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2006 Global Expansion Strategies Conference to be Held Soon
April 19, 2006

    BEIJING, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Global
Expansion Strategies Conference is to be held at Plaza
Royale Hotel Beijing from May 25th to 26th. It is jointly
organized by China Group Company Promotion Association
(CGCPA) and Avail Corporation and has received warm support
from PricewaterhouseCoopers, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer,
China Africa Business Council, British Chamber of Commerce
in China, Canada China Business Council and other commerce
chambers stationed in China.

    Representatives from various kinds of fields and
leaders on business globalization have been invited to the
conference.  Having evaluated the capacity and preparation
work of Chinese companies, they will give lectures from
different angles on how Chinese companies can enter the
world market. Specifically, they will give their
professional suggestions on how local companies align their
operation, management and resources with the target overseas

    Many honored guests will be invited to the conference. 
Official guests include: Gu Jiaqi, Vice Chairman of CGCPA;
Zhao Chuang, Deputy Director of Foreign Economic
Cooperation Department of Ministry of Commerce; Long
Guoqiang, Deputy Director-General of Foreign Economic
Relations, Development Research Center of China State
Council; Li Daoyu, Chairman of China International Public
Relations Association.  Corporate leaders include: William
Valentino, General Manager of Corporate Communications of
Bayer; Charles Sampson of Saatchi & Saatchi.  Edwin
Wang, partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers and Richard Chalk,
head of Asian Dispute Solutions of Freshfields Bruckhaus
Deringer are also invited to the conference.  In a word,
guests from different fields and of various backgrounds
will gather together and give lectures on the problems and
chances Chinese companies have when they expand their
business globally. The conference will certainly be a great
business conference of 2006.

    China's extraordinary performance in its economic
growth has made it one of the most prominent economy forces
in the global economy.  China realizes that only global
expansion can achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly
competitive global marketplace.  Therefore, the Chinese
government initiated a `Go Out' plan to create more than 30
`national champions' by 2010.  This has started the local
behemoths such as Lenovo, Haier, TCL, CNOOC and the list go
on to look beyond their own border to achieve new heights.

    However, despite that some Chinese companies have taken
a seat in Fortune 500, Some have failed due to insufficient
market intelligence, lack of marketing and brand
management, unsuitable corporate culture and management
approach, international legal issues, and others have had
an uphill task to gain recognition in a totally fresh
market or overcome political obstacles.

    This summit consists of different sessions and last for
one and half days. A series of theme lectures will be given
in the conference.  They are: "Government Policies and
its Support For Outward Direct Investment," "Legal
Considerations and Managing Disputes Internationally,"
"Strategic Public Relations and Corporate Image,"
and "Finance and Treasury Management" etc.
Successful case studies of famous multinational companies
are adopted in the lectures together with experience
review, etc. to provide the necessary information for the
domestic enterprises when they go global.

    For more information about this conference, please

     Josy Wei
     Tel:   +86-21-6229-1717
     Fax:   +86-21-6229-1718
     Email: jwei@availcorp.com
     Web:   http://www.availcorp.com

SOURCE  Avail Corporation    

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