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Leading Job Search Engine Recruits volunteers to Protect China's Environment
June 20, 2007

    BEIJING, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Meijob.com,
China's leading job search engine ( http://www.meijob.com
), announced a new agreement with Friends of Nature (FON),
an NGO dedicated to the protection of China's environment. 
FON was established in 1994, as the first non-governmental
organization for environmental protection in China.  

    Under the new agreement, Meijob.com will provide FON
with a professional platform to recruit volunteers for the
organization's various activities throughout China.  The
volunteers will take part in FON's "Everyone Pays for
Global Warming" program, and help raise awareness of
climate change and the negative effects carbon emissions
have on our environment.  
    Meijob.com and FON signed a cooperation memorandum,
giving FON access to Meijob.com's recruitment platform,
free of charge, for a period of one year.  "The new
agreement initiates a new mode of recruiting volunteers for
environmental causes in China," says Barak Paz-Tal,
co-founder of Meijob.  
    "Since Meijob.com's official launch in March this
year, we have seen tremendous growth to our business,"
says Paz-Tal, "China's economy is also growing at a
fast pace.  It is important to make sure that this growth
goes hand in hand with social responsibility, and caring
for the environment."
    "As China's leading job search engine, we see it
as our responsibility to lead and inspire other companies
to make an effort in this direction."

    About FON
    Friends of Nature (FON) was established in 1994.  It is
the oldest non-governmental environmental protection
organizations.  It has been working in environmental
education, nature conservation, and public participation in
the environmental protection cause.  Based on environment
education and nature conservation, it has established and
spread green culture with Chinese characteristics, so as to
promote the cause of sustainable development. After a
decade's development, FON has become a well-known
environmental NGO with excellent public credit and great
influence.  It has made major contribution to China's
environmental protection cause and the development of civil
society. It has become one of the organizations in China.

    About Meijob 
    http://www.Meijob.com is China's leading job search
engine.  Meijob's job crawler aggregates over 240,000
employment opportunities from more than 40 job sites into
one easy-to-use website.  As the first bilingual interface
job searching website in China, Meijob.com employs the
latest Ajax technology to process large amount of
information and provides jobseekers with seamless access to
jobs from various sources.  
     Meijob.com enjoys more than 3 million page views per
month, and has more than 100,000 registered users, 95% of
which are Chinese users from China mainland.  

    For more information, please contact:  

     Ms. Li Jian, 
     Development head of FON volunteers          
     Mobile: +86-136-8128-3826
     Email:  lijian@fon.org.cn

     Mr. Yang Yeqing, 
     PR Manager of Meijob
     Mobile: +86-139-010-62177
     Email:  yesiing@meijob.com

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