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3.53 Billion Shares Trade Over Thomson Financial's Order Routing Network in Record Day
June 20, 2007

Thomson's Global Expansion in Equities Strengthened by
Addition of New Local Broker Destinations in Emerging
European, Asian and Latin American Markets

    NEW YORK, June 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Thomson
Financial, an operating unit of The Thomson Corporation
(NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and a leading provider of information
and technology solutions to the worldwide financial
community, today announced record one-day trading volume of
3.53 billion shares on its Thomson Order Routing network. 

    "These record volumes are evidence of our growing
global network and our continuous expansion into new and
emerging markets," said Albert Lojko, Head of
Institutional Equities at Thomson Financial. "In less
than three years we've seen a 50% increase in the volumes
traded on our electronic order routing network." 

    As regional brokers in Asia, Europe, and Latin America
follow established markets in the shift to electronic
trading, they are increasingly turning to Thomson Order
Routing to connect with more than 700 leading brokers and
asset managers. 

    Recently, Thomson added GBM and Finamex, the first
local brokers in Mexico to join a growing list of emerging
market destinations on the Thomson Order Routing network,
including Turkey, Poland, Greece, Russia, India, China,
Taiwan, Korea, among dozens of others. 

    "Thomson's global reach, and reputation for
reliability, speed and value, make it the obvious choice
for us in driving local and international order flow to our
desks," said Carlos Ramirez, head of electronic trading
services at Mexico City-based Finamex Casa de Bolsa.
"Thomson Order Routing connects me to hundreds of
international buy-side firms looking to trade on the Latin
America exchanges." 

    With broker destinations in more than 50 markets, in
Asia, Europe, and Latin America, Thomson's equities network
continues to expand its global footprint by leading the
growth of electronic trading, not only in established
markets, but new and emerging markets. 

    About Thomson Order Routing

    The Thomson Order Routing, network is the largest
global hub-and-spoke network, connecting traders across
continents and time zones to any trading partner and venue.
 The order routing service is both market and
broker-neutral, transferring industry-standard order and
execution FIX messages, between institutional and broker
trading partners.  Thomson Order Routing is part of Thomson
Financial's Institutional Equities segment, which helps
equity traders optimize their performance by enabling the
buy-side to identify trading opportunities, achieve best
execution and minimize market impact.   Additionally,
Thomson Financial's Institutional Equities helps the
sell-side maximize trade volumes and better serve their
customers, with solutions that support the entire trading
workflow, from pre-trade cost analysis, market awareness
and liquidity discovery to order management and post trade

    About Thomson Financial

    Thomson Financial, with 2006 revenues of US$2 billion,
is a provider of information and technology solutions to
the worldwide financial community.  Through the widest
range of products and services in the industry, Thomson
Financial helps clients in more than 70 countries make
better decisions, be more productive and achieve superior
results.  Thomson Financial is part of The Thomson
Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ), a global leader in
providing essential electronic workflow solutions to
business and professional customers.  With operational
headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides
value-added information, software tools and applications to
professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting,
financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The
Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and
Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC).

    For more information, please contact:

     Joseph Christinat
     Public Relations Manager
     Thomson Financial
     Tel:   +1-646-822-2392
     Email: joe.christinat@thomson.com
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