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Commercial Real Estate in China -- A Hot Topic for this Year's CoreNet Global Asia Summit
February 20, 2006

Property Experts will Highlight and Explore Emerging Trends and Developments Affecting China's Commercial Real Estate Market
    HONG KONG, Feb. 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The status of
China's corporate real estate market, including emerging
trends and opportunities, will come under the spotlight
this year at the 4th annual CoreNet Global Asia Summit
scheduled to take place at the Grand Hyatt Beijing on March
28-30, 2006.

    In response to continued upward real estate trends and
growth opportunities in China, the CoreNet Global summit
will feature a leading panel of top corporate practitioners
who will share knowledge and insight on how to successfully
navigate China's lucrative commercial property market.

    Topics on the agenda will include discussions on key
issues, as well as real-time examples of commercial real
estate deals and structuring considerations relevant to
China.  The forum will also update participants with an
overview of the Chinese corporate property market, the
challenges and opportunities, plus recent government
initiatives and actions. 

    A highlight of the programme will feature Ms. Lois
Dougan Tretiak, Vice President and Director, China for the
Economist Corporate Network and a widely regarded authority
on productive business activity in a complex and
ever-changing China, who will present a special keynote on
"Risks and Rewards in a More Open China."

    The China theme will continue with the presentation of
two specialist educational tracks, that entitled,
"Beijing and Beyond: The Risks and Rewards of
Alternative Location Strategies", and "Green
Buildings in China: Creating New Standards for
Sustainability", are designed to provide knowledge to
help corporations make more informed real estate

    Commenting on this year's Summit Mr. Meng-chew Ching,
Chair of the China Chapter for CoreNet Global stated that
he welcomed the staging of the event in Beijing,
particularly at a time when good quality buildings in the
eastern part of Beijing were continuing to draw the
attention of foreign and renowned domestic companies.

    In a recent report published by Colliers International,
in terms of the en-bloc sales market, 2005 was a strong year
for Beijing.  Overseas property funds and investors acquired
office buildings for long-term investment, whilst domestic
corporations purchased buildings for own occupation.

    Due to this active sales market and strong leasing
market, the Collier's report comments that total net
absorption in 2005 reached 540,000 square metres. 

    The average asking rental in Beijing for Q4, 2005 was
US$ 28.37 per square metre per month (inclusive of property
management fees) 6% higher than the same period in the
previous year.  This was in part attributed to the
appreciation of the Renminbi.

    According to Mr. Ching, the portfolio of seasoned
industry experts who will speak at this year's CoreNet
Global Asia Summit will include: Ms. Marilyn H. Tam M.S,
Chief Executive, Change-Agent and Author; Mr. Paul Hoffert,
Technology Visionary; and Ms. Katherine Tsang, China CEO,
Standard Chartered.

    In terms of sponsorship, Mr. Ching also noted that CB
Richard Ellis, Colliers International, Ascendas, Divyasree
Developers, DTZ Debenham Tie Leung, Haworth, Hewlett
Packard, Hongkong Land, HOK, Jones Lang LaSalle, K. Raheja
Corp, Motorola, Nokia, ReGenesis Project, RMZ Corp, Johnson
Controls, ISG Asia, Steelcase, Sienna Commercial Quingdao,
SOS, Taipei 101 and NAI Global had all committed their

    The CoreNet Global Asia Summit will be held at the
Grand Hyatt Beijing on March 28-30, 2006.  Interested
parties can register for the summit by contacting Ms.
Eleanor Estacio on (1) 404 589 3217 /
eestacio@corenetglobal.org , or Ms. Jennifer Gao on (8621)
6122 1251 / jgao@corenetglobal.org .  Alternatively, please
visit http://www.corenetglobal.org for details.


    Arrangements for the appearance of Ms. Marilyn Tam are
made through BigSpeak Inc., Santa Barbara CA,
http://www.BigSpeak.com .

    About CoreNet Global

    CoreNet Global is the world's premier association for
corporate real estate and related professionals. 
Headquartered in Atlanta, USA, the global learning
organization is the industry thought and opinion leader,
plus the only professional real estate group that convenes
the entire industry.

    Today, CoreNet Global's members manage US $1.2 trillion
in worldwide corporate assets totaling 700 billion square
feet of owned and leased office, industrial and other
space.  With 7,500 members representing large organizations
around the world, CoreNet Global operates in five global
regions: Asia/Japan, Australia, Europe, Latin American and
North America including Canada. 

    For more information, please visit the CoreNet Global
website at http://www.corenetglobal.org .

    For more information, please contact:
     Janet Middlemiss				             
     Tel:   +852-2857-3832 / +852-9195-7829
     Fax:   +852-2840-1284 	 
     Email: jm@rfpmagazine.com  

    CoreNet Global			
     Jennifer Gao
     Tel:   +86-21-6122-1251				                         
     Fax:   +86-21-6122-1481           
     Email: jgao@corenetglobal.org

SOURCE  CoreNet Global
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