be monitored, and if there
is evidence of worsening liver disease in such patients,
interruption or discontinuation of treatment should be
considered.  In patients receiving protease inhibitors,
increased bleeding (in patients with hemophilia), new onset
or exacerbation of diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia have
been reported.  

    Combination antiretroviral therapy has been associated
with redistribution of body fat (lipodystrophy) in HIV
patients.  The long-term consequences of these events are
currently unknown. 

    Treatment with Kaletra has resulted in increases,
sometimes marked, in total cholesterol and triglycerides,
which should be monitored before and during therapy. 
Immune reactivation syndrome has been reported in
HIV-infected patients with severe immune deficiency at the
time of institution of combination antiretroviral therapy. 
Although the etiology is considered multifactorial
(including corticosteroid use, alcohol consumption, severe
immunosuppression, higher body mass index), cases of
osteonecrosis have been reported particularly in patients
with advanced HIV-disease and/or long-term exposure to
combination antiretroviral therapy. 

    At this stage of development, little information is
available on the cross-resistance of viruses selected
during therapy with Kaletra. 

    In Kaletra clinical trials, adverse reactions of
moderate to severe intensity with possible or probable
relationship to Kaletra were diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, abnormal stools, dyspepsia, flatulence,
gastrointestinal disorder, insomnia, headache, rash,
lipodystrophy, and asthenia.  In children 2 years of age
and older, the nature of the safety profile is similar to
that seen in adults.

    About Abbott 

    Abbott is a global, broad-based health care company
devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and
marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products,
including nutritionals, devices and diagnostics. The
company employs 65,000 people and markets its products in
more than 130 countries.

    Abbott's news releases and other information are
available on the company's Web site at
http://www.abbott.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Melissa Brotz
     Tel:    +1-847-935-3456 (office)
     Mobile: +1-847-772-2761

     Jennifer Smoter
     Tel:    +1-847-935-8865 (office)
     Mobile: +1-847-772-4631

     Larry Peepo, financial community 
     Tel:    +1-847-935-6722 
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