Life Sciences Contribution to Reach Millennium Development Goals

July 21, 2006

-- From BioVision to BioAction -- BioVision Preliminary Agenda and Pre-Conferences Reports are Available at http://www.biovision.org -- http://www.biovision-blog.org Now Open for Discussion and Debates Prior to the Forum -- Your Media Accreditation http://www.biovision.org/press_room.htm LYON, France, July 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The 5th World Life Science Forum, BioVision, will take place from March 11th to 14th, 2007 in Lyon (France). BioVision is a unique international platform that aims to facilitate dialogue, debates and set up proposals for actions on challenging issues related to Life Sciences. It gathers representatives from science, political leaders, industry, NGOs and society at large. The Forum contributes to a better understanding of the opportunities and risks linked to scientific achievements and their applications in health, agriculture, nutrition and environment. This 5th edition of BioVision will focus on "The Contribution of Life Sciences to the Millennium Development Goals". Thus, out of the eight Millennium Goals adopted in 2000, fight poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental damage and discrimination against women, six are directly related to Life Sciences. BioVision to BioAction: BioVision is setting up a new form of architecture both upstream and downstream of the Forum in order to translate concrete operational projects. Upstream, a series of Pre-conferences are organised throughout 2006. Led by different partners, associating international experts in each of this field covered, the meetings will enable to explore and develop one of nine topics within the three core areas of Health, Agriculture/Nutrition and Environment related to Millennium Development Goals. The results of the discussions will be summarized in reports, which will serve to both set the basis for discussions and speed up the adoption of conclusions to ensure the Forum translates into concrete operational projects. Topics, agenda and first Pre-conferences reports are available: http://www.biovision.org/preconf_uk.htm Downstream, the "World Foundation for Life Sciences" has been created to provide the financial means required for the implementation of the operational projects born from the conclusions of the Forum. YOUR CONTACTS FOR BIOVISION 2007 General information, preliminary conferences' reports, agenda, news http://www.biovision.org Media accreditation, press releases, ad-hoc docs' http://www.biovision.org/press_room.htm Blog for open discussion and debates http://www.biovision-blog.org For more information, please contact: Edelman Anna Adlewska Email: anna.adlewska@edelman.com Clina Viollet Tel: +33-1-56-69-75-00 Email: clina.viollet@edelman.com BioVision 2007 organization team Andre de Marco Tel: +33-6-13-53-32-39 Email: andredemarco@yahoo.com Sophie L'Arnaud Tel: +33-4-78-92-70-11 Email: sophie.larnaud@biovision.org SOURCE BioVision
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