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Sinovac Issues Corporate Update
December 19, 2006

    BEIJING, Nov. 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sinovac Biotech
Ltd. (Amex: SVA), 
a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China,
issues a corporate 
update today. 

    Sales and Marketing

    The unaudited sales of third quarter 2006, second
quarter 2006, and third 
quarter 2005 were RMB 35,975,000 or USD$4,510,000, RMB
23,908,000 or 
USD$2,980,000, and RMB 16,198,000 or USD$1,987,000,
respectively. Third 
quarter 2006 sales increased 50% over second quarter 2006
and 122% over third 
quarter 2005. The third quarter 2006 sales results are
based on preliminary 
unaudited financials and the Company has filed its
financial results in the 
semi-annual report of 2006 on Form 6K with the Securities
and Exchange 

    The sales of Anflu started in September 2006. An
after-sales clinical 
trial of Anflu was recently conducted in the City of
Tianjin. A total 225 
healthy adults and elders were vaccinated with Anflu. The
result shows the 
vaccine is well tolerated. 

    Update on Panflu Clinical Trial 

    Sinovac was approved by China State Food And Drug
Administration (SFDA) 
to give the third shot to those who were vaccinated with
Panflu in Phase I 
clinical trial. The trial will further demonstrate the
tolerance of the 
vaccine and immune response after a booster. It will also
help on the 
determination on the relevant dosage with different
vaccination schedule. The 
trial will be initiated shortly. 

    Sinovac has filed the application with China State Food
And Drug 
Administration for the application to conduct a Phase II
human clinical trial 
on its Pandemic Influenza (H5N1) vaccine. Sinovac has been
granted fast track 
status for the application of pandemic flu vaccine.

    About Sinovac 

    Sinovac Biotech Ltd. is a China-based biopharmaceutical
company that 
focuses on the research, development, manufacture and
commercialization of 
vaccines that protect against human infectious diseases.
Sinovac's vaccines 
include Healive(TM) (hepatitis A), Bilive(TM) (combined
hepatitis A and B) 
and Anflu(TM) (influenza). Sinovac is currently developing
human vaccines 
against the H5N1 strain of pandemic influenza, Japanese
encephalitis and 
SARS. Additional information about Sinovac is available on
its website, 
http://www.sinovac.com . To be added to our distribution
list, please email: 

    Safe Harbor Statement 

    This announcement contains forward-looking statements.
These statements 
are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of
the U.S. Private Securities 
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking
statements can be 
identified by words or phrases such 
as "will," "expects,"
"anticipates," "future,"
"intends," "plans,"
 "estimates" and similar statements. Among other
things, the business outlook 
and quotations from management in this press release
contain forward-looking 
statements. Statements that are not historical facts,
including statements 
about Sinovac's beliefs and expectations, are
forward-looking statements. 
Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and
uncertainties. A number 
of important factors could cause actual results to differ
materially from 
those contained in any forward-looking statement. Sinovac
does not undertake 
any obligation to update any forward-looking statement,
except as required 
under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

     Helen G. Yang
     Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
     Tel:   +86-10-8289-0088 x871
     Fax:   +86-10-6296-6910
     Email: info@sinovac.com 


     Stephanie Carrington / Janine McCargo
     The Ruth Group
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7017/7033
     Email: scarrington@theruthgroup.com /

SOURCE  Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
in experienced significant improvements in 
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