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American Wins 2007 Stockholm Water Prize
March 22, 2007

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Professor Perry L. McCarty, from Stanford University,
California, a pioneer in the development of the
understanding of biological and chemical processes for the
safe supply and treatment of water, is the 2007 Stockholm
Water Prize Laureate. 

    McCarty's work has led to more efficient biological
treatment processes, in particular anaerobic (oxygen-less)
treatment systems for municipal and industrial wastewaters,
biological nutrient removal, and the development and use of
biofilm reactors. The Prize Nominating Committee wrote:  

    Professor Perry L. McCarty is awarded the 2007
Stockholm Water Prize for pioneering work in developing the
scientific approach for the design and operation of water
and wastewater systems. He has established the role of
fundamental microbiology and chemistry in the design of
bioreactors. Professor McCarty has defined the field of
environmental biotechnology that is the basis for
small-scale and large-scale pollution control and safe
drinking water systems. 

    Since 1990 the Stockholm Water Prize has been presented
annually to an individual, organization or institution for
outstanding water-related activities in water-related
awareness-raising, human and international relations,
research, management and aid. The Laureate receives USD
150,000 and a glass sculpture, to be presented in August in
Stockholm. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is the Patron
of the Stockholm Water Prize.  McCarty, 76, has combined
deep knowledge in physical, chemical, biological and
microbiological processes and transferred the results into
outstanding technical development widely used all over the
world as the basis for design and operation of wastewater
treatment systems. By tackling the important problem of
organic compounds and pollutants in wastewater and
underground aquifer systems, his work has led to the
development and practical implementation of methods to
treat toxic chemicals in groundwater, especially
chlorinated pollutants from industry. 

    McCarty's textbooks on the chemistry, biology, and
design of treatment systems for municipal and industrial
wastewater are used daily all over the world. He has been
an educator and researcher at Stanford since 1962. He is
also a member of the National Academy of Engineering and an
Honorary member of the American Water Works Association and
the Water Environment Federation, and a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American
Academy of Microbiology.

    For more information, visit http://www.siwi.org . 

    For more information, please contact:

     David Trouba, SIWI
     Tel:   +46-73-914-3989
     Email: dave.trouba@siwi.org

     Stephanie Blenckner, SIWI
     Tel:   +46-73-914-3986
     Email: stephanie.blenckner@siwi.org
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