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Gemplus Reports Strong Sales Growth for the First Quarter 2006
April 24, 2006

    First quarter 2006 highlights:

     -- Net sales up 19.3% year-on-year driven by Financial
Services and ID & 

     -- Gross margin at 30.5%, down 1.6 percentage point

     -- Operating income up 12.3%, at 8.4 million euros.

     -- Attributable net income(1) at 6.3 million euros.

    LUXEMBOURG, April 24 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Gemplus
International S.A. (Euronext: LU0121706294 - GEM and
Nasdaq: GEMP), a world leading provider of secure card
solutions, today reported results for the first quarter
ended March 31, 2006.

    In millions of euros            Q1 2006         Q1 2005
    year change 
    Net sales                         230.3           193.1
    Adjusted for currency 
     fluctuations, disposals 
     and acquisitions                                      
    Gross profit                       70.2            61.9
    Gross margin                       30.5%          
32.1%        -1.6 ppt 
    Operating expenses                 61.8            54.4
    Operating income                    8.4             7.5
    Operating margin                   3.7%            3.9%
        -0.2 ppt 
    Attributable net income             6.3             7.2
    Free cash flow (2)                -13.8             8.8
    Cash and cash equivalents         409.9           395.1
    Per share data (in euros)
    Earnings per share (fully diluted) 0.01            0.01

    Note: The consolidated financial statements of the
Company have been 
          prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting 
          Standards (IFRS).

    Commenting on the performance for the first quarter
2006, Alex Mandl, President and Chief Executive Officer,
said: "Gemplus improved its position in all of its
core businesses. Beside buoyant shipments in Wireless, we
are very satisfied to report robust revenue growth in
Financial Services and ID & Security. These results
validate our strategy and confirm the strong potential of
these segments. Finally, we are optimistic about the
outcome of the proposed Gemalto transaction to create a
world-class leader in digital security."

    First quarter 2006 financial review

    -- Income statement

    First quarter 2006 highlights:

       -- Net sales up 19.3% year-on-year driven by
Financial Services and ID & 

       -- Gross margin 30.5%, down 1.6 percentage point

       -- Operating income up 12.3%, at 8.4 million euros.

    Net sales were up 19.3% driven by Setec and strong
organic growth in Financial Services and ID &

    On a geographical basis, strong demand in all segments
led to adjusted  revenue growth of 27.8% in the Americas.
Adjusted(3) revenue in EMEA(4) was up 5.8%, year-on-year,
driven by Financial Services and down 17.5% in Asia,
reflecting price pressure in Wireless.

    Gross margin was down 1.6 percentage point
year-on-year, to 30.5%, reflecting the change in the
business mix, Wireless price pressure and purchase

    As a percentage of sales, operating expenses decreased
to 26.8%, compared to 28.2% a year ago, although in value,
they increased 13.6% year-on-year, to 61.8 million euros,
mainly due to Setec.

    Consequently, operating income was up 12.3%, at 8.4
million euros.

    Attributable net income for the first quarter was
slightly down 1.0 million euros to 6.3 million euros,
mainly due to minority interests and income tax.

    -- Balance sheet and cash flow statement

    First quarter 2006 highlights:

      -- Free cash outflow of 13.8 million euros reflecting
increase in working 

      -- Continuous strong cash position, at 409.9 million

    Working capital was up 18.6 million euros
quarter-on-quarter, but decreased, as a percentage of
sales, to 14% at March 31, 2006, compared with 16% a year

    The Group's cash position remains strong and is down
8.4 million euros compared to December 31, 2005.

    Segment analysis

    -- Telecom

    First quarter 2006 highlights:

      -- Record wireless shipments, at 100.6 million

      -- Wireless ASP down 33% year-on-year, currency

      -- Rebound in prepaid phonecards.

