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Calling for Solidarity With the People of Iran, Reza Pahlavi: 'Don't Turn Your Back on the Iranian people, While You Face Our Oppressors'
June 06, 2007

    PRAGUE, Czech Republic, June 6 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Attending the 'democracy and security' conference, hosted
by Vaclav Havel, Jose Maria Aznar and Natan Sharansky, Reza
Pahlavi of Iran said, "I have come to Prague to ask for
your solidarity with the people of Iran against a common
enemy: Islamist preachers of intolerance who turn young men
and women into walking bombs."

    In remarks delivered after President Bush's address at
the conference, the former jet fighter pilot reiterated his
rejecting of war as an option against his homeland. 
    Skeptical with the prospects of diplomacy as a tool to
pressure Iran's theocracy, the forty seven year old Iranian
said, "four years of diplomatic jostling, of economic
carrots and sticks, have proven the insensitivity of
theocrats to external pressures."  Instead, he offered
the conference the "untried option of tying external
pressures to human rights in Iran, which would boost the
morale of Iranians in their everyday resistance, and
encourage internal pressures that the Iranian regime would
really feel."

    Highlighting the clerical regime's failure to deliver
"a minimal level of welfare and freedom," Reza
Pahlavi said the regime has driven "Iran's women,
youth, teachers, workers, ethnic groups and many others to
resist 'Hizbullahi stormtroopers' in Iranian cities
everyday.   All those courageous Iranians want is to join
the Free World.  The Free World must respond."

    "As an Iranian who has dedicated my life to help
bring representative democracy to my homeland, the message
I carry to you from Iranians inside my homeland is:  As you
face our oppressors, do not turn your back to us.  We are
your best friends in the struggle against a common enemy,
the enemy of peace on earth," he said.
    Opposition leader to Iran's clerical regime, Reza
Pahlavi has rejected the option of war against his
homeland, instead drawing attention to the mass discontent
in Iran against a regime that is ripe to fall.  Reza
Pahlavi is an advocate of a non-violent campaign of civil
disobedience as a method of defiance to the ruling
theocracy.  Iran's former crown prince, Reza Pahlavi is an
author, a husband and father to three daughters.

    For more information, please contact:

     Secretary: Farideh Vafai
     Tel:   +1-703-827-0928
     Cell:  +1-703-282-8188
     Fax:   +1-703-827-9101

SOURCE  Reza Pahlavi's Secretariat
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