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Future Waves Shows Its Strengths in Digital Broadcasting
March 28, 2007

    TAIPEI, March 28 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- During CCBN
held in Beijing this week, Future Waves shows various DAB
and T-DMB receiver solutions and strong technical expertise
for digital broadcasting related products.

    Digital broadcasting had limited popularity in Asia
last couple years. However, the market is heating up
rapidly, specifically in China, and drawing numerous
receiver makers' attention.  Future Waves, a RF IC design
house also offering a number of receiver design solutions,
has been cultivating the Asian markets with partners and
customers through its extended experience in digital

    China defined the specification of terrestrial digital
audio broadcasting (DAB) and TV in 2006.  "It is known
that China will have to be digital ready for 2008 Olympic
Games, and that's one of the reasons we build a strong
technical and support base in Asia," said CEO, Glenn
Vandevoorde.  "After setting up the design center in
the UK in January, we opened a customer support office in
South Korea last month." "Future Waves plans to
establish more design and support centers in Asia because
it is important for us to be close to our customers in
order to provide immediate support during the important
design-in phase.  It reduces customers' development effort
for DAB/T-DMB receivers and assists them to enter the
market in time." 

    In Asia, manufacturers need to response to market
demand within a very short time.  Naturally it requires
component suppliers to provide total system level solution
and sufficient technical support.  "By saying total
reference design solutions, it doesn't mean that we are now
competing with module makers, instead, we expect to work
with them to fulfill different requirements.  We still see
ourselves as an RF tuner design house; Not only do we offer
competitive RF and total receiver solutions, we also help
our customers dig out the business opportunities in foreign
markets through our strong presence in Taiwan, China, Korea
and Europe," indicated Mr. Vandevoorde.  "We can
put ourselves in our customers' shoes and offer them
advanced technology combined with a thorough understanding
of the markets and players to create win-win

    About Future Waves

    Future Waves targets digital tuners for portable
applications and provides the most flexible RF solution in
addition to industry leading performance regarding power
consumption, cost effectiveness and ease of use. 
Additional information about Future Waves is available at
http://www.f-waves.com .

    For more information, please contact: 

     Kelly Wang
     Marketing Manager 
     Tel: +886-2799-8108
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