    In millions of euros   Q1 2006      Q1 2005     %
change      Adjusted(3)  
       change (%) 
    Wireless products & 
     services net sales      134.3        132.7       
    Wireless gross profit     50.2         51.1       
    Wireless gross margin     37.4%        38.6%       -1.2
    Prepaid phone cards & 
     scratchcards net sales   14.0         11.6      
    Prepaid phone cards & 
     scratchcards gross 
     profit                    1.9          1.2       
    Prepaid phone cards & 
     scratchcards gross 
     margin                   13.2%         9.9%       
+3.3 ppts              
    Telecom net sales        148.4        144.3        
+2.9%        -2.4% 
    Telecom gross profit      52.1         52.3        
    Telecom gross margin      35.1%        36.3%       
-1.2 ppt              
    Telecom operating expenses 
                              38.3         35.8        
    As a % of sales           25.8%        24.8%       
+1.0 ppt              
    Telecom operating profit  13.7         16.5       
    Operating margin           9.3%        11.4%       
-2.1 ppts              

    Wireless revenue:

    -- Wireless products & services revenue(5) was up
1.2% year-on-year (down 
       3.3%, currency adjusted), to 134.3 million euros.

    -- Wireless shipments grew 48% year-on-year, to 100.6
million units,      
       largely driven by emerging countries.

    -- High-end card shipments (3G and above) accounted for
14% of the first 
       quarter total, compared to 10% a year ago.

    -- Wireless average selling price (ASP) was down 16%
quarter-on-quarter and 
       33% year-on-year, both currency adjusted, reflecting
ongoing price 

    The slight decline in Wireless gross margin was due to
product and regional mix, as well as strong price

    -- Financial Services

    First quarter 2006 highlights:

      -- Very strong growth in payment microprocessor
cards: shipments up 75%, 
         to 22.3 million units.

      -- EMV(6) roll-out gained further momentum in Latin
America, Southern 
         Europe and Japan.

    In millions of euros   Q1 2006      Q1 2005     %
change    Adjusted (3)  
     change (%) 
    Net sales                56.4         37.9       
+48.6%      +30.0% 
    Gross profit             10.5          5.8       
    Gross margin as 
     a % of sales            18.6%        15.3%        +3.3
    Operating expenses       11.4         10.4        
    As a % of sales          20.3%        27.4%        -7.1
    Operating income         -0.9         -4.6           NM
    Operating margin as 
     a % of sales            -1.6%       -12.1%       +10.5
    Revenue reflects strong growth in all sub-segments.

    Payment microprocessor card revenue rose 55%
year-on-year. Shipments of payment microprocessor cards
grew 75% to 22.3 million units.

    The strong performance in payment cards was mainly
driven by the EMV roll-out, which gained momentum in Latin
America (Mexico, Brazil), Southern Europe (Italy, Portugal,
Greece) and Japan.

    As a result, operating income came close to breakeven.

    -- Identity and Security

    First quarter 2006 highlights:

      -- Very strong growth, driven by Government ID and
Corporate Security 

    In millions of euros   Q1 2006      Q1 2005     %
change    Adjusted (3)  
      change (%) 
    Net sales                 25.6         10.9     
+134.3%       +26.0% 
    Gross profit               7.6          3.8     
    Gross margin as 
     a % of sales             29.8%        34.6%       -4.8
    Operating expenses        12.1          8.2      
    As a % of sales           47.1%        74.7%      -27.6
    Operating income          -4.4         -4.4          NM
    Operating margin 
     as a % of sales         -17.3%       -40.1%      +22.8

    Strong growth was driven by a substantial increase in
Government ID projects, notably e-passports and healthcare
solutions, and Corporate Security projects, particularly in
Americas, in addition to those from Setec.


    The Group continues to see strong momentum in its core
segments and will maintain its focus on cost efficiency.

    Gemplus confirms that it is firmly on track to realize
its mid-term objective to achieve a 10% operating margin in

    The Group remains confident in its ability to further
strongly improve its operating income in 2006 taking into
account the usual seasonality effect of stronger organic
growth in the second half than in the first half.

    Gemplus also continues to expect the Financial Services
and ID & Security segments to turn profitable in 2006.

    Business Highlights

    -- Telecom

    At the 3GSM World Congress, Gemplus launched its new
software and SIM platform, bridging telecom and PC/internet
communications. Called .sim (DOTSIM), it extends the
traditional SIM roles of authentication and security from
mobile networks to the PC/Internet world and offers
advanced multimedia services across both channels. This is
a solution already generating significant interest from
mobile operators such as Orange, as a way of reinforcing
brand, unifying services across the board and supporting
their digital convergence strategy.

    Gemplus's OTA over IP platform, GemConnect OTA, was
selected by Telefonica Moviles Expana for the high speed
delivery of multimedia services and applications for 3G
mobile subscribers.

