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Atex Agrees to Buy Unisys Media
December 19, 2006

Creating The Largest Digital Content Management and
Multi-media Software 
Delivery Capability in the World

    READING, England, Nov. 27 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Atex
Group Limited 
(Atex), backed by the Norwegian investment company Kistefos
AS, a leading 
provider of software solutions and services to the global
media industry, 
has today agreed to acquire the business assets of Unisys
Media, a part of 
Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS). 

    Unisys Media provides large-scale news production, wire
management and digital asset management solutions to
leading publishing 
organizations around the world. Its installed base includes
more than 225 
newspapers in 15 countries. 

    John Hawkins, Atex Group CEO, said, "Atex is
delighted to have reached 
agreement with Unisys on this strategic acquisition. It
will strengthen our 
market penetration, especially in those parts of the world
where, to date, 
we have not been as strong as we would have wished. Both
companies share 
almost identical product road maps and this deal will
enable us to 
accelerate development of solutions for the benefit of all
our publisher 

    "We will confidently offer ten-year support
contracts, including 
upgrades for current products, guaranteeing long-term value
of all clients' 
software investments.

    "We did not take this decision lightly,"
stated Glenn James, president, 
Unisys Global Communications & Media. "We wanted
to make sure that Unisys 
Media will be going to a safe pair of hands, and it is.
Atex has a more than 
thirty-year history in providing publishers with robust,
content management, advertising, circulation and business
systems. The 
synergy between the organizations, SOA technologies,
skills, and shared 
vision of the people, will make this agreement beneficial
for all concerned. 
It also provides our clients with the security of knowing
that they will be 
in partnership with the world's largest publishing software

    "Under John Hawkins' leadership, the enlarged Atex
will be able to bring 
to market even more quickly the technologies and services
the industry needs 
in order to meet its many challenges," added Mr.

    Atex has raised in excess of $50 million US dollars to
fund the Unisys 
Media acquisition, providing adequate working capital to
fund the enlarged 
group and ensuring the effective integration of the two
businesses. Going 
forward, Atex will be looking at further acquisitions that
fit its strategy, 
namely, to be the No. 1 global vendor to the Media

    Together with all of the Unisys Media employees set to
transfer to Atex, 
the company will employ nearly 500 people, creating the
largest digital 
content management and multi-media software delivery
capability in the 
world, generating global revenues in excess of $90 million
US dollars.

    Unisys had previously announced plans to divest
businesses not central 
to its core strategy. 

    "As publishing organizations continue to
consolidate, Atex has the 
strength and desire to continue to consolidate the vendor
community," John 
Hawkins concluded. "Publishing groups worldwide need,
more than ever, the 
benefit of an innovative, truly global and strong
cross-media technology 
partner. Atex is that partner."

    About Atex Group Limited:
    Atex, backed by Kistefos AS for the last 10 years, has
been a leading 
provider of software solutions and services to the global
media industry for 
more than 30 years. The company has over $300 million USD
of software 
installed worldwide, and supports in excess of 500
publishers, and thousands 
of titles, in more than 30 countries. 

    As well as significant investment in R&D, the
company partners with 
world-leading complementary solutions providers, including
Inc. and IBM Business Consulting Services, adding tight
integration, Web 
services, and long-term support from a global network of
located local offices. Atex is headquartered in Reading,
UK, and may be 
found on the Web at: http://www.atex.com .

    About Unisys:
    Unisys is a worldwide technology services and solutions
company. Its 
consultants apply Unisys expertise in consulting, systems
outsourcing, infrastructure, and server technology to help
its clients 
achieve secure business operations. Unisys builds more
secure organizations 
by creating visibility into clients' business operations.
Leveraging the 
Unisys 3D Visible Enterprise approach, the company makes
visible the impact 
of their decisions - ahead of investments, opportunities,
and risks. For 
more information, visit http://www.unisys.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     John Hawkins, CEO,
     Atex Group Limited  
     Tel:   +44-118-945-0128
     Email: jhawkins@atex.com

SOURCE  Atex Group Limited 

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