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Boston Scientific Completes Combination With Guidant
April 24, 2006

    NATICK, Mass., April 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Boston
Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) today announced that it
has completed its combination with Guidant Corporation
(NYSE: GDT), creating a global leader in cardiovascular
devices and one of the largest medical technology companies
in the world.

    In a related transaction before the closing of the
Boston Scientific-Guidant transaction, Guidant and Abbott
closed the acquisition by Abbott of Guidant's vascular
intervention and endovascular businesses.

    "This is a momentous day for the employees and
stockholders of the new Boston Scientific, as well as for
thousands of physicians and millions of patients around the
world," said Pete Nicholas, Chairman of Boston
Scientific.  "As we begin this new chapter in Boston
Scientific's history, we are committed to building on our
long, mutual tradition of technological innovation that
helps physicians provide life-saving treatments to their
patients.  We are also committed to maintaining a culture
that values initiative, creativity and collaboration -- and
that recognizes the talents and contributions of people who
make a difference for our company and our customers."

    "We are looking forward to realizing the
substantial benefits of combining Boston Scientific and
Guidant," said Jim Tobin, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Boston Scientific.  "The new
Boston Scientific will be a broadly diversified medical
technology company that we believe will command a market
valuation closer to our peers and generate significant
upside potential for our stockholders.  We are confident
the integration will proceed smoothly, and we extend a warm
welcome to the Guidant employees who are joining us.  I know
that together we can and we will build a successful

    Effective as of the close of trading today, trading in
Guidant's common stock will cease.

    Guidant shareholders should expect to receive
information in the coming weeks regarding the exchange of
their Guidant common stock.

    Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer,
manufacturer and marketer of medical devices whose products
are used in a broad range of interventional medical
specialties.  For more information, please visit:
http://www.bostonscientific.com .   

    Forward Looking Statements

    This press release contains forward-looking statements,
which are identified by words such as
"anticipates," "believes,"
"estimates," "expects,"
"intends," "may," "projects,"
"plans," "will" and similar expressions
intended to identify forward-looking statements.  These
forward-looking statements are subject to risks and
uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ
materially, including risk factors relating to our industry
as detailed from time to time in each of Boston Scientific's
and Guidant's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including each such company's most recent Annual
Report on Form 10-K.  You should not place undue reliance on
these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the
date of this press release.  Unless legally required, Boston
Scientific undertakes no obligation to update publicly any
forward-looking statements herein, whether as a result of
new information, future events or otherwise.

    For more information, please contact:

     Geraldine Varoqui
     Boston Scientific PR Manager International
     Tel:    +49-2102-489-461
     Email:  varoquig@bsci.com

     Maren Koban
     BSC press office
     Tel:    +44-207-973-4497
     Mobile: +44-7713-631514
     Email:  mkoban@hillandknowlton.com

SOURCE  Boston Scientific Corporation

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