    -- Financial Services

    Gemplus launched its range of innovative card bodies,
Plastic Fantastic, which is designed to help banks and
financial institutions set themselves apart from the
competition. The cards range from unusual shapes, perfumed,
tactile and even glow in the dark, and will support
customers in their branding and customer segmentation.

    Gemplus' product, GemSense Instant Issuance, also won
an award from the ECPA/ ECR (European Payments Consulting
Association / European Card Review) Payment Innovation
Awards in the category for the most innovative and advanced
payment software/hardware product. This is a personalization
and card issuance solution which allows banks and retailers
to deploy or replace cards on the spot. Each cardholder
walks away with a fully personalized smart payment card
within a matter of minutes.

    Continuing to support banks in their migration to EMV,
Gemplus was selected by Indonesian Bank, Bank Buana, to
provide the highest level of secure smart payment cards.
The cards use random data for the generation of each
signature for transactions which makes them difficult to
duplicate. They also offer off-line transaction processing
capabilities which reduce the cost of network

    -- Identity and Security

    Gemplus was selected by BearingPoint to supply an
additional 1 million cards to the US Department of Defense
for their Common Access Card program. This is the US
Federal Government's biggest roll-out to date with more 4
million smart ID cards issued to bring strong
authentication for its employees. The cards supplied in the
contract are FIPS 140-2 validated -- a security
pre-requisite for the CAC program.

    Gemplus launched its first product aimed at Small and
Medium-sized enterprises. GemEvidence is a One Time
Password token-based solution which improves the security
of remote connections in a cost-effective manner.

    Gemplus, with the full integration of Setec, passed the
significant milestone of half a million e-passports
delivered in the last six months. This makes Gemplus the
leading e-passport supplier in the world.

    Gemplus's contactless reader technology, GemProx, was
selected and integrated into Saflink's SureAccess(TM)
biometric smart card reader, designed to comply with the US
Government Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
201 requirements. As such, Gemplus provides the technology
for reading the contactless ID cards carried by authorized
personnel in secure facilities such as seaports and

    Earnings calendar

    Second quarter 2006 results are scheduled to be
reported on July 26, 2006, before the opening of Euronext

    Conference Call:

    The company has scheduled a conference call for Monday,
24 April 2006 at 2:30 pm CET (1:30 pm GMT and 8:30 am
New-York time). Callers may participate in the live
conference call by dialing:

    +44 (0) 207 138 0813 or +1 718 354 1157 or +33 1 55 17
41 44, access code 2815143.

    The slide show will be available on the web site at
12:30 CET (11:30 GMT). The webcast will also be available
on the IR section of http://www.gemplus.com . 

    Replays of the conference call will be available
approximately 3 hours after the conclusion of the
conference call until May 8th, 2006 midnight by dialing:

    +44 (0) 207 806 1970 or +1 718 354 11 12 or +33 1 71 23
02 48, access Code: 2815143#.

    About Gemplus

    Gemplus International S.A. (Euronext: LU0121706294 -
GEM and NASDAQ: GEMP) is a world leading player in the
secure card industry in both revenue and total shipments
(source: Gartner-Dataquest 2005, Frost & Sullivan,
Datamonitor). It has sold over 5.5 billion smart cards. 

    Gemplus delivers a wide range of portable, personalized
solutions in areas including Identity, Mobile
Telecommunications, Public Telephony, Banking, Retail,
Transport, Healthcare, WLAN, Pay-TV, e-government, and
access control.

    Gemplus' revenue in 2005 was 939 million euros.


    Gemplus, the Gemplus logo, are trademarks and service
marks of Gemplus S.A. and are registered in certain
countries. All other trademarks and service marks, whether
registered or not in specific countries, are the property
of their respective owners.

    Some of the statements contained in this release
constitute forward-looking statements. These statements
relate to future events or our future financial performance
and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and
other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual
results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to
be materially different from any future results, levels of
activities, performance, or achievements expressed or
implied by such forward-looking statements. Actual events
or results may differ materially. Although we believe that
the expectations reflected in the forward-looking
statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future
results, levels of activity, performance or achievements.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those estimated by the forward-looking
statements contained in this release include, but are not
limited to: trends in wireless communication and mobile
commerce sectors; our ability to develop new technology,
and the effects of competing technologies developed and
expected intense competition generally in our main
segments; profitability of our expansion strategy;
challenges to or loss of our intellectual property rights;
our ability to establish and maintain strategic
relationships in our major businesses; our ability to
develop and take advantage of new software and services;
and the effect of future acquisitions and investments on
our share price. Moreover, neither we nor any other person
assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of
such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking
statements contained in this release speak only as of this
release. We are under no duty to update any of the
forward-looking statements after this date to conform such
statements to actual results or to reflect the occurrence
of anticipated results.

Gemplus International SA

Press Release - Financial statements

For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2006

    Consolidated Statements of Income
                 (in thousands of euros, except shares and
per share amounts)
months ended
March 31,
    Net sales                                      230,332 
    Cost of sales                                 (160,104)
    Gross profit                                    70,228 
    Research and development expenses              (15,958)
    Selling and marketing expenses                 (31,008)
    General and administrative expenses            (15,611)
    Restructuring reversals                             67 
    Other operating income (expense), net              691 
    Goodwill amortization and impairment                 - 
    Operating income                                 8,409 
    Financial income (expense), net                  2,251 
    Share of profit (loss) of associates               120 
    Other non-operating income (expense), net         (578)
    Income before taxes                             10,202 
    Income tax expense                              (3,119)
    NET INCOME                                       7,083 
    Attributable to:
    Equity holders of the Company                    6,252 
    Minority interest                                  831 
    Net income per share attributable to equity 
     holders of the Company (in euros)
       Basic                                          0.01 
       Diluted                                        0.01 
    Shares used in net income per share  
       Basic                                   630,137,679 
       Diluted                                 649,357,638 

    Consolidated Balance Sheets
thousands of euros)
                                             March 31, 2006
 December 31, 2005
    Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                   409,927    
    Trade accounts receivable, net              167,115    
    Inventory, net                              121,394    
    Derivative financial instruments              6,296    
    Other current receivables                    53,759    
    Total current assets                        758,491    
    Non-current assets:
    Property, plant and equipment, net          158,237    
    Goodwill, net                                90,789    
    Deferred development costs, net              20,948    
    Other intangible assets, net                 21,497    
    Deferred income tax assets                   29,756    
    Investments in associates                    14,089    
    Available-for-sale financial assets, net      2,477    
    Other non-current receivables, net           41,360    
    Total non-current assets                    379,153    
    TOTAL ASSETS                              1,137,644    
    Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                            105,187    
    Derivative financial instruments              4,525    
    Salaries, wages and related items            45,812    
    Current portion of provisions and other 
     liabilities                                 42,528    
    Current income tax liabilities                4,680    
    Other current tax liabilities                20,328    
    Current obligations under finance leases      5,383    
    Total current liabilities                   228,443    
    Non-current liabilities:
    Non-current obligations under finance leases 25,052    
    Non-current portion of provisions            20,654    
    Other non-current liabilities                13,176    
    Deferred income tax liabilities               3,520    
    Total non-current liabilities                62,402    
    Shareholders' equity:
    Ordinary shares                             133,733    
    Additional paid-in capital                1,064,235    
    Retained earnings                          (358,775)   
    Other comprehensive income                   (4,622)   
    Less, cost of treasury shares                (1,395)   
    Equity attributable to equity holders of 
     the Company                                833,176    
    Minority interest                            13,623    
    Total shareholders' equity                  846,799    
     EQUITY                                   1,137,644    

    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows    
thousands of euros)
Three months ended
 March 31,
    Cash flow from operating activities :
    Net income (loss)                                7,083 
    Adjustments to reconcile net income  
     (loss) to net cash from operating activities:
    Depreciation, amortization and impairment       10,550 
    Changes in non-current portion of provisions 
     and other liabilities, excluding restructuring (2,612)
    Deferred income taxes (benefit) expense          1,887 
    (Gain) / loss on sale and disposal of assets         - 
    Share of (profit) loss of associates               (50)
    Share-based compensation                           914 
    Other, net                                         198 
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
    Trade accounts receivable and related current 
     liabilities                                    13,706 
    Trade accounts payable and related current 
     assets                                         (2,592)
    Inventories                                    (13,970)
    Value-added and income taxes                    (2,395)
    Salaries, wages and other                      (17,199)
    Restructuring reserve payable                   (1,587)
    Net cash (used for) from operating activities   (6,067)
    Cash flows from investing activities:
    (Purchase)/Sale of activities net of cash 
     (acquired)/disposed                             4,632 
    Purchase of property, plant and equipment       (8,597)
    Purchase of other assets                          (538)
    Change in non-trade accounts payable 
     and other                                       1,414 
    Net cash used for investing activities          (3,089)
    Cash flows from financing activities:
    Proceeds from exercise of stock options          1,358 
    Payments on borrowings                             (30)
    Principal payments on obligations under 
     finance leases                                 (1,529)
    Increase (decrease) in bank overdrafts            (683)
    Dividends paid by subsidiaries to minority 
     shareholders                                     (270)
    Changes in non-trade accounts payables on 
     financing activities                            2,099 
    Net cash (used for) from financing activities      945 
    Effect of exchange rate changes on   
     cash                                             (227)
    Net increase (decrease) in cash                 (8,211)
    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of 
     the period                                    418,365 
    Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period   409,927 

    1) Accounting principles: 

    The consolidated financial statements of the Company
have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

    2) Segment information

    First Quarter 2006 compared with First Quarter 2005

    2.1) Operating Segments
millions of euros)                                       
    Three months ended                                     
    Net sales                  March 31,    March 31, 
%change    change(%)(*)
                                 2006          2005        
    Telecommunications          148.4          144.3     
3%           -2%
    Financial Services           56.4           37.9    
49%           30%
    Identity and Security        25.6           10.9   
134%           26%
    Total                       230.3          193.1    
19%            5%

millions of euros)
    Gross profit               March 31, (% of net  March
31, (% of net  
                                2006       sales)     2005 
   sales) % change
    Telecommunications           52.1        35%      52.3 
    36%       0%
    Financial Services           10.5        19%       5.8 
    15%      81%
    Identity and Security         7.6        30%       3.8 
    35%     102%
    Total                        70.2        30%      61.9 
    32%      13%
millions of euros)
    Operating expenses         March 31, (% of net         

                                 2006      sales) March 31,
 (% of net      
  sales)  % change
    Telecommunications          (38.3)      26%   (35.8)   
    25%       7%
    Financial Services          (11.4)      20%   (10.4)   
    27%      10%
    Identity and Security       (12.1)      47%    (8.2)   
    75%      48%
    Total                       (61.8)      27%   (54.4)   
    28%      14%

millions of euros)
     Change in
                                 March 31,      March 31,  
    Operating income (loss)        2006           2005     
   income (loss)
    Telecommunications            13.7            16.5     
    Financial Services            (0.9)           (4.6)    
    Identity and Security         (4.4)           (4.4)    
    Total                          8.4             7.5     

    (*) Adjusted for currency fluctuations, disposals &

    2.2) Geographical Segments 
    Three months ended                               (in
millions of euros)
    Net sales                   March 31,       March 31,  
                                  2006           2005    %
change change(%)(*) 
    Europe, Middle East 
     and Africa                  121.9           99.3      
 23%         6%
    Asia                          41.3           46.4      
-11%       -18%
    Americas                      67.1           47.4      
 42%        28%
    Total                        230.3          193.1      
 19%         5%

    (*) Adjusted for currency fluctuations, disposals &

    (1) Net income attributable to equity holders of the
    (2) Free cash flow is defined as net cash flow from
operating activities 
        less the purchase of property, plant and equipment
and other 
        investments related to the operating cycle (and
excluding acquisitions  
        and financial investments). 
    (3) Adjusted for currency fluctuations, disposals &
    (4) Europe, Middle East and Africa
    (5) Wireless products & services revenue comprises
wireless microprocessor 
        cards and related applications (embedded software
and Over The Air 
        platforms) and services (system integration and
operated services).
    (6) EMV is a jointly defined set of specifications
adopted by Europay, 
        MasterCard and Visa for the migration of bank cards
to smart card  

    For more information, please contact:

     Jane Strachey                          
     Tel:   +33-4-4236-4661            
     Mob:   +33-6-7946-3593
     Email: jane.strachey@gemplus.com      

     Frederic Boullard
     Tel:   +33-1-5669-7395                  
     Email: frederic.boullard@edelman.com   

    Investor Relations
     Celine Berthier
     Tel:   +41-22-544-5054
     Email: celine.berthier@gemplus.com

     Tel:   +33-1-5633-32-31
     Email: investors@gemplus.com

SOURCE  Gemplus S.A.